
Permanent Makeup Academy


Apprentice must choose and agree upon which package


Monthly package (for Yearly apprenticeships only) 

Fee: $1000 per month up to 6 months ( 50% deposit require to activate)

What’s included in the package?

  1. Ability to charge your model to offset cost
  2. Apprentice hours from 10am until 3pm per day
  3. 6 months Contract based on weekly timesheet (choice of renewal)
  4. Duties vary during apprenticeship 
  5. Apprenticeship license in the town of Chelmsford
  6. Use of available supplies (excluding pigment, needle, anesthetic, aftercare, razors)
  7. 30 hours observations/shadow
  8. unlimited sessions per month 
  9. Signed letter upon completions 



Hourly Package:

Fee: $200 per model/day up to 1 year

What’s included in the package?

  1. No monthly payments
  2. Based on space availability only Tue to Sat 10am - 3pm.
  3. Ability to charge your model to offset cost
  4. Apprenticeship license in the town of Chelmsford
  5. Use of available supplies (excluding pigment, needle, anesthetic, aftercare, razors)
  6. Mandatory 4 hours per week minimum, may overtime for extra hours.
  7. 4 hours limit per session maximum 
  8. 2 hours per day of observation/shadow (30 hours total)
  9. Signed letter upon completion


Renlysa Artistry LLC Terms and conditions Agreement


Renlysa Artistry LLC is not an employer. Renlysa Artistry's owner is a solely a supervisor only. Apprentice must agreed that they are an independent contractor for only during the term agreement. There will be no 1099 NEC provided.

Renlysa Artistry LLC does not provide models or clients. Apprentice must provide a copy of their client/model’s information, signed consent form, and ID. A 50% non-refundable deposit for client/model or apprenticeship day’s fee required

Apprentice agrees to pay the monthly package on time on the 1st of every month. $5 late fee per day may apply.

Apprentice may not change from monthly package option to convenience option after 24 hours and must wait at least 1 month to be effective. No retroactive or refunds.

Apprentice must use their own pigment, needles, device, measuring tools, aftercare and numbing agents. Apprentice must provide MSDS for all materials used. Expiration date and lot number must be recorded for all material in use in their own folder

Apprentice must file all their models consent forms and formulation sheet up to 3 years

Apprentice understands space is limited and must schedule prior to reserve the room

Apprentices must provide their clients/models appointment schedule, invoices, cancellations and rescheduling confirmation

Apprentice agrees to operate during Renlysa Artistry's business hours only. Tues - Sat 10am until 3pm. Apprentice may overtime for extra hours with assisting operations at the studio. Monthly Apprentice must assist receptionists at the studio once per week. Subject to change with prior notice

Apprentice must schedule touch up and boost appointment by Renlysa Artistry pricing and a total of $60 fee for 2nd session and $80 for color boost appointments after to be paid to Renlysa Artistry

Renlysa Artistry LLC is not responsible for any unforeseen event between apprentice and model/clients including health complications, misuse of materials, all accidentals, all injuries, allergies and misconduct. Any type of abuse, assault or misconduct will result in immediate termination of the program with no financial reimbursement or refunds. 

100 hours of fundamentals course students, Renlysa Artistry LLC provides up to 2 models for each student max during training. Apprentice may bring their own 4 additional models to the facility to complete the course without cost and will be counted in apprenticeship hours. All procedures afterwards will require a signed contract and fee apply.

Student of Beauty Angel’s 2 days live students without fundamental 100 hours course, 2 models included without cost at Renlysa Artistry's facility. All other procedures afterwards will be counted as apprenticeship hours, fee and a signed contract apply.

Apprentice must have an insurance provider and be insured under Renlysa Artistry LLC address for the term agreement and add both Renlysa Artistry LLC and SEG Management LLC as additional insured.  Please provide a copy of the insurance. Insurance may is terminate after apprenticeship completed

Renlysa Artistry is not responsible for any costs, including local laws and regulations in obtaining Body Art permit, insurance or establishment licensing. Apprentices are to comply to all local laws and regulations in obtaining permits and costs.

(Non-compete) Upon Apprenticeship program completion, apprentice agree to not operate a business of cosmetic tattooing, permanent makeup, microblading within 15 miles radius from Renlysa Artistry LLC’s address in a total of 2 years, fail to comply are to be penalized in the amount of $40,000 for breaking this agreement including all legal fees such as lawyer and court fees

Renlysa Artistry LLC is not responsible for any unsupervised or unlawful activity outside of Renlysa Artistry LLC facility.  

Apprentice agrees to provide a 4 weeks notice minimum prior to leave 

Apprentice understand that it is based by weekly logged (excluding holidays) timesheet hours to be able to provide proof of completions along with a signed letter of completion

Apprentice are responsible to pay the monthly fee or hourly fee regardless whether or not there is models/clients or cancellations

Apprentice agree to not commit any larceny of Renlysa Artistry's customer/clients and their information, products and business assets or any copyrights of any possessions that legally belongs to the business and Renlysa Artistry have all the rights to take legal actions and you are responsible of all legal costs

Renlysa Artistry LLC has the rights to terminate the contract for any unforeseen circumstances

Renlysa Artistry LLC has the right to change the contact term at any time with notice

By signing this agreement, all parties agree to all terms and conditions above:

September 10, 2024

Please select who will be participating...
Please choose which apprentice package
Please choose one. You may change up to 24 hours*
Apprenticeship's Date begin

Date Apprenticeship start *
Apprenticeship's Anticipation date of Completion

Date of Completion *
First Apprentice Name

First Name*

Last Name*

First Apprentice Date of Birth*
First Apprentice Signature*
Parent or Guardian's Driver's License / ID Card

Driver's License / ID Card Number*

Issuing State*
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
Parent(s) or court-appointed legal guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the parent or court-appointed legal guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Last Name*

Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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