RELEASE OF LIABILITY, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK 1. I, the undersigned, affirm that I am signing this Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims and Acknowledgment of Risk (“Waiver”) on my own behalf, and if I am under the age of eighteen (18), my parent or legal guardian is signing this Waiver on my behalf. 2. I understand that skiing (including snowboarding, snowblading, monoskiing, skiboarding and snow tubing) (collectively “Skiing”) CAN BE HAZARDOUS AND PRESENT A RISK OF PHYSICAL INJURY OR DEATH, regardless of safety measures undertaken by Dry Hill Ski Area (“Dry Hill”). 3. I understand that Skiing at Dry Hill is a strictly voluntary activity that carries certain risks, inherent and otherwise, including but not limited to, injury or death caused by: falling or loss of balance; loss of control; high speeds; strenuous activity; equipment failure or improper use; the natural rugged environment; wildlife; and the negligence of other participants. In addition, Skiing carries certain unique risks, which include but are not limited to, injuries or death caused by: (a) collisions or entanglements with other people, equipment and natural or manmade objects, (b) forest growth/downed timber, rocks, loose gravel and other rugged, steep, slippery, or otherwise dangerous terrain, (c) high altitude and extreme weather, and (d) trail configuration, unmaintained or unmarked trails/roads, or trail obstructions. I understand that the description of the risks in this Waiver is not complete, and I EXPRESSLY ASSUME ALL RISKS AND DANGERS OF SKIING AND THE POSSIBILITY OF PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND LOSS resulting therefrom, whether or not described here, known or unknown, inherent or otherwise. 4. When Skiing in the State of New York, skiers, snowboarders and ski lift passengers are governed by the New York State Safety in Skiing Code (Article 18 of the NYS General Obligations Law). Before utilizing your pass or affixing a ticket or allowing a ticket to be affixed to your person, you affirm that you have read and understood the 'Warning to Skiers' which is displayed where lift tickets are purchased. New York law requires you to seek out, read, review and understand the 'Warning to Skiers' sign before you decide to participate in Skiing. 5. I expressly acknowledge that: (a) I have been informed of and understand the Skier/Board Responsibility Code of Dry Hill; (b) I am responsible for understanding and complying with all signage, including instructions on use of the lifts; (c) I have the ability and knowledge to safely load, ride and unload the lifts; (d) equipment and obstacles may be encountered at any time while Skiing; and (e) that falls and collisions occur and that injuries are a common and ordinary occurrence of Skiing. 6. I agree, in consideration of being allowed to participate in Skiing at Dry Hill, to the greatest extend permitted by New York State Law, to waive any and all claims against and to hold harmless, release and indemnify Dry Hill and Dry Hill’s owners from any injury, including death, arising out of my participation in Skiing and use of the facilities at Dry Hill. 7. I further release any and all claims that I now have or may have against Dry Hill and its owners arising from this Waiver or use of the facilities at Dry Hill. 8. I agree to pay all costs, including attorneys’ fees, incurred by Dry Hill and/or its owners in defending any claim, action or lawsuit brought by me, or on my behalf, arising in whole or in part from my participation in Skiing at the facilities at Dry Hill or any misrepresentation made by me in execution of this Waiver. 9. I understand and agree that all disputes arising from this Waiver and/or use of the facilities at Dry Hill shall be litigated exclusively in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Jefferson County, or in the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York. 10. I agree that this Waiver is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of New York and that if any provision of this Waiver is held invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. Date: March 14, 2025 |