Waiver and Medical Release – MUST BE SIGNED UPON REGISTRATION I hereby warrant and represent that I have no disability, impairment, or ailment preventing me from engaging in active or passive exercise or activity that will be detrimental to my health, safety, or physical condition if I so engage or participate. This representation is made by the undersigned knowing that EAST COAST SPORTS & FITNESS CORP (the “club”) will rely on the same. The undersigned hereby acknowledges that in using the facilities, programs and equipment of the club I do so entirely at my own risk. In consideration of my ability to use the club’s facilities and equipment I expressly agree that the club shall not be liable for any personal injuries or any loss or damage to property sustained on or about the club premises resulting from or arising out of the negligence of the club and/or its staff, or the negligence of any other person on the premises of the club and I assume full responsibility for same. I affirm that there are inherent risks in all health and fitness club activities that I am aware of and appreciate these risks and I assume all responsibility for personal injury and/or loss from these injuries. I understand that the participant may be photographed during a program and that the photo may be used for promotional materials. I further agree to release from liability and to Indemnity and hold harmless the club for any and all claims arising as a result of my engaging in club activities or any activities incidental thereto, wherever, whenever, or however the same may occur. I affirm that I am of legal age and am freely signing this agreement, or that I am the parent or legal guardian of the minor for whom I am giving up legal rights and/or remedies which may be available to me for ordinary negligence of the club. I hereby grant East Coast Sports and Fitness Corp permission to use the above named person my likeness in a photograph, video or other digital media (photo) in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications, social media, website and other promotional media without payment or other consideration. Today's Date: March 13, 2025 |