EQUIPMENT RENTAL AGREEMENT (Winter) LIABILITY RELEASE, INDEMNITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BANFF ADVENTURES UNLIMITED & 603220 ALBERTA LTD. RENTAL AGREEMENT 1. I accept full responsibility for the care of the rental equipment (“Equipment”) listed on the back of this form (or attached form) and I agree to pay for any damage to the Equipment while it is in my possession. I will be responsible for the replacement at full value of any Equipment not returned by the agreed date. Equipment not returned prior to store closing is subject to an extra day(s) charge. 2. I am familiar with the proper use of the Equipment and agree to use the Equipment only for its intended purpose. I understand the rental employees are able to answer questions I may have as to the proper use of the Equipment. ASSUMPTION OF RISKS I am aware that x-country skiing, snowshoeing, skating and hiking (with ice cleats) involve risks, dangers and hazards and that injuries are a common and ordinary occurrence of these sports. SKATING / X-COUNTRY / SNOWSHOEING - I understand that the boot / binding system for this Equipment is not designed or intended to release and will not release under normal circumstances. I understand that as the boot / binding system is non-release system, this system will not reduce the risk of injury during a fall and will increase the risk of not surviving an avalanche. HELMETS AND SAFETY GEAR - I understand serious injury or death can result from use of the Equipment even when a helmet or other safety gear is worn and used. I FREELY ACCEPT AND FULLY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, DANGERS AND HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH USE OF THE EQUIPMENT. RELEASE OF LIABILITY, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT In consideration of the rental of the Equipment, I hereby agree as follows: 1. TO WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS that I have or may in the future have against BANFF ADVENTURES UNLIMITED & 603220 ALBERTA LTD. and its directors, officers, shareholders, agents, rental technicians, employees, successors and assigns (all of whom are hereafter referred to as the “Releasees”) and TO RELEASE the Releasees from any and all liability for any loss, damage, expense or injury including death that I may suffer, or that my next of kin may suffer, resulting from or arising out of any aspect of my use of the Equipment, DUE TO ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, BREACH OF CONTRACT BREACH OF WARRANTY OR BREACH OF ANY STATUTORY DUTY OF CARE INCLUDING ANY DUTY OWED UNDER THE OCCUPIERS LIABILITY ACT R.S.A. 2000, c.O-4 in respect of the design, manufacture, selection, installation, maintenance, inspection, adjustment, service or repair of the Equipment, or in respect of the provision of or the failure to provide any warnings, directions, instructions or guidance as to the use of the Equipment. 2. TO HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY THE RELEASEES from any and all liability for any damage to property of or personal injury to any third party, resulting from my use of the Equipment. 3. This Agreement shall be effective and binding upon my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and representatives, in the event of my death or incapacity. 4. This Agreement and any rights, duties and obligations as between the parties to this Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted solely in accordance with the laws of the Province of Alberta and no other jurisdiction. 5. Any litigation involving the parties to this Agreement shall be brought solely within the Province of Alberta and shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Province of Alberta. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS AGREEMENT AND I AM AWARE THAT BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT I AM WAIVING CERTAIN LEGAL RIGHTS WHICH I OR MY HEIRS, NEXT OF KIN, EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES MAY HAVE AGAINST THE RELEASEES. I Agree I AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT Today's Date: March 25, 2025