VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY This is an agreement between (“volunteer”) and Bay Area Community Health Advisory Council, a fiscally sponsored project of Community Initiatives (“Project”). The volunteer will help the Project fulfill its charitable mission of: Increasing awareness of major health issues affecting African Americans and diverse communities; Advocating for increased health education and access to resources; Actively encouraging accountability for healthy lifestylesThe volunteer will start on 3/1/2025 and complete volunteering on 5/31/2025, unless this agreement is extended by both parties in writing. The volunteer will work directly with the Project to: There are various volunteer tasks to support the event preparations and operations: event planning, marketing, preparing event materials, Soul Stroll reception event support, venue set up, volunteer coordination, operations coordination, t-shirt distribution, registration, food coordination, parking navigation, greeter, vendor coordination, guest services, walk/run trail and finish line operations, hydration station operations, health screenings/education, venue clean-up/breakdown As a volunteer, I understand and agree to the following provisions. 1. I understand that I am volunteering my time and labor on behalf of the public-service and/or humanitarian purposes of the Project. 2. I understand that I am not entitled to wages or any compensation or benefits for the time spent volunteering. I understand that I am not an employee of the Project or CI and shall not be entitled to any benefits provided to its employees. In addition, I will not receive any other thing of value in lieu of compensation in excess of $500 per year. 3. I understand that I will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses related to my volunteer service, as approved by the Project, including but not limited to transportation, meals, lodging, or other incidental expenses. Requests for reimbursement must be accompanied by adequate receipts and details justifying the expenses and submitted in a timely manner. 4. I understand that I am offering my services freely and without coercion and I have no expectation that my volunteer work will result in employment. 5. I understand that the Project may at any time in its discretion, terminate my services or my work without notice or cause. Similarly, I may decline to continue to volunteer without cause or advance notice but will inform my immediate supervisor of my decision. 6. I agree to comply with the policies, rules and regulations of the project and will demonstrate honesty, punctuality, courtesy, cooperative attitude, appropriate attire and a willingness to learn. 7. I agree to report all threats of (or actual) workplace violence, harassment of any kind, fraud or a safety issue as soon as possible to the Project. I understand and acknowledge that I may decline any volunteer role or position at any time if I feel such role presents a risk to my health or safety for any other reason. 8. I understand that transportation to and from the volunteer site is my responsibility unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. 9. I authorize the Project to seek emergency medical treatment on my behalf in case of injury, accident, or illness to me arising from my involvement as a volunteer. I understand that I will be responsible for medical costs incurred by such accident, injury or illness. 10. I agree that all work product created by me for the Project, or otherwise created while I am performing services for the Project (collectively “Work Product”), is owned solely by Community Initiatives (as the fiscal sponsor of the Project). I hereby irrevocably assign, and on the creation of each element of the Work Product, does automatically irrevocably assign, to Community Initiatives, ownership of all intellectual property rights in the Work Product. I waive any moral rights in any such Work Product including, without limitation, rights under 17 U.S.C. §106A. 11. I understand that I assume all the risks of volunteering. In consideration of the opportunity to volunteer, I agree that I and my assignees, heirs, guardians, and legal representatives, will not make a claim against the Project or any of its affiliated organizations, or either of their officers or directors collectively or individually, or any of its employees, for the injury or death of volunteer or damage to my property, however caused, arising from my volunteering. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, I hereby waive and release any and all rights, actions, or causes of action resulting from personal injury or death, or damage to me for my property, sustained in connection with my participation as a volunteer. 12. I agree to hold the Project and Community Initiatives harmless and defend and indemnify them against any and all actions or claims (including reasonable attorney’s fees, judgements, and costs) related to my participation as a volunteer, including but not limited to injuries, death, damage to their property, or other damages or losses, resulting from my volunteer services. 13. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. I AM AWARE THAT THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY, AND SIGN IT OF MY OWN FREE WILL. |