1. RESPECT ALL CLIENTS, STAFF, PARENTS (including your own) and GUESTS. Disrespect will not be tolerated. Leave bad attitudes at home. All clients are expected to be aware of our Core Values and Focus (see website) and work together with us and other clients towards those goals. If you don’t have the same core values and focus as us, we may request that you find another facility that better suits your goals and horse’s needs/requirements. 2. PLEASE LET STAFF AND/OR MANAGEMENT KNOW OF ANY PROBLEMS OR CONCERNS YOU MAY HAVE. Sagehill Stables will do its best to resolve any issues that may arise. Gossipingand speaking to other clients or friends in the horse community about your concerns, or about other clients and their horses, will not be tolerated and is considered a disrespectful act to the stable, a form of bullying and can result in immediate termination of a boarding contract or lessons. Our goals is for this to be a safe place to learn and grown. Please contact the stable directly with your comments and concerns, either via email, phone or text. If you have a complaint or concern about another client or guest or horse, please contact the barn and let us know about the concern directly. 3. Please pick any manure from barn, washrack or any riding areas and sweep up tack and tie area Before and after you ride. REMOVE ANY EXTRA TACK YOU MAY HAVE ON THE WALL (Lead ROPE, HALTER, grooming kits, ect.) BEFORE YOU RIDE AND HANG ON A STALL OR PUT IN YOUR LOCKER (NO SAVING SPOts at the tack-up wall). PLEASE REMOVE ANY TRAINING EQUIPMENT AND JUMPS FROM ARENA AFTER YOU ARE DONE YOUR RIDE and store in designated area. We appreciate you helping to keep the facility clean! 4. Put your trash in the garbage. 5. HORSES ARE TO BE HANDLED SAFELY AT ALL TIMES. Only one horse per handler or rider at any time. No ground tying or loose horses permitted unless in a round pen and no other riders are present. Riding in designated areas only (i.e. no riding inside the corrals or pastures). 6. Do not let horses loose together in the arenas unless you are the owner or ask permission from coach/Sagehill to do so with lesson horses. 7. No lunging is permitted while others are riding. Unless given permission by coach and/or owner in the arena. 8. Safety Equipment: All riding must be done with proper, safe riding equipment including bridle or Bit-Less Bridle/Bosal, riding helmet and boots with ½” heel. Please contact Sagehill if exceptions are required for showing or special training purposes. SAGEHILL STABLES REQUESTS THAT ALL PERSONS RIDE WITH AN EQUESTRIAN RIDING HELMET. No persons under the age of 18 will ride on the property without a riding helmet, and helmets are mandatory when jumping for all ages. No persons under the age of 18 shall jump without a coach’s supervision or approval. Boarders over the age of 18 must have a grounds person present over the age of 18 years when jumping. No chewing gum while riding. Don’t come to the barn with slippers on. Flats, sandals, crocs and slippers are not permitted in the barn at any time. 9. STUDETS under the age of 12 must have parental supervision at all time. 10. When lessons are in progress please remember that coaches are in charge of safety. Boarders and clients are expected to set a good example and practice safe handling and riding practices. Coaches have the right to ask boarders to stop handling procedures or practice rides if they feel that the rider is being unsafe or setting a bad example for students. Please do not question any authoritative request in a negative manner especially in front of other clients. Boarders and clients can request a full explanation of the situation via email, phone or txt to Sagehill and Sagehill will work with coaches and clients to ensure that all issues are explained and resolved in a respectful manner. 11. STUDENTS need permission from coaches before making decisions for school horses. (i.e., letting horses in arena with other horses, baths, using different tack or equipment, ect.) 12. PLEASE DO NOT STORE FOOD, GRAIN OR TREATS IN YOUR LOCKER (including student lockers) unless they are in mouse-proof containers (i.e. tin or metal containers). Unkempt lockers or food storage (as well as paper and plastic bags) that encourages mice infestation will result in a $25/day fee to boarders until the situation is resolved. Do not hang items on locker doors or overfill lockers and force the doors closed, this is what causes the door hinges to break. Property left in the barn is at the risk of the owner and clients are advised to have their own insurance coverage on any items left at the barn. Max of two blankets to be hung on outside of stalls with chain (no twine permitted). Max of one bag is permitted containing only items that STAFF is currently using on horse. All other items on stall fronts to be stored in lockers or at home. 13. Clients are not permitted to handle hay, bedding, supplemental feed or other stable supplies unless otherwise approved to do so. Please do not handle or feed any horse other than your own without written approval approved by Sagehill. If you see a horse in difficulty, out of food or water please inform Sagehill and we will attend to the matter. 14. Do not tie horses to stall fronts or any fencing. No tacking up in the walkways, hallways, alleyways. No sitting on the floor anywhere in the barn. Make sure chairs are placed at a safe distanceaway from horses and out of the way. 15. GUESTS. Your guests are always welcome. All young children must be kept in hand at all times. Youth under 12 years of age are required to have a parent or guardian on the property at all times (exceptions can be made if they’ve been asked to volunteer or for experienced, responsible students). Youth 12 to 17 years of age must have adult supervision while on the property, either via a coach, staff or parent or guardian. Students are permitted to have ONE parent or guardian over 18 assist them with tack-up and catching their horse. This parent or guardian needs to have a signed release of liability waiver. Student’s additional guests are not permitted to view the tack-up in the barn and must watch lessons from designated viewing areas to keep the barn areas safe and less busy/congested. GUESTS are NOT permitted in the corrals or pens or pastures. Guests may view your riding from viewing areas only (no standing in the arena or sitting on the mounting block). Ensure that guests are not disturbing or discourteous to other riders or boarders and their guests. All guests are required to sign a waiver form and wear riding helmets and boots with a heel if riding on the property. 16. Please park in designated areas only. Only staff, vets and farriers are permitted to drive vehicles outside of the parking area. 17. Please turn all lights off and close all doors immediately when you are finished using the arena and Barn areas. to help us save costs, please do not turn lights on in an area until you need them and turn off immediately after use. Please keep barn doors closed during cold times to prevent cold air from entering the barn and arenas. 18. Say DOOR loudly before entering doorways connected to barns and arenas.Catch pen gates are always to be closed/latched properly behind you when entering or exiting a pen. When entering the pasture, please use the smaller side gates at the pasture entrances (not the large gates). If you have questions about how to get in or out of a pen or what gates to use, ask someone, or send us a txt or phone call. 19. Riding alone policy. For your safety, if you are riding alone, Sagehill Stables requests that you inform staff when you arrive and your intended riding time, and again when you leave. This information can be communicated via phone call, text message, or email. As riding alone is an unsafe practice, if you do not notify us we will possibly need to disallow riding alone entirely. No one under the age of 18 can ride or handle horses on Sagehill property without a parent or guardian over the age of 18 present who is responsible for their actions and safety. 20. Client’s dogs are not welcome to Sagehill. Please do not leave your dogs in your vehicle in the hot weather without proper ventilation and adequate water. LaBarrier park is right around the corner and is a great place to take your dog for a walk where it will not accidentally scare any horses or clients. 21. IF YOU ARE UNSURE OF ANYTHING please don't hesitate to ask staff! We are here to help; we’d rather you ask questions than accidentally do the wrong thing. 22. Students are to put their lesson horse outside after their lesson, and the expected time frame for cool down and un-tack is 30 minutes maximum. The horses need a break before possibly doing another lesson. Exceptions for injuries, horses on indoor board after 2:30pm in the afternoon, emergencies or ask a coach to leave them in if you are unable to get them cool or dry in time. 23. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE HORSES UNATTENDED at the tack-up wall. Ask someone around to watch your horse or put them in a stall if you need to briefly walk away. 24. Sagehill Stables hours of operation are 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. If your lesson ends at 9pm, you are expected to be out of the barn no later than 9:30pm. 25. NO SMOKING ON THE PROPERTY. Please smoke inside your vehicles onlyand ensure all cigarette butts are contained in vehicles. No alcohol or other illegal substances are permitted on the property. 26. BIOSECURITY. There is a continued increased risk of spreading multiple equine diseases through the equestrian community through human transfer on footwear, clothing and human touch, some of which there are no vaccines available for. If you are entering the Sagehill facility or corrals, please ensure that if you have been to another horse property in the past 48 hours, that you have changed your clothing, washed footwear and washed hands. This education and practice can save horses in our barn and other facilities that you are going to. ENJOY YOUR TIME AT SAGEHILL!
March 14, 2025