Linary Children Ministry Permission Slip and Medical Release
I do hereby give my permission for my son/daughter to go on any event from January 1 of 2022 through December 31 of 2022. I release Linary Church of Christ, and the sponsors of this event from liability for any accident that may occur during the event, or while traveling to, from, and during these events. It is my understanding that these events and activities are approved by the church and will be appropriately chaperoned by adult leaders and parents.
Additionally, in the event that my child becomes ill or sustains an injury during one of these events, I give my permission to those in charge to take the necessary steps in administering proper medical treatment. In the event that I cannot be reached by phone, I consent to the administration of treatment to be rendered to my child upon the advice of a duly-licensed physician and/or surgeon.
I understand that I am giving permission for my child to engage in these events and all activities, and I will not hold the staff, Linary Church of Christ, or sponsors responsible for any incident occurring to my child resulting from reasonable activities during these events.