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By providing the signature below, I expressly acknowledge that I have read and understood the contents of this Waiver and Hold Harmless (this “Waiver”); that I have had an opportunity to ask questions about its contents; that I have had the right to consult with my counsel about its effects, including the liability waiver and hold harmless agreement; that I am attesting to the truthfulness of any statements as a condition of membership; and that I agrees to be legally bound by all terms and conditions set forth in this Waiver.

I understand that, no matter what precautions I may take, including but not limited to the wearing of various types of protective gear (including hearing and eye protection), the use of, discharge of, or being in the vicinity of firearms is inherently dangerous, and may result in me or another person, being injured, seriously injured, or killed and having this knowledge in mind, I on behalf of myself and any guests, other invitees or unauthorized companions of mine fully accepts the risk of coming onto and remaining on the range located at 6700 Holser Canyon Road, Piru, CA 93040 (the “Range”). 

Release and Indemnity. I do hereby, on behalf of myself and my heir's executors, administrators, assigns and legal and personal representatives, unconditionally and irrevocably release and discharge MB Tactical Piru LLC, a California limited liability company, (together with any designees, agents and/or employees, “Administrator”), Evan Management Corporation, a California corporation (together with any designees, agents and/or employees, “Property Owner”), and each of the Administrator’s and Property Owner’s successors, assigns, owners, shareholders, directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, attorneys, independent contractors, subsidiaries, and affiliates and each, every and all persons acting by, though, under or in concert with any of them (collectively, “Released Parties”). I further do hereby on behalf of myself and my heirs, executors, administrators, assigns and legal and personal representatives agree not to sue, or otherwise initiate legal, equitable, or similar action or to otherwise file a complaint or other action for controversy resolution or otherwise seek losses, costs or expenses of any nature whatsoever, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, fixed or contingent, including without limitation, wrongful death, and any and all personal injuries, known or unknown, and death and/or personal injuries to third parties, and injuries to property, real or personal, known or unknown, against any of the Released Parties, caused by any reason whatsoever related to the Released Parties and my sports shooting on or about the Range. This Waiver shall pertain to any claims that were known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated at the time of the execution of this Waiver, including any information of any nature which, if known by me on the date of execution of this Waiver, may have materially affected my decision to execute this Waiver and specifically this Waiver. I hereby indemnify, without qualification or limitation, the Released Parties and defend and hold the Released Parties harmless from and against any and all claims, causes of action, demands, or charges of every kind and nature, which any third party or person may claim to have or to hold for property damage or personal injuries or any other damages including death, arising from any cause or reason, of every kind and nature pertaining to this Waiver originating from my relationship with any of the Released Parties and any activity directly or indirectly arising from or contemplated by this Waiver.

Range Rules. I am fully responsible for my actions. I am fully responsible for my personal property and vehicles. Eye and ear protection is required at all times by me while on the Range. I acknowledge that at the time of signing of this waiver, I am in sufficient physical and mental condition to engage in shooting on the Range. Administrator reserves the right to search any vehicle, bag, container, or person that I bring on the Range. Administrator reserves the right to forbid the use, discharge, or possession of any firearm, ammunition, archery bow, air gun, or any other property brought on the Range. I shall abide at all times by the commands of Administrator and designated agents or officials, and all posted signs, notices, and directives on the Range, including all traffic signs posted on the roadways entering and exiting the Range. No children under the age of 21 are allowed on the Range; provided however, (i) children between the ages of 12 and 21 shall be allowed if accompanied by an adult over the age of 21, at all times, (ii) children between the ages of 8 and 12 shall be allowed if approved by the Administrator in writing in Administrator’s sole discretion and such children are accompanied by an adult over the age of 21, at all times. Alcoholic beverages shall not be permitted on the Range at any time. Horseplay or any improper use of firearms shall not be permitted. Firing is only permitted at prescribed targets. “Plinking” at bottles, cans or any other object not provided by the Administrator is prohibited. No one shall be permitted to handle any firearm until the Range has been determined to be clear and it is safe to fire. Firing shall be conducted only from the firing line or designated areas. All firearms shall be empty and actions opened when carried to and from the ranges. In the event of a misfire, jam or any other condition where a potential unsafe firearm condition exists, the shooter shall remain in position at the range with the gun pointing down range and will call for assistance from the appropriate supervisor (“Range Master”). The Ranger Master has the authority to discontinue all shooting if it is determined that a potential unsafe condition exists. Shooting may continue only when the Range Master has determined that it is safe to do so. Except during transportation, the muzzle of any firearm must never be pointed in any direction except down range. The Range Master has the authority to determine whether a firearm is safe to use. If the Range Master deems a firearm unsafe, it will not be allowed on the range. A shooter can only shoot at a target with the corresponding firing position number. Angle firing is prohibited. Shooting is only allowed from the fixed firing line to the fixed targets. No one may walk forward of the shooting line until a “cease fire” has been called and all those on the firing line has acknowledged the “cease fire.”

Miscellaneous. I acknowledge and agree that by reason of this Waiver, I am assuming all risk of bodily injury, death, or property damage and all other unknown and unanticipated claims, and I agree that my release of all Released Parties contained in this Waiver applies thereto. In connection therewith, I expressly waive whatever benefits I may have under Section 1542 of the California Civil Code, which reads as follows: “A General Release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor.”   This Waiver shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Should any party hereto institute any action or proceeding against the other party at law or in equity, or in connection with an arbitration, in connection with this Waiver, the prevailing party from such action shall be entitled to recover from the losing party or parties all attorneys’ fees and costs for service rendered to the prevailing party in such action or proceeding. I have read and understand, and I agree to follow any regulations provided to me by the Range Holder and/or Administrator, some of which are attached hereto as Schedule 1 hereto.  Where my initials appear above, I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agreed to the provision(s) following those initials. In addition, my signature below indicates that I have read this entire Agreement, understand it completely, and agree to be bound by its terms. If this Waiver is being executed by me as a legal guardian on behalf of a person under the age of 18 years, then all provisions of this Waiver shall pertain to the undersigned and the minor.

Schedule 1

Rules and Regulations

See attached.

  1. Unsafe Equipment. Administrator reserves the right to forbid the use, discharge, or possession of any firearm, ammunition, archery bow, air gun, or any other property brought on the Range if Administrator determines such item poses any safety risk or does not comply with applicable permits and/or laws. Any property deemed unsafe must be removed immediately from the Range by Member or secured by Member in a locked vehicle until departure.
  2. Obey Rules and Commands. Members and their Guests will at all times obey all posted signs, notices, and directives, including all traffic signs posted on the roadways entering and exiting the Range. Members will obey all posted and published safety rules. Any Member or Guest who participates in any activity that is conducted on the Range is required to obey all range, match, club, contest, and safety rules. At no time will firearms, regardless of whether or not they are loaded, be pointed at or in the direction of any person. Members will keep their fingers off the triggers and outside the trigger guard until the firearm is pointed safely down range. All guns will be treated as if they are loaded at all times. Firearms will only be fired into approved and designed berms, or, in case of shotguns, towards the designated skeet or trap shooting area. At NO time will a firearm be pointed in the direction of any roadway. No children under the age of 21 are allowed on the Range; provided however, (i) children between the ages of 12 and 21 shall be allowed if accompanied by an adult over the age of 21, at all times, (ii) children between the ages of 8 and 12 shall be allowed if approved by the Administrator in writing in Administrator’s sole discretion and such children are accompanied by an adult over the age of 21, at all times. Service animals are permitted on the Range, provided they are under the control of their owner at all times. However, should a service animal behave in a manner that poses a safety risk or disrupts other patrons, the owner may be asked to remove the animal from the premises. Aside from service animals, no pets (or other animals) are allowed on the Range. No person is allowed to climb, dig in, or otherwise damage the ground surface, landscape or berms. Alcoholic beverages shall not be permitted on the range at any time. Horseplay or any improper use of firearms shall not be permitted. Firing is only permitted at prescribed targets. “Plinking” at bottles, cans or any other object not provided by the Administrator is prohibited. No one shall be permitted to handle any firearm until the range has been determined to be clear and it is safe to fire. Firing shall be conducted only from the firing line or designated areas. All firearms shall be empty and actions opened when carried to and from the ranges. In the event of a misfire, jam or any other condition where a potential unsafe firearm condition exists, the shooter shall remain in position at the range with the gun pointing down range and will call for assistance from the appropriate supervisor (“Range Master”). The Ranger Master has the authority to discontinue all shooting if it is determined that a potential unsafe condition exists. Shooting may continue only when the Range Master has determined that it is safe to do so. Except during transportation, the muzzle of any firearm must never be pointed in any direction except down range. The Range Master has the authority to determine whether a firearm is safe to use. If the Range Master deems a firearm unsafe, it will not be allowed on the range. A shooter can only shoot at a target with the corresponding firing position number. Angle firing is prohibited. Shooting is only allowed from the fixed firing line to the fixed targets. No one may walk forward of the shooting line until a “cease fire” has been called and all those on the firing line has acknowledged the “cease fire.” 
  3. Use of Verbal Commands. All Members and Guests are required to use verbal range commands. These commands are the following:
  4. “RANGE IS COLD” – Command stated to indicate that firearms are unloaded and may not be handled.
  5. “RANGE IS GOING HOT” – Command stated when loading and before firing a firearm.
  6. “RANGE IS CLEAR” – Command stated when firearms are empty of ammo and safe (cylinder open or slide locked back and magazine removed).
  7. “GOING DOWNRANGE” – When all firearms are empty and safe, announce prior to walking downrange to check targets. No Member or Guest is allowed to handle firearms while someone is downrange.
  8. “CEASE FIRE” – It at any time a Member or Guest sees any unsafe act or action, all Members and Guests stop shooting immediately, make firearms safe, upon this command. No Member or Guest shall be permitted to approach the shooting bench or touch any firearm until the Range Master signals that it is all clear to continue.
  9. Road Signage. Please take note of the following rules and/or traffic signs posted along the roadways (please note rules apply regardless of presence of signs):
  10. ENTRANCE SIGN: “Welcome to MB Tactical Piru - Firearms Training & Shooting Range.”
  11. SPEED LIMIT SIGN: “Speed Limit 15 MPH - Please Proceed with Caution.”
  12. NO TRESPASSING SIGN: “Private Property - No Unauthorized Entry Beyond This Point.”
  13. NO FIREARMS ALLOWED SIGN: “No Firearms Allowed Outside of Designated Shooting Areas.”
  14. NO PARKING SIGN: “No Parking in Designated Fire Lanes.”
  15. Loan or Rental of Range Property. Any Range Property loaned or rented to any Member or Guest is that person’s responsibility. The return, repair, or replacement of this property is the Member’s responsibility.
  16. Ammunition Allowed. Reloaded ammunition is allowed. Administrator is not and will not be responsible for any damage to property or injuries to persons from the use of reloaded or hand loaded ammunition. Tracer, armor piercing, light armor piercing (Green Tip), incendiary, or explosive ammunition is prohibited unless approved in advance by Administrator in writing. Frangible Rounds (e.g. Norma’s Range and Training Ammo or Dynamic Research Technologies (DRT) ammunition) must be used for any close-quarter shooting on steel targets (i.e. at a closer distance than ten yards (thirty feet)) (other than in circumstances where Range Master has explicitly authorized non-frangible rounds) to minimize the risk of ricochet and ensure the safety of all participants. This Agreement does not entitle Member to any frangible rounds but such rounds may be available for sale at the Range, and if Member does not have its own frangible rounds, Member is required to purchase such rounds from the Range (or elsewhere) in order to shoot on any steel targets. Please Note: Hollow point ammunition will not be a suitable replacement for Frangible Rounds.
  17. Firearm Handling. Firearms are to be loaded only on a range firing line and nowhere else on the Range. No loaded firearms are to be left unattended for any reason. No loaded firearms are allowed inside the clubhouse, restrooms, or in any parking area unless they are secured in a holster and worn on the body in an approved manner. All firearms for skeet, trap and sporting clays must be approved by Administrator in writing prior to entry in the Range. No concealed or holstered firearms are permitted on the range without written authorization of Administrator. There is absolutely NO drawing or shooting from the holster on the public range, provided that such drawing or shooting is allowed in non-public ranges (e.g. as part of a private instruction course or private club). NO firearms with bayonets are permitted on the public range. firearms and /or long guns with bayonets are permitted on private ranges with prior range management approval. NEVER HAND A LOADED FIREARM TO ANYONE! If you transfer a firearm to another individual, it must be unloaded, clips or magazines removed, cylinders opened, and levers or actions open. If you are not actively shooting your firearm(s) or leaving them unattended, leave them in a safe condition. If you must move about the range with your firearm, you must carry it unloaded, with the action or lever open, and the muzzle up unless cased. Always keep firearms pointed safely downrange. Load only the firearm you are shooting. DO NOT leave additional firearms loaded on the benches. If a problem develops with a firearm, place it on the firing bench with the muzzle pointed safely down range. Open action if possible and immediately call Range Master for assistance. NEVER force ammunition into any firearm.
  18. Steel Targets. Steel targets are present on the Range and require specific handling and operations. Range Master and/or Administrator shall specify guidelines for shooting on steel targets at close range, including safety protocols and any additional requirements for equipment supervision or prior approval.
  19. Drugs and Alcohol. NO alcohol, marijuana, or illegal drugs are allowed on the range property, including the parking lot or picnic area. If you exhibit any apparent or suspected impairment from drugs or alcohol, you will be asked to leave the property. No smoking is permitted in any area being utilized by active shooters, black powder shooters or reloaders.
  20. Brass. Keep the range clean and safe. Pick up your brass after shooting and place your brass in the orange or white buckets secured to the poles that say BRASS ONLY. Shotgun hulls and trash are to be deposited in large barrels at the rear bench. You may ONLY collect spent brass that is your own. You may not take brass from the white or orange buckets that are secured to the poles. VISITORS MAY NOT take or ask for brass from other shooters or anywhere else on the ranges. Exceptions CAN ONLY be granted by Range Master.
  21. Transporting Handguns. If movement from one range (bay) to another is required, all handguns must remain cased, flagged in an approved manner or holstered until arrival at the next range (bay).
  22. Dress Code. All Authorized Persons must wear closed-toe shoes and appropriate clothing suitable for outdoor activities.
  23. General Safety and Cleanliness. All Members and Guests must collect their brass after each use of the bay.  All Members and Guests must observe all rules of the road and posted signage, including, without limitation, not travelling more than 10 m.p.h., on any road leading to, out of or within the range.  Absolutely no littering shall be permitted.
  24. Wildlife. Fish and Game or any other appropriate law enforcement agencies will be called if any animal is shot on our property. All animals are protected by law. If you encounter a rattlesnake, do not attempt to kill, or capture it. Notify Range Master.
  25. Live Ammo. NEVER THROW LIVE ROUNDS DOWN RANGE!! If you must dispose of any live rounds, drop them in the AMMO TUBES which are located at the beginning of both the 100- and 600-yard ranges. You may also give them to any MBT employee for disposal.
  26. Photographs. Photographing shooters who are not part of your party IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED without their consent.
  27. Fines.  In addition to Member revocation, any violation shall be subject to fines, with $500.00 being charged for the first violation, and $1,000.00 for each subsequent violation. Notices prior to the levy of fines are not required to be given.



Today's Date: October 18, 2024

First Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

First Participant's Date of Birth*
First Participant's Signature*
Second Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Second Participant's Date of Birth*
Third Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Third Participant's Date of Birth*
Fourth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Fourth Participant's Date of Birth*
Fifth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Fifth Participant's Date of Birth*
Sixth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Sixth Participant's Date of Birth*
Seventh Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Seventh Participant's Date of Birth*
Eighth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Eighth Participant's Date of Birth*
Ninth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Ninth Participant's Date of Birth*
Tenth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Tenth Participant's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Email Address

Check to receive information, news, and discounts by e-mail.
Email me a copy of this document.
Parent(s) or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the Parent or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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