
Read Carefully and Sign

In recent years, psychedelics have evolved from a taboo topic to one gaining acceptance in mainstream quarters of society. Psychedelics are even heading for general medical approval, having been designated as a “breakthrough therapy” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

What is microdosing? The practice of consuming very low, sub-hallucinogenic doses of a psychedelic substances for mental and physical well-being. At Myco Church we use adaptogenic mushrooms of all kinds.

How do you figure out dosage? We recommend starting low, as low as 25mg (.025 of a gram) a microdose can go up to 300mg (.3 or a gram) depending on the person. Many variables factor into dosage and we recommend working with your healthcare provider or trained coach. If you do choose to experiment yourself there are excellent resources listed here available for your research.

.Can you microdose and go to work, drive and take care of children etc? Once you are on a microdose and schedule that works for you, all regular activity can be done; you are not meant to feel “high”

Can anyone microdose? Microdosing is not for everybody, people with schizophrenia in their family or diagnosed themselves with schizophrenia should not use psychedelics. People on lithium should not use psychedelics.

Can you take other medication and microdose at the same time? As mentioned we know that it is not safe to microdose and take lithium. There may be other interactions, it’s important to talk to your Health care provider about possible interactions with medications you are taking. If you are on medication we do not recommend that you take yourself off of abruptly, please work with your doctor or healthcare provider on a tapering schedule suitable for your lifestyle.

Is it legal? Although decriminalized in some US cities and counties, it is yet to be legal anywhere in the United States. Oregon is looking like it will be the first legal state. It is regulated and legal in Canada and parts of Europe. It is important that you are aware of this. By becoming a Myco Church member you will be joining our Church and operate under the freedom of religion…discretion is still best.


We are an organization dedicated to the preservation of ancient healing modalities that have been practiced by indigenous cultures around the globe for millenia. These ancestral civilizations have left evidence of these practices in their traditions, writings, and art in territories on every continent of this planet. The healing practices of our ancestors intertwined deeply with their religious and spiritual beliefs. We honor these sacred healing traditions, beginning here in this state of California, in the United States of America and spreading out to all conscious beings of this planet, for as long as Mother Earth continues to produce and protect living things.

We believe that humanity needs to heal in order to preserve nature and the future of our planet, which requires more sanctuaries to teach natural healing techniques, sustainable lifestyles, and methods of cultivating and preserving medicinal plants and fungi. This practice ensures the health of people, animals, and the environment. We understand that health depends on both physical and spiritual wellness, so we protect the standard of health by ritual practice of plant and fungus medicines, sacraments, and other detoxing methodologies to help purify our vessels in order to commune with Source.

We believe that Mother Earth produces sacred plants and fungi life forms to be used as natural healing remedies. Therefore, we hold these plants and fungi to be treated with respect and dignity and to be protected as a holy sacrament.


Resources- Support Psychedelic Science - Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies - MAPS.org Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research www.hopkinsmedicine.org The Microdosing Instatute www.microdosinginstitute.com By signing this document you are acknowledging you have read and understand the above in and understad you are becoming a Myco Church Member. 



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