WARNING: THIS LIMITS YOUR RIGHTS AND THE LANDOWNER’S LIABILITY. READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING. In consideration for permission granted to me to use trails accessible from the Kite Lake Trailhead, FREE OF CHARGE, I understand I am engaging in a recreational activity in an area where historic mining activities may have occurred. I understand this activity is HAZARDOUS AND INVOLVES THE RISK OF SERIOUS INJURY AND/OR DEATH. I acknowledge dangers can include but are not limited to: dangers caused by terrain, weather conditions, historic mining activity (which could cause unstable ground and/or cave-ins causing subsidence of surface soils which can be sudden and unanticipated), historic mining equipment, altitude sickness, dehydration, sunburn, the actions of other people or animals and mental distress from exposure to any one of the above. I acknowledge and assume ALL risks associated with this activity. For myself and my minor children, I IRREVOCABLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY RELEASE, FOREVER DISCHARGE, AND AGREE NOT TO SUE OR BRING ANY OTHER LEGAL ACTION AGAINST THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY AND/OR MINING CLAIMS (including any of their affiliated companies and subsidiaries, insurers, successors in interest, affiliates, agents, employees, representatives, assignees, officers, directors, and shareholders) FOR ANY INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, LOSS, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR EXPENSE, WHICH I OR MY MINOR CHILDREN - MAY SUSTAIN, ARISING IN WHOLE OR IN PART OUT OF THE USE OF PROPERTY AND/OR MINING CLAIMS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY ACTUAL OR ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE AND ANY CLAIM(S) BASED ON ACTUAL OR ALLEGED BREACH OF ANY STATUTORY OR OTHER DUTY OF CARE. I UNDERSTAND THAT IF I LEAVE THE MARKED TRAIL, I AM TRESPASSING I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FOREGOING REQUEST AND RELEASE WHICH SHALL BE BINDING UPON ME, MY SUCCESSORS, REPRESENTATIVES, HEIRS, EXECUTORS, ASSIGNS OR TRANSFEREES. I witness whereof, I have executed this document, this day of March 14, 2025 Approval is for the date specified only. Approved by: undersigned Date: March 14, 2025 APPROVALS OF THIS RELEASE ALLOWS THE PARTICIPANT TO ENTER ON PROPERTIES THAT THE TRAIL CROSSES THAT ARE WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY OWNED BY THE OWNER. APPROVAL DOES NOT GRANT ACCESS OVER OR ON PROPERTIES OWNED OR PARTIALLY OWNED BY OTHERS. Today's Date: March 14, 2025