
360 Tactical Readiness Solutions - Student Registration

Release and Waiver of Liability

The undersigned acknowledges that the reaction to, possession of, and/or use of firearms is potentially dangerous, and involves risk of serious personal injury, death, psychological trauma, and/or other personal and financial liability. The undersigned agrees to assume all risk and waives any and all claims of liability for personal injury, death, psychological trauma, and/or personal or financial loss.

The full payment of class has been paid to secure my place in a class on (date) February 9, 2025 Your payment is good for 90 days and is nonrefundable. If you fail to take a class within the 90 days another deposit will be required to sign up for another class, your deposit is transferable. I understand that my seat in the class is not secure until I have completed the registration and made the payment. Please when possible complete both the aforementioned at least one week before he class. Contact us if you need to make adjustments.

Please be sure to be on time for class. We want to be considerate of all who attend. If you are more than fifteen minutes late for class you will be rolled into the next available class. Please feel free to bring whatever you would need to be comfortable during class; sweater, something to drink, snacks, pen, and pad. Please no open toe shoes or sandals to be worn in the range. In addition, no low-cut shirts or blouses and if you have one bring a baseball cap.

By signing I am in agreement with all statements above.

February 9, 2025

First Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

First Participant's Age Acknowledgment*
First Participant's Date of Birth*
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older
First Participant's Information
I give 360 TRS LLC permission to use any and all pictures of myself, that are taken during classes or trainings for marketing materials, social media, or their website.*

Please answer the following:

Do you have a felony?*

If you have a felony, you can cancel your registration and your money will be returned.

Are you currently under the influence of alcohol or drugs?*
I understand if I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs, I will not be permitted to handle a firearm.
First Participant's Signature*
Second Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Second Participant's Date of Birth*
Second Participant's Information
I give 360 TRS LLC permission to use any and all pictures of myself, that are taken during classes or trainings for marketing materials, social media, or their website.*

Please answer the following:

Do you have a felony?*

If you have a felony, you can cancel your registration and your money will be returned.

Are you currently under the influence of alcohol or drugs?*
I understand if I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs, I will not be permitted to handle a firearm.
Third Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Third Participant's Date of Birth*
Third Participant's Information
I give 360 TRS LLC permission to use any and all pictures of myself, that are taken during classes or trainings for marketing materials, social media, or their website.*

Please answer the following:

Do you have a felony?*

If you have a felony, you can cancel your registration and your money will be returned.

Are you currently under the influence of alcohol or drugs?*
I understand if I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs, I will not be permitted to handle a firearm.
Fourth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Fourth Participant's Date of Birth*
Fourth Participant's Information
I give 360 TRS LLC permission to use any and all pictures of myself, that are taken during classes or trainings for marketing materials, social media, or their website.*

Please answer the following:

Do you have a felony?*

If you have a felony, you can cancel your registration and your money will be returned.

Are you currently under the influence of alcohol or drugs?*
I understand if I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs, I will not be permitted to handle a firearm.
Fifth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Fifth Participant's Date of Birth*
Fifth Participant's Information
I give 360 TRS LLC permission to use any and all pictures of myself, that are taken during classes or trainings for marketing materials, social media, or their website.*

Please answer the following:

Do you have a felony?*

If you have a felony, you can cancel your registration and your money will be returned.

Are you currently under the influence of alcohol or drugs?*
I understand if I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs, I will not be permitted to handle a firearm.
Sixth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Sixth Participant's Date of Birth*
Sixth Participant's Information
I give 360 TRS LLC permission to use any and all pictures of myself, that are taken during classes or trainings for marketing materials, social media, or their website.*

Please answer the following:

Do you have a felony?*

If you have a felony, you can cancel your registration and your money will be returned.

Are you currently under the influence of alcohol or drugs?*
I understand if I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs, I will not be permitted to handle a firearm.
Seventh Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Seventh Participant's Date of Birth*
Seventh Participant's Information
I give 360 TRS LLC permission to use any and all pictures of myself, that are taken during classes or trainings for marketing materials, social media, or their website.*

Please answer the following:

Do you have a felony?*

If you have a felony, you can cancel your registration and your money will be returned.

Are you currently under the influence of alcohol or drugs?*
I understand if I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs, I will not be permitted to handle a firearm.
Eighth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Eighth Participant's Date of Birth*
Eighth Participant's Information
I give 360 TRS LLC permission to use any and all pictures of myself, that are taken during classes or trainings for marketing materials, social media, or their website.*

Please answer the following:

Do you have a felony?*

If you have a felony, you can cancel your registration and your money will be returned.

Are you currently under the influence of alcohol or drugs?*
I understand if I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs, I will not be permitted to handle a firearm.
Ninth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Ninth Participant's Date of Birth*
Ninth Participant's Information
I give 360 TRS LLC permission to use any and all pictures of myself, that are taken during classes or trainings for marketing materials, social media, or their website.*

Please answer the following:

Do you have a felony?*

If you have a felony, you can cancel your registration and your money will be returned.

Are you currently under the influence of alcohol or drugs?*
I understand if I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs, I will not be permitted to handle a firearm.
Tenth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Tenth Participant's Date of Birth*
Tenth Participant's Information
I give 360 TRS LLC permission to use any and all pictures of myself, that are taken during classes or trainings for marketing materials, social media, or their website.*

Please answer the following:

Do you have a felony?*

If you have a felony, you can cancel your registration and your money will be returned.

Are you currently under the influence of alcohol or drugs?*
I understand if I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs, I will not be permitted to handle a firearm.
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
Check to receive information, news, and discounts by e-mail.
Participant's Address
Address Line 1:*
Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o
Address Line 2:
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
Additional Information

Instructions: Select desired class above and complete the form and return it to 360 T.R.S. L.L.C.

Basic Pistol
Concealed Carry
Utah CFP
Private Lesson
Parent(s) or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the Parent or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Parent or Guardian's Age Acknowledgment*
Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older
Parent or Guardian's Information
I give 360 TRS LLC permission to use any and all pictures of myself, that are taken during classes or trainings for marketing materials, social media, or their website.*

Please answer the following:

Do you have a felony?*

If you have a felony, you can cancel your registration and your money will be returned.

Are you currently under the influence of alcohol or drugs?*
I understand if I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs, I will not be permitted to handle a firearm.
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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