THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING WAIVER OF LIABILITY, RELEASE, EXPRESS ASSUMPTION OF RISK, INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT (hereinafter referred to as the “Waiver”). Please read the Waiver carefully. Fill in all blanks and place your initials on the line at the end of each paragraph before signing the last page. Your initials and signature indicate you have read and understood the terms of this Wavier and agree to be bound by it. 1. Voluntary Participation. I, (the “Participant”) being eighteen (18) years old or older acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied to enter at least one of the annual SCORE off road racing events which include the San Felipe 250, BAJA 500, Baja 400 and/or BAJA 1000 races (the “Event”) to be conducted in San Felipe, and greater Baja California peninsula in the country of Mexico. As part of my participation I may also participate in pre-running the course, time trials and other preparatory and post-race activities (the “Event and Related Activities”). It is my responsibility as a Participant to ensure I and all of the other Participants on my team have provided original signatures to participate in the Event and Related Activities.
2. Additional Assumption of Risk. HAVING ELECTED TO PARTICIPATE IN ONE OF THE STOCK UTV CLASSES AND HAVE ELECTED TO RUN AN ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER FUEL TANK, I ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIBILITY IN THE EVENT OF FIRE WHETHER FORSEEN OR UNFORESEEN IN CONNECTION WITH MY PARTICIPATION IN THE EVENT AND RELATED ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE TO MYSELF, TEAM MEMBERS, PARTICIPANTS AND ALL OTHER INDIVIDUALS WHO MAYBE HARMED. 3. Knowing Voluntary Execution, Severability, Governing Law, Jurisdiction . I, ALONG WITH THE OTHER PARTICIPANTS LISTED ONTHIS ENTRY HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. WE ARE AWARE THAT THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND A CONTRACT BETWEEN OURSELVES AND RELEASEES TO INCLUDE SCORE International S de RL de Cv.; PROMOTE MEXICO, LLC, DBA SCORE MARKETING AND SIGN IT OF OUR OWN FREE WILL. If any provision herein, or part thereof, is found to be unenforceable or illegal, the remaining provisions, or parts thereof, shall remain in full force and effect. Any and all claims, disputes or actions arising out of, connected with or related to this Waiver, the Event and Related Activities shall be governed exclusively by the laws of Baja California, Mexico and the Parties hereto submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Baja California, Mexico I declare that the participant listed on this entry application possesses the standard of competence necessary and is physically fit for any event of this type for which this entry relates and that the vehicle entered is road worthy and suitable for this Event and Related Activities.
March 11, 2025