PARISH NAME: Parishes of Our Lady of Grace and Saint Benedict
PARISH ADDRESS: 1011 Mount Pleasant Road Greensburg PA 15601 / 260 Bruno Road Greensburg PA 15601
EVENT: On-Site Parish/Youth Ministry Events. All off-site events, not held at the 2 locations listed above, will require a separate permission form.
COST: NONE (extra events, with separate permission forms, may incur a fee)
I hereby consent to participation for the above named child(ren) in the event described above. I understand that if stated, this event will take place away from the Church grounds and that my child(ren) will be under the supervision of the designated parish employee on the stated date(s). I further consent to the conditions stated above on participation in this event, including the method of transportation. In case of emergency, we give permission for our child(ren) to be treated at a hospital and/or by a medical doctor. In consideration for providing my child(ren) the opportunity to attend formation and parish activities and any related transportation to and from the parish, both my child(ren) and I voluntarily agree to release and agree to hold PARISH AND DIOCESE OF GREENSBURG harmless from, and waive on behalf of myself/my child(ren), my heirs, and any personal representatives, any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to myself/my child(ren) that may be caused by any act, or failure to act of the PARISH AND DIOCESE OF GREENSBURG or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with my child(ren)’s attendance at a parish/diocesan event to the fullest extent allowed by law. I understand that this release discharges the PARISHES, AND DIOCESE OF GREENSBURG from any liability or claim that I/my child(ren), my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against the parish/ diocese with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, or medical treatment that may arise from, or in connection to, my child(ren)’s attendance at the parish or event. This liability waiver and release extends to the PARISHES, AND DIOCESE OF GREENSBURG together with its clergy, staff, and volunteers. I certify and represent that I have the legal authority to waive, discharge, release, and hold harmless the released parties on behalf of myself and the above-named student.
VIRTUAL GATHERING CONSENT IF NEEDED We, the parents/guardians do hereby give our permission for him/her to attend VIRTUAL YOUTH MINISTRY SESSIONS for the 2024-2025 Catechetical Year. INTRODUCTION This Policy, and any subsequent policies, is designed to make virtual learning available for parish faith formation and youth ministry communities and promote the responsible and safe use of resources. Cooperation and adherence to this Policy is a condition of access to the aforementioned resources. Violation of this Acceptable Use Policy will result in disciplinary action, which may include removal of access or other applicable consequences, and may have significant legal and/or financial consequences. ACCEPTABLE AND UNACCEPTABLE USE The Internet offers the capability for students and catechists to access and share information on a global scale. The scholarly use of the Internet can provide our students and catechists with a world-wide, diverse array of resources. Users will observe the following practices and precautions during virtual learning and online live classroom meetings to help ensure that the use of technology is a safe, productive, and educationally rewarding experience: Students are expected to be on time, appropriately dressed and seated in an appropriate manner for learning.
Students should be respectful at all times of catechist and others in the virtual classroom.
Students screen must use correct names and appropriate backgrounds.
Students remain active, engaged, and visible at all times, face to face.
Students remain on mute and only unmute when called upon.
Students with questions use “raise hand button.”
Student and families may not share the link to the “virtual” classroom with others. Users agree to the following practices to ensure personal safety and well-being: While during virtual faith formation, the user agrees never to transmit personally identifiable information (name, age, gender, social security number, address, phone number, credit/debit card information and the like) of himself or herself as well as that of any other person.
The student agrees never to arrange for a face-to-face meeting with any person at any time during virtual faith formation. Student users will not agree to meet with someone they have met online without their parents' full approval and participation.
The student agrees to notify faith formation personnel immediately if he or she is asked for personal information, views inappropriate materials, or in any other way feels violated, harassed, uncomfortable, or accosted through the use of the parish technology resources.
Users agree to the following statements regarding illegal/unauthorized activities and system security:
The user agrees to access only the Internet and network resources, software and/or hardware provided expressly by the parish for educational purposes.
The user agrees to follow the procedures and best practices recommended by parish personnel or system administrator. These procedures and practices may address respect for the resource limits of the parish, personal safety issues, and/or access to appropriate materials.
The user agrees never to use or respond to inappropriate, obscene, profane, rude, inflammatory, threatening, or disrespectful language.
The user agrees never to post false information or engage in personal, prejudicial, or discriminatory attacks.
The user agrees to at no time unlawfully harass, intimidate, haze, or bully (which includes cyberbully) another person through the use of any parish online resources.
The user agrees never to access, possess, transmit, retransmit or respond to any information containing sexually oriented material.
The user agrees never to use parish technology resources to engage in any illegal, criminal activity or any conduct which is morally inappropriate and/or violates Catholic teachings. The parish will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to any illegal activities.
The user agrees never to plagiarize. Plagiarism is defined as taking the idea or writing of others and presenting them as one's own.
The user agrees to respect the right of intellectual property of other people and to respect all copyright laws. Students agree that if they are unsure whether copyright law is being respected, they will bring this question immediately to the attention of a catechist. Liability: The Diocese of Greensburg, its parishes, its employees, and its faith formation volunteers will not be held responsible for the actions of a user who is in violation of any of the terms of this policy. This responsibility is extended to, but not limited to: loss or unavailability of data or interruptions of service, violations of copyright restrictions, the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the parishes system, or any liability, damages, or financial obligations arising through the unauthorized use of the parish and/or personal technology resources. Warranties:
The Diocese of Greensburg, its parishes, its employees, and its faith formation volunteers makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service we are providing. The Diocese and Parish will not be responsible for the accuracy, quality, or usefulness of information obtained through network connections.
The Diocese and Parish will not be responsible for any information that may be lost, damaged, or unavailable due to technical or other difficulties.
The Diocese and Parish will limit individual user network storage/disk space specific to the needs/responsibilities of the user.
The Diocese and Parish will not be responsible for the contents of any web site bearing their name(s) unless the web page has been authorized by the administration of the Diocese.
The parish administration reserves the right to establish rules and regulations regarding the use of the system. PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION TO ACTIVATE USER PRIVILEGES
I certify that I have read the terms and conditions in the Diocese of Greensburg Faith Formation Acceptable Use Policy and discussed them with my child. I understand that access to the Internet, technology and communications systems are designed for educational, security, and safety purposes and that my child has agreed to abide by the Diocese of Greensburg usage rules. I understand that my child has responsibility for his or her actions in regard to the use of technology resources and recognize my responsibility for governing and guiding access during virtual learning. I also understand that the consequences, as stated in the policy, for inappropriate actions or conduct. I recognize that it is impossible for the Diocese and Parish to restrict access to all controversial materials and I will not hold the Diocese and Parish, or their personnel responsible for material acquired or viewed through technology resources. I hereby give my permission to activate any faith formation technology privileges for my child.
I understand that live virtual meetings that take place without parents present will be recorded for safe environment purposes. These recordings will not be published or shared with anyone except with proper personnel in the instance that safe environment is called into question.. Date: March 14, 2025