RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY FOR MINORS PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! THIS IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT THAT AFFECTS YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS! This Release and Waiver of Liability (the “Release”) is executed by the below named Minor, a minor child (“Minor”) and the below named Guardian, the parent and/or legal guardian having legal custody of the Minor (“Guardian”) in favor of Counts & Lane Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Gymnastics Counts, a Tennessee corporation, its directors, officers, employees and agents (collectively, “Gymnastics Counts”). The Minor and Guardian desire that the Minor participate in activities related to physical activity, including practicing, training, taking class, competing, participating in open gym, special events, demonstrations or shows, or in any other way involved in gymnastics, cheerleading, or teams. The Minor and the Guardian understand that the desired activities may include climbing, running, playing, swinging, jumping, lifting, and using gymnastics equipment. The Minor and Guardian do hereby freely, voluntarily and without duress execute this Release under the following terms: 1. Waiver and Release. Minor and Guardian do hereby release and forever discharge and hold harmless Gymnastics Counts and its successors and assigns from any and all liability, claims and demands of whatever kind or nature, either in law or in equity, which arise or may hereafter arise from Minor’s participation in activities with Gymnastics Counts and on premises owned by Gymnastics Counts. Minor and Guardian understand that this Release discharges Gymnastics Counts from any liability or claim that the Minor of Guardian may have against Gymnastics Counts with respect to any bodily injury, personal injury, illness, death or property damages that may result from Minor’s participation in activities with Gymnastics Counts and on premises owned by Gymnastics Counts, whether caused by the negligence of Gymnastics Counts or its officers, directors, employees, or agents or the negligence of others, the condition of the facilities, equipment, or areas where the activity is being conducted, and/or the rules of play of this type of activity. Minor and Guardian also understand that Gymnastics Counts does not assume any responsibility for or obligation to provide financial assistance or other assistance, including but not limited to medical, health, or disability insurance in the event of injury or illness. 2. Assumption of the Risk. The Minor and Guardian understand that the participation in activities with Gymnastics Counts may include activities that may be hazardous to the Minor, including, but not limited to, climbing, running, playing, swinging, jumping, and using gymnastics equipment. Minor and Guardian hereby expressly and specifically assume the risk of injury or harm in these activities and release Gymnastics Counts from all liability for injury, illness, death, or property damage resulting from the activities of the Minor’s participation in activities with Gymnastics Counts and on premises owned by Gymnastics Counts. 3. Photographic Release. Minor and Guardian do hereby grant and convey unto Gymnastics Counts all right, title, and interest in any and all photographic images and video or audio recordings made by Gymnastics Counts during the Minor’s participation in activities with Gymnastics Counts, including, but not limited to, any royalties, proceeds or other benefits derived from such photographs or recordings. 4. Other. Minor and Guardian expressly agree that this Release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Tennessee, and that this Release shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Tennessee. Minor and Guardian agree that in the event that any clause or provision of this Release shall be held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such clause or provision shall not otherwise affect the remaining provisions of this Release which shall continue to be enforceable. I hereby consent to my/the Minor’s participation in the activity and acknowledge that I fully understand the foregoing Release and Waiver of Liability for Minors and hereby waive all claims or causes of action against Gymnastics Counts. Date: March 17, 2025 Guardian Signature: