I hereby release, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless, and covenant not to sue, Answers in Genesis, Inc. ("Answers in Genesis"), and all their affiliated companies, including but not limited to Crosswater Canyon, Inc., and Ark Encounter, LLC, and their respective directors, officers, members, employees, volunteers, contractors, agents, and representatives from and against any and all liabilities, loss, or damage to persons or property which may occur in connection with my participation in fitness activities at the Fitness Center at the Answers in Genesis headquarters (HQ), to the fullest extent permitted by law. I agree to assume all risks associated with my participation in such activities, including but not limited to: aerobic activities and the use of exercise equipment such as ellipticals, tread mills, stationary bikes, weight bench, weight machines (leg press, leg curl, seated row, hip adductor/abductor, shoulder press) bench press, dumb bells, kettle bells, exercise ball, and other activities and equipment at the Fitness Center. I acknowledge that there are risks of personal injury for persons engaging in such activities, and I represent that I am in good physical condition and am able to participate in such activities. I grant Answers in Genesis or its designee the right to use my name, likeness, image, voice, appearance and performance from the event embodied in any video, film, broadcast, photographs, slides, or other media or product, now known or later developed, including all copyright interests therein, and acknowledge that I have no interest or ownership in such products or their copyright. If participant is a minor, then acceptance of this Agreement is made on behalf of such minor by the parent or guardian noted below.
Today's date: March 25, 2025