PLEASE READ THIS DOCUMENT CAREFULLY. BY SIGNING, YOU ARE GIVING UP ALL LEGAL RIGHTS. NOTE: THIS FORM MUST BE READ AND SIGNED BEFORE THE PARTICIPANT IS ALLOWED TO TAKE PART IN ANY GT GREENVILLE, LLC EVENT. This Release and Indemnification Agreement (Agreement) is entered into by the Adult Participant, and if any minor(s) is/are named below, the Adult Participant on behalf of and as parent or legal guardian for such Child Participant(s) identified below in favor of GT Greenville, LLC (Group Therapy Pub & Playground). Collectively and severally, Adult Participant and Child Participant, their heirs, successors, and assigns are hereinafter referred to as the Participant. In consideration of Group Therapy permitting Participant to enter the Premises and participate in the Activities, including the Activities that may occur in, about, or near 320 Falls Street Suite G, Greenville, SC 29601 Participant agrees as follows: 1. Nature of the Activities. Group Therapy operates an entertainment facility with offers participants (a) the opportunity to participate actively or passively, in mini golf, axe throwing, synthetic ice curling, ping pong, arcade games, claw machines, photo booths, backyard games including but not limited to corn hole, ladder golf, fowling, spikeball, karaoke, trivia, bingo, drunk spelling bee and other miscellaneous entertainment including but not limited to instruction, training, leagues, competitions, tournaments, events, and programs and (b) access to the premises and pub areas (collectively, activities). 2. Types of Risks.
a. Risks Associated with Activities. Participant acknowledges there are inherent risks in and injuries that may occur from participating in the activities, including, but not limited to, equipment malfunction; defective design or manufacture of equipment; improper or negligent installation of equipment; negligent maintenance of equipment; cuts; bruises; muscle strain; twisted or sprained ankles, knees, shoulders, or wrists; burns; dirt or other material in eye; concussions; broken bones; physical or emotional injuries; landing wrong; over-exertion; failure to the attraction surface or attachments; being hit by a ball; being hit by an axe; being hit by a putters; being hit by a table tennis racket; being hit by a curling stone; being hit by any obstruction; collisions with other participants; erratic co-participant behavior; collisions with standards and supports; using improper form or technique; slipping, falling, or tripping; equipment failure; error or judgment by employees; paralysis, disability, or death; personal injury to third persons; or property damage. Due to disco lights in the bathroom a risk of injury is a seizure due to epilepsy. Other risks include, but are not limited to, blindness, bruises or other injuries; injuries caused by collisions with objects, other participants, or uneven surfaces; medical conditions resulting from physical or mental activity; and damaged clothing or other property, scarring, loss of an important bodily function, permanent disability, and death. I understand such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity. Due to the nature of the activities, there are more hazards and risks than the foregoing, and there are also unknown and foreseeable hazards. If you have any questions please contact a manager before purchasing admission. Should you believe the risks are too much for you to bear and choose to forego your experience, please notify a manager to receive a full refund prior to your event booking.
b. Exposure to Bacteria, Fungus, Virus and Unknown Contagious Diseases. By entering the Premises or when engaging in the Activities, there is a risk of exposure to bacteria, fungus, viruses, unknown contagious diseases, and COVID-19, which notwithstanding governmental recommendations and the practices of Group Therapy, cannot be eliminated. CONSEQUENTLY, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, PARTICIPANT KNOWINGLY AND FULLY ASSUMES THE RISK OF, RELEASES, AND SHALL INDEMNIFY GROUP THERAPY FROM ALL CLAIMS (AS DEFINED IN SECTION 5 BELOW) OR BODILY INJURY RESULTING FROM PARTICIPANT’S EXPOSURE TO ANY BACTERIA, FUNGUS, VIRUS, UNKNOWN CONTAGIOUS DISEASES OR COVID-19 AND IN ANY WAY CONNECTED TO PARTICIPANT’S ENTRY INTO THE PREMISES OR ENGAGEMENT IN THE ACTIVITIES. FURTHER, ADULT PARTICIPANT ON BEHALF OF HIM/HERSELF AND THAT OF THE CHILD PARTICIPANT(S) CONSENTS TO HAVING THEIR TEMPERATURE TAKEN BY GROUP THERAPY AND ACKNOWLEDGES THEY MAY BE DENIED ACCESS TO OR FORCED TO VACATE THE PREMISES IF THEY EVIDENCE SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE TO BACTERIA, FUNGUS, VIRUSES, UNKNOWN CONTAGIOUS DISEASES OR COVID-19 AS IDENTIFIED BY THE CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION. 3. Assumption of Risks. Notwithstanding the foregoing risks and the safety measures implemented by Group Therapy, Participant acknowledges it is impossible to eliminate all risk of injury and understands the demands of the Activities relative to Participant’s physical condition and skill level. PARTICIPANT AFFIRMS THAT PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITIES IS VOLUNTARY AND PARTICIPANT KNOWINGLY, WITH UNDERSTANDING OF THE RISKS AND POTENTIAL INJURIES, ASSUMES ALL RISKS INHERENT WITH THE ACTIVITIES AND ACCESS TO THE PREMISES. 4. Alcohol. Participant agrees to exercise ordinary and reasonable care and to not consume alcohol to the extent Participant’s judgment is impaired. Participant understands the potential risks associated with the consumption of alcohol and engaging with Activities, and acknowledges Participant does not have and is not aware of any medical condition that would result in any injury to Participant due to Participant’s consumption of alcohol. Participant assumes the risks associated with alcohol consumption and takes full responsibility for Participant’s own actions, safety, and welfare. Participants also understand that resources are available to them to safely get a taxi or rideshare to avoid having to drive after consuming Alcohol. 5. Release and Indemnity. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, ADULT PARTICIPANT ON BEHALF OF HIMSELF, CHILD PARTICIPANT, AND THEIR HEIRS, EXECUTORS, AND REPRESENTATIVES RELEASES, AGREES NOT TO SUE, AND SHALL INDEMNIFY AND DEFEND GROUP THERAPY, GT GREENVILLE, LLC, CAP CAMPERDOWN, LLC, EATERTAINMENT VENTURES, LLC, THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE PREMISES, THE LANDLORD, MORTGAGEES AND MANAGEMENT COMPANY OF THE PREMISES, AND ANY OF THEIR LENDERS, PARENTS, AFFILIATES, SUBSIDIARIES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, SHAREHOLDERS, MEMBERS, MANAGERS, PARTNERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, REPRESENTATIVES, HEIRS, ASSIGNS, VOLUNTEERS, INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS, EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS, AND INSURERS OF ALL OF THEM (COLLECTIVELY, PROTECTED PARTIES) FROM AND AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, LOSSES, DAMAGES, CLAIMS, DEMANDS, ACTIONS, SUITS, CAUSES OF ACTION, COSTS, FEES, AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEY’S FEES AND COURT OR OTHER COSTS) (COLLECTIVELY, CLAIMS) RELATING TO, RESULTING FROM, OR ARISING OUT OF OR ALLEGED TO HAVE ARISEN OUT OF (IN WHOLE OR IN PART) ANY PROPERTY DAMAGE OR BODILY INJURY (INCLUDING DEATH) TO PARTICIPANT RESULTING IN ANY WAY FROM (A) PARTICIPANT’S USE OF THE PREMISES, (B) PARTICIPANT’S ACTIVE OR PASSIVE PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITIES, (C) LOSS OR THEFT OF PERSONAL PROPERTY, (D) FROM THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL AT THE PREMISES BY PARTICIPANT OR ANY OTHER INVITEE OF GROUP THERAPY, OR (E) PARTICIPANT’S BREACH OF THIS AGREEMENT. THIS RELEASE AND INDEMNITY SHALL APPLY EVEN IF ANY CLAIM IS CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE, GROSS NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OF THE PROTECTED PARTIES OR PARTICIPANT. THE INDEMNITY SHALL ALSO INCLUDE ADULT PARTICIPANT’S OBLIGATION TO INDEMNIFY THE PROTECTED PARTIES FROM (A) ANY SUM OR SETTLEMENT PAID TO OR ON BEHALF OF THE CHILD PARTICIPANT RESULTING FROM A CLAIM IN ANY WAY INVOLVING THE FOREGOING SUBSECTIONS AND (B) ALL CLAIMS RESULTING FROM OR RELATING TO ANY INSUFFICIENCY OF PARTICIPANT’S LEGAL CAPACITY OR AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT FOR OR ON BEHALF OF THE CHILD PARTICIPANT. 6. Dispute Resolution. a. Arbitration. Any dispute or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, breach thereof, the Premises, Activities, property damage (real or personal), personal injury (including death), or the scope, arbitrability, or validity of this arbitration agreement (Dispute) shall be brought by the parties in their individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative capacity, and settled by binding arbitration before a single arbitrator administered by the American Arbitration Association (AAA) per its Commercial Industry Arbitration Rules in effect at the time the demand for arbitration is filed. Judgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any federal or state court having jurisdiction thereof. The arbitrator shall have no authority to award punitive or exemplary damages. If the Dispute cannot be heard by the AAA for any reason, the Dispute shall be heard by an arbitrator mutually selected by the parties. If the parties cannot agree upon an arbitrator, then either party may petition an appropriate court to appoint an arbitrator. Arbitration and the enforcement of any award rendered in the arbitration proceedings shall be subject to and governed by 9 U.S.C. § 1 et seq. b. Waiver of Jury Trial. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, ADULT PARTICIPANT AND GROUP THERAPY KNOWINGLY, WILLINGLY, AND VOLUNTARILY, WITH FULL AWARENESS OF THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES, AFTER CONSULTING WITH COUNSEL (OR AFTER HAVING WAIVED THE OPPORTUNITY TO CONSULT WITH COUNSEL) AGREE TO WAIVE THEIR RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL OF ANY DISPUTE AND TO RESOLVE ANY AND ALL DISPUTES THROUGH ARBITRATION. The right to a trial by jury is a right parties would or might otherwise have had under the Constitutions of the United States of America and the state in which the Premises is located. 7. License. Participant irrevocably grants the Protected Parties the right to use all or a portion of an image or video of Participant and their name and likeness in all forms and media including composite or modified representations for all purposes, including advertising, trade or any commercial purpose throughout the world and in perpetuity and without compensation. PARTICIPANT WAIVES THE RIGHT TO INSPECT OR APPROVE VERSIONS OF IMAGES OR VIDEOS USED FOR PUBLICATION OR THE WRITTEN COPY THAT MAY BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE IMAGES/VIDEOS. PARTICIPANT RELEASES THE PROTECTED PARTIES FROM ANY CLAIMS THAT MAY ARISE REGARDING THE USE OF PARTICIPANT’S STATEMENTS, VIDEOS, OR IMAGES INCLUDING ANY CLAIMS OF DEFAMATION, INVASION OF PRIVACY, OR INFRINGEMENT OF MORAL RIGHTS, RIGHTS OF PUBLICITY, OR COPYRIGHT. 8. Authority. If Adult Participant signs this Agreement on behalf of his/her spouse, child, family member, friend, minor child, or other person, Adult Participant warrants and represents to Group Therapy that he/she has the legal authority and such person’s actual and implied authority to execute this Agreement on their behalf, including, but not limited to, the arbitration clause, release, indemnity agreement, and license. 9. Acknowledgements. Participant represents to the Protected Parties that this Agreement is a complete and final release and indemnity agreement, that Participant is voluntarily entering into this Agreement, and no representations, promises, or statements made by any of the Protected Parties has influenced Participant in signing this Agreement. Participant agrees that there are no oral agreements, representations, promises, or warranties that are not expressly set forth herein, this Agreement may only be modified in writing, and that Participant is not relying on any statements or representations of the Protected Parties that are not expressly contained herein. Participant expressly agrees that this Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the state in which the Premises is located and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. Venue for any action brought hereunder or due to Participant’s use of the Premises or participation in the Activities shall lie in the County in which the Premises is located. The substantive laws of the state in which the Premises is located shall apply. By signing below, Participant authorizes Group Therapy to communicate with Participant via email, with updates, news, advertisements, and offers. 10. Representations by Participant. Participant represents to the Protected Parties as follows: a. Participant shall obey all rules while participating in the Activities and alert the staff of any rules violations or dangerous behavior. b. Participant possesses a sufficient level of skill and physical fitness for safe participation in the Activities. c. Participant shall only attempt Activities that Participant can perform safely. d. Participant is not aware of any health problems that would prevent him/her from participating in the Activities. e. Participant has received either medical clearance from his/her physician prior to participation in the Activities or has determined that such clearance is not necessary for his/her safe participation in the Activities. f. Group Therapy may, but shall not be obligated or required to, administer to Participant emergency aid, CPR, and use an AED (defibrillator), secure emergency medical care or transportation (i.e., EMS), and Participant shall assume all costs of emergency medical care and transportation. g. Participant shall discontinue participation in the Activities if Participant feels any unusual discomfort (e.g., faintness, shortness of breath, high anxiety, or chest pains). h. Participant consents to Group Therapy communicating with Participant via telephone or email and to receiving from Group Therapy on my wireless device mobile service commercial messages. Participant acknowledges that Participant may be charged by his/her wireless service provider in connection with receipt of such mobile messages. Participant acknowledges that he/she may revoke his/her consent at any time. BY EXECUTING THIS AGREEMENT, I REPRESENT I HAD A SUFFICIENT OPPORTUNITY TO READ THIS AGREEMENT, I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS AGREEMENT, HAVE THE ABILITY TO CONSULT LEGAL COUNSEL PRIOR TO SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT, AND I AGREE TO BE BOUND AS SET FORTH HEREIN. March 6, 2025