LIABILITY WAIVER It is the responsibility of the adult participant or parent/guardian to completely fill out this form and then sign the form before participating in any Clearwater Community Sailing Association, Inc., d/b/a Clearwater Community Sailing Center, hereinafter CCSC, activity. In consideration for Clearwater Community Sailing Association, Inc., d/b/a Clearwater Community Sailing Center, hereinafter CCSC, extending to me the privilege of participating in its water sports program, I fully assume all risk and waive all liability in connection with my participation in any program, and in particular, without limitation, to the extent permitted by law. I and my heirs, representatives, executors, or administrators and my undersigned parent or guardian (if applicable) remise, release, indemnify, acquit and hold harmless and forever discharge CCSC and the City of Clearwater, it’s directors, employees, agents, instructors, including volunteers, rescue and support personnel, from any and all liabilities, obligations, damages, claims, causes of action, judgments, costs, and charges that I may have or that may be incurred by me for reason of any occurrence during my travel to and from the event, or during my participation therein, whether resulting from acts or omissions of any persons, from the operation or condition of facilities or premises, or from acts of god or nature. Moreover, nothing herein shall constitute a waiver by the City of Clearwater of its sovereign immunity and the limitations set forth in Section 768.28 Florida Statutes. I hereby agree to comply with all rules and regulations and give my consent for the uncompensated use of my name and picture in any media account, water sports program(s), or any other public relations media for the CCSC or City of Clearwater. I also agree to assume liability for any and all damages to property, belonging to CCSC and/or the City of Clearwater, which is damaged under my control while participating in any CCSC activity Members/Guest Policy:
The following policies are designed to promote the safe and fun use of CCSC facilities and boats by all members and guests. These policies alone do not guarantee your safety. Members and guests are expected to conduct themselves in a safe and prudent manner at all times, whether their specific actions are addressed by policy or not. Boat Ramps:
Power boat ramps are slippery. Avoid while walking and while on any vessel. PFD/Lifejackets
An approved PFD’s of correct size/weight will be worn and correctly fastened/adjusted any time a member or guests goes beyond the fence gong to the beach. This includes any usage of the dock, entry into the water for any reason, and at ALL TIMES while underway on any CCSC boat. Failure to follow this policy will result in loss of privileges with NO reimbursement of any fee/payments. Vessel Capacity
All boats have a weight limit provided by the manufacturer. CCSC stays within the manufacturer given recommendations. If you have questions or concerns about the capacity of the vessel you are on, please check with the front office before launching. Hobie Getaway 1000 lbs maximum Hobie Wave 650 lbs maximum RS Cat 16 860 lbs maximum. Consumption of Alcohol
Consumption of alcohol in any form is prohibited while at the CCSC. Exceptions: 1. In the Carlisle Room event space and upper balcony, for renters and their guests, during the rental period. 2. During other events that occur after regular center hours, with prior CCSC permission. Smoking:
Smoking is prohibited in all indoor areas of the CCSC. This includes all office spaces, workrooms, and restrooms. Smoking is also prohibited at all times while aboard any CCSC vessel
Swimming & Fishing
Swimming or Fishing is not allowed from the CCSC property including docks or off of any CCSC vessel.
Shoes are required at all times while at the CCSC or aboard any CCSC vessel. Damages:
Inspect boat for damage: Report any problems to the office or CCSC staff. You will be held liable for any damage that is on your vessel after you use it. You are expected to treat the boats and equipment with respect. Failure to do so may result in loss of privileges with NO reimbursement. SafetyRescue:
If it becomes necessary to send a safety boat out for you CCSC reserves the right to charge you a rescue fee. Weather:
The CCSC rental fleet is not permitted on the water in more than a sustained 15kts. If you hear thunder or see lightning immediately head back to the sailing center. Boundaries:
All members and guests are required to stay in the boundaries as dictated by CCSC. Failure to stay within boundaries will result in automatic loss of sailing privileges. If you have not been shown the CCSC boundaries please ask a staff member to show you. After Sailing:
Once you are off the water check in with a member of the yard staff to confirm how you should leave the boat. Next head to the front office to let the staff know you are off the water safely. I have read and agree to abided by all Clearwater Community Sailing Center Policies. February 9, 2025