
AOS Founding Members Agreement

Sacred Sons thanks you for your trust and support in paving the future for our first home at Sacred Sons Sanctuary in Big Bear, California. Reviewing and signing this memorandum of understanding is the next step to becoming a Founding Member of Angelus Oaks Sanctuary. 

This is a memorandum of understanding between Sacred Sons and Angelus Oaks Sanctuary (AOS) Founding Members that outlines the terms and conditions for a clear and successful binding agreement. Any addendums to this binding agreement cannot be made without mutual agreement between both parties.

Loan Agreement

Sacred Sons will be receiving loans from up to 20 individuals in the amount of $50,000 or more.

All loans will be exclusively used for the purpose of acquiring and outfitting Sacred Sons Sanctuary located at 43630 Rainbow Ln, Angelus Oaks, CA 92305. Sacred Sons withholds the right to apply the loan amount to another property should the deal not go through. Should Sacred Sons not acquire a property for purposes of a Sanctuary all loans will be returned. 

The loan will be paid back in full without interest on or before 5 years from the closing date of the property sale. Sacred Sons reserves the right to pay back a portion or its entirely before 5 years from this date. The terms and conditions of this exchange apply should the loan be paid back before its final due date. Should there be a default on loan repayment to AOS Members, Sacred Sons will sell the property and return the loans to each member. This agreement will be updated with an exact date once the closing date happens as well as a co-signed official document. 


All lenders will be provided access to the following in exchange for their loans through the 5 year period:

  • Recognition as an AOS Founding Member by Sacred Sons in all ways possible. 
  • Sacred Sons will block off 4 calendar weeks of availability per year for AOS Members to stay at the Sanctuary and receive exclusive access to the property. During these 4 weeks (broken up over the course of the year) Sacred Sons core team and leadership will provide accommodations, meals, and opportunities to connect. 
  • There is no financial contribution from AOS Members to Sacred Sons for this exchange. 
  • The 4 weeks will be made available once the home is in Sacred Sons name and it is first come, first serve. 
  • Should there be room for men to extend their time beyond the designated 4 weeks access will be provided to do so, but meals are not included.
  • This agreement ends after 5 years of this offering = to 20 total weeks of available dates to connect in brotherhood at AOS.
  • Exclusive use of the property for individual interests i.e. host a retreat, visit with family, plan a party. 
  • Exclusive access to other Sacred Sons trainings in the form of discounts and room upgrades.
  • Sacred Sons is not obligated to share any financial information with AOS Members about AOS and it´s operations. 

Upon signing this agreement Sacred Sons will send an official co-signed agreement and wiring instructions to complete this agreement. Once the wired amount is received, written and visual proof of the loan being received will be sent to AOS Members.

The below signature affirms that the AOS Members agree to all terms and conditions outlined above. 

First  Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

First  Date of Birth*
First  Signature*
Second Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Second Date of Birth*
Third Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Third Date of Birth*
Fourth Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Fourth Date of Birth*
Fifth Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Fifth Date of Birth*
Sixth Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Sixth Date of Birth*
Seventh Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Seventh Date of Birth*
Eighth Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Eighth Date of Birth*
Ninth Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Ninth Date of Birth*
Tenth Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Tenth Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Email Address

Your signed waiver will be sent to the email address provided here and is available for download for three days via URL attachment.
Parent(s) or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the Parent or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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