* I ACKNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTAND THAT SHOOTING ACTIVITIES ARE INHERENTLY HAZARDOUS and involve both known and unanticipated risks which could result in damage or destruction of property and physical or emotional injury, including paralysis or death, of myself or of other persons. The risks include, but are not limited to: being shot by or shooting myself or others; partial or total loss of eyesight or hearing; inhalation or other harmful contact with lead or other contaminants; and being struck by flying or falling objects. I understand that such risks cannot be eliminated without compromising the essential qualities of shooting activities. * I FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTAND THAT the nature and condition of 1062 NORWICH NEW LONDONG TPKE, UNCASVILLE CT 06382 which from here on out will be called “CLASSROOM” AND VANTAGE POINT INC facilities which from here on out will be called “RANGE”, premises and environment is such that both known and unanticipated hazards exist which create or contribute to both known and unanticipated risks inherent in entering on/in to the CLASSROOM and RANGE, in using RANGE facilities and in engaging in or observing any activities of any kind whatsoever while at the RANGE. I understand that such hazards and risks cannot be eliminated without compromising the essential qualities of the RANGE facilities, equipment, premises and environment. * I EXPRESSLY AGREE TO ACCEPT AND ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISKS EXISTING ON THE CLASSROOM / RANGE AND IN ENTERING ON TO THE RANGE AND IN USING RANGE FACILITIES OR EQUIPMENT AND IN ENGAGING IN OR OBSERVING SHOOTING AND OTHER ACTIVITIES AT THE RANGE. * I AGREE to assume all responsibility and liability for any act or acts, even any negligent, reckless or criminal act or omission to act, of my Guests at the CLASSROOM / RANGE (I understand that “my Guests” includes any and all persons who are not a student of the class (Student being a paid person who signed up for the purpose of learning), use the CLASSROOM / RANGE facilities or engage in or observe shooting and other activities at the CLASSROOM / RANGE as a result of my express invitation, permission or consent). * I ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE that this Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced under the laws of the State of Connecticut, and that the venue for any action or proceeding shall be the State of Connecticut, without regard for the conflict of law rules of the State of Connecticut. * FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE that this Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by law, and that if any provision or portion is held to be invalid, void or otherwise unenforceable, I agree and intend that the remaining provisions or portion shall continue and remain in full legal force and effect. * By Signing below, you agree that you have read, reviewed with the instructor, and understand your responsibilities as a gun owner regarding safely storing your firearms. You understand through this class you will talk abouts specific laws set by state lawmakers and at no time throughout this class you will be given legal advice. If you have any issues with the information given regarding any of the state laws provided you are encouraged to reach out to either a private attorney or a state lawmaker. * I UNDERSTAND THAT BY MY SIGNATURE I AM GIVING UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS, THAT I AM AGREEING NOT TO SUE ROBERT GUEST, EASTERN CT FIREARM SAFETY AND RELEASING AND HOLDING HARMLESS ROBERT GUEST D.B.A. EASTERN CT FIREARM SAFETY AND VANTAGE POINT INC OF ALL LIABILITY AS WELL.