Kitchens can be dangerous places! Accidents can happen involving knives, hot stoves and boiling liquid, or pans dropping. People slip on floors—embarrassing! Participants may discover that they are allergic to ingredients used in cooking. Participants may make themselves sick due to improper food handling or washing up. Consumption of raw or undercooked food increases the risk of contracting food-borne illness. Consumption of alcoholic beverages may increase the risk of injury. In exchange for being permitted to participate in a cooking class taught by Hungry Traveler, Ltd., an Ohio Limited Liability Company doing business as Tablespoon Cooking Company (“Tablespoon Cooking Company”), I acknowledge that I have read and understood this Waiver and that I agree to its terms as a condition of participating in my cooking class. I have informed Tablespoon Cooking Company of any known food allergies that I have. I release the following from all liability caused by my participation: Tablespoon Cooking Company, its officers, directors, members and managers, and all other members of its cooking school staff, whether contracted or employed, who might otherwise be liable to me. I grant Tablespoon Cooking Company all rights and consent to copyright, use, re-use, publish or re-publish, copy, exhibit or distribute all photographs of myself and/or video of myself to be used for its website, social media, and any educational, training or promotional electronic or printed material without restriction as to frequency or duration of usage and without compensation. By signing this Waiver, I acknowledge that I have carefully read this Waiver and fully understand its contents. I assume all risks associated with the culinary activity experience provided by Tablespoon Cooking Company. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract between myself and Tablespoon Cooking Company and any staff member of the cooking class, whether contracted or employed. January 14, 2025 |