• THIS WAIVER WILL EXPIRE AT 11:59 PM ON DECEMBER 31 OF THE CURRENT YEAR IT WAS SIGNED. • ALL RIDERS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR HELMETS AT ALL TIMES WHEN RIDING. • ALL RIDERS RIDE AT THEIR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE R5CICLISMO CYCLING CLUB, THE CLUB, ITS MEMBERS, DIRECTORS, SPONSORS, OFFICIALS, AND ATTORNEYS ASSUME ANY LIABILITY TO THE CLUB OR ANY RIDERS RIDING AS MEMBERS OR GUESTS. I understand that this R5CICLISMO Ride involves riding as part of a group on public streets where hazards exist. I acknowledge that cycling is an inherently dangerous sport and fully realize the dangers of participating in a group bicycle ride and FULLY ASSUME THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH SUCH PARTICIPATION INCLUDING, by way of example, and without limitation to the following: the dangers of collision with pedestrians, vehicles, other riders, and fixed or moving objects; the dangers arising from surface hazards, equipment failure, inadequate safety equipment, R5CICLISMO’S OWN NEGLIGENCE, and weather conditions; and the possibility of serious physical and/or mental trauma, injury, or death associated with cycling. THUS, ALL CLUB MEMBERS AND GUESTS ASSUME THEIR OWN RISK WHEN RIDING WITH R5CICLISMO. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT ALL RIDERS HAVE SOME FORM OF MEDICAL INSURANCE BEFORE RIDING WITH THE CLUB. THE CLUB DOES NOT PROVIDE ANY MEDICAL OR ACCIDENT INSURANCE TO ITS MEMBERS OR GUESTS. THIS IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT. READ IT CAREFULLY. BY SIGNING THIS FORM, YOU WILL ALSO BE GIVING UP ANY LEGAL RIGHT YOU MAY HAVE TO BRING A LAWSUIT AGAINST R5CICLISMO, ITS SPONSORS, MEMBERS, GUESTS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, ATTORNEYS, EMPLOYEES, AND MANAGERS. YOUR SIGNATURE ALSO ACKNOWLEDGES THAT YOU ARE SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT VOLUNTARILY AND OF YOUR OWN FREE WILL AND NOT UNDER COERCION OR DURESS. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT CYCLING IS AN INHERENTLY DANGEROUS SPORT WHERE SERIOUS INJURY AND DEATH CAN AND DOES OCCUR. I understand and agree that I will participate in all Club activities at my own risk. I further understand and agree that the Club is a community organization that provides cycling activities for its members and for the advancement of the sport, which will be a direct benefit to me. I understand this is a non-competitive event and that racing is not allowed. I will obey the California Vehicle Code while on the ride, if I am ticketed by Law Enforcement for failing to obey the rules of the road that will not be cause to bring suit to R5CICLISMO Therefore, on behalf of myself, my heirs, successors and assigns, and personal representatives, I HEREBY WAIVE, RELEASE, HOLD HARMLESS, DISCHARGE, INDEMNIFY AND PROMISE NOT TO SUE R5CICLISMO. d/b/a R5CICLISMO, of its sponsors, members, guests, directors, officers, attorneys and employees (collectively the “Released Parties”) from any and all rights and claims including those arising from the Released Parties’ own negligence, which I have or which I may hereafter accrue from any and all damages sustained by me of any kind directly or indirectly in connection with, or arising out of, my participation in any races, training/club rides or other activities run, sponsored, promoted or encouraged by the Club or travel to or return from such activities. I represent that, based upon a recent physical examination by a licensed medical provider, to the best of my knowledge I have no medical or physical condition that would affect my ability to participate in bicycle riding or any Club event or that my participation would endanger my health. I acknowledge that I have been advised to read this entire document carefully and that it has legal consequences. I represent that I have read the document carefully and that I am knowingly and voluntarily signing this waiver. For internal and external use, R5CICLISMO may obtain, compile, and use contact information, photographs and audiovisual recordings of me. I consent to such uses and hereby waive all rights to approval and compensation. I agree to use an electronic signature and that any physical or electronic copy of this Agreement, and its attachments can be used as if it was an original. I am an adult of the age of majority in California. I agree to the terms and conditions hereof shall apply to all of my participation in the Activities, regardless of the year in which such participation takes place unless superseded by a new Agreement. I ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THIS AGREEMENT IS INTENDED TO BE AS BROAD AND INCLUSIVE AS PERMITTED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND AGREE THAT IF ANY PORTION OF THIS AGREEMENT IS DEEMED TO BE INVALID, THE REMAINDER WILL CONTINUE IN FULL LEGAL FORCE AND EFFECT.
March 8, 2025