Welcome to Heritage Sporting Club (HSC). You are joining an exclusive member-focused community of sportsmen that have a passion for wing shooting and the outdoors. Our rules are designed to ensure every member, their family, and guests have a great experience at Heritage Sporting Club. Hunting has inherent risks and the safety of everyone on the property is our primary goal. Any behavior that endangers our members will not be tolerated. Keep in mind, membership at Heritage Sporting Club is a PRIVILEGE. Our right to access and enjoy the property is a PRIVILEGE. Members are expected to conduct themselves as ethical sportsmen, follow the rules, limits, and respect the rights of fellow members as well as follow all state and Federal laws, and common safety procedures. We retain the right to deny, terminate or non-renew any membership at our discretion. Our members are our community. It takes every member’s effort to ensure that this club will be the premier waterfowl hunting in Colorado. Please treat your neighbors like you want to be treated. Watch out for everyone’s best interest. Report any violations or incidents to member services ASAP. If you would like to request a change in policy for the following season, please email your request to members@heritagesportingclub.com. GENERAL PROVISIONS Membership is for one season at a time. This waterfowl membership season coincides with the 2022-2023 Colorado Parks and Wildlife Waterfowl season. The following rules apply to all members, their family, and guests. We would appreciate each member helping to police these rules through HSC management. 1. INDEMNITY AND HOLD HARMLESS: No person is allowed onto the property for any reason without a properly executed release of liability agreement. All Members shall acknowledge and agree in writing, by affixing their initials on pages one (1) through six (6) and signature on page Seven (7), signifying the Member’s Acceptance and Approval of these Rules, Regulations and the HOLD HARMLESS clause in this agreement. All signed pages must have an initial or signature as indicated either wet or e-signed by the primary member. All pages must be returned to management via mail, email or e-signature procedures before you are allowed to access the property. All members are hereby notified that email will be the primary form of communication from Member Services. It is the member’s responsibility to inform Member Services of the correct email address to receive correspondence, notices and documentation. The Member, for themselves, family, guests, and invitees, ASSUMES ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY and agrees to hold Heritage Sporting Club LLC, its landowners, contractors, principals, and employees, absolutely held harmless from any and all actions and free from liability whatsoever assumed or implied of any form or type. 2. MEMBERSHIP: Heritage Sporting Club offers a number of membership options for our club at Milton Reservoir. This contract is exclusively for a Private Waterfowl Membership. A membership consists of one primary member and their dependents (secondary members). Dependents include a spouse or legal partner, and their legal dependent children under the age of 21, and grandparents over the age of 75. Secondary members must be accompanied by the primary member or spouse. Anyone under the age of 21 must be supervised at all times. Anyone that is not a primary or secondary member are considered a guest of the primary member. Membership only applies to the individuals that are listed on this contract and have signed all pages of this agreement. The guardian of any dependent under 18 must sign this document in lieu of the minor. 3. GUESTS: Members may bring one complimentary guest on each daily hunt. Additional daily guests will incur a $100/person fee. Individual non-member guests are limited to three hunts during the season. Non-Dependent Family Member Hunt Fee ($50/head) applies to any direct relative that is NOT included as part of the Private Membership. There is no limit on number of hunts direct relatives can attend during the season. Guest fees must be paid prior to the hunt. Members must hunt with their guests at ALL times. 4. MEMBERSHIP DATES: This this season’s full membership is from April 1, 2022 (offseason dog training) until the last day of March 2023. We are the Northeast Zone for Ducks and the Regular Central Flyway Zone for Geese. 5. HUNT DATES: In order to provide the best hunting experience, it is important that we do not put too much pressure on the birds. To limit the pressure, we limit our hunt days. Members are available to reserve a hunt day: Everyday during Early Teal (September 10-18); everyday for Youth Only Season (October 1&2). Then it goes to 3 days a week (Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday) plus holidays through December 31st, and 5 days a week (Wednesday-Sunday) starting Jan 1. We allow hunting from ½ hour before sunrise until 2PM on every hunt day. Sandhill Cranes may be hunted exclusively from October 3-October 7th throughout the day by reservation. Guests are not permitted for sandhill crane hunting October 3-7th. This is a member only privilege and members are encouraged to hunt together during the crane-only season. After October 7th, Sandhill Cranes may be hunted as part of the normal waterfowl season under the same time/day framework established by the club. Hunt reservations will be made through online Members Portal. 6. MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS: a. PRIVATE HUNTING UNITS: The property will be divided into hunting units which individual members and their hunt party can hunt out of. A Zoom meeting will be held each Thursday night at 8 pm to draw for hunt units for the upcoming hunt week (Sat-Sunday, Wed) during the general waterfowl season. Members may use a proxy for themselves in the event that they cannot attend the Zoom meeting on any given Thursday night. Results of the drawing will be available the following day (Friday) in which members that were unable to attend the Zoom drawing may reserve leftover hunt units. Additionally, open hunt units will be marked on a map each morning of a hunt for those that make last minute reservations. Heritage staff may require an in-person hunt unit drawing on certain hunt days in which large attendance is expected (i.e. opening days). Members will be notified in advance of in-person drawing dates. Heritage reserves the right to change the days/times of the drawing to accommodate members in the best way possible. b. PRIVATE BLINDS: Private blinds will be provided by Heritage for our members to hunt out of. In addition, our members will be allowed to hunt out of their own blind within their hunting unit. c. SELF-GUIDED: Members are allowed to hunt with their guests in a private hunt unit as described in our hunting rules. d. GUIDED: Heritage is a licensed Outfitter and can provide you with a professional guide for an additional day fee. e. DOG TRAINING: A designed dog training area is available to our members year-round. No powder fired training bumpers are allowed during hunting season to limit impact on bird populations. f. CLUB HOUSE RESERVATIONS: Members have priority on reserving our clubhouse for their private events. HSC can provide catering and special services upon request. g. HSC DECOYS & PORTABLE BLINDS – Heritage has decoys and portable blinds are available to all members included in your membership. Decoys and portable blinds can be checked out the morning of your hunt and must be checked in after your hunt before you leave the property. Members are responsible for damaged/lost equipment. h. STORAGE - On-site, equipment/decoy storage is available with your membership. i. PRIORITY ON FUTURE OFFERINGS: Current members will have priority on all future membership offerings, investment opportunities, and limited quantity promotions. 7. MEMBER SERVICES 24/7 ON-CALL: 720-432-4306. Call this phone number for driving directions, property concerns, questions, or reporting trespassers and/or damage. 8. HUNTING LICENSE: It is the responsibility of all hunters (guests/members) to obtain current and legal hunting licenses, hunters safety and waterfowl stamps per Colorado Parks and Wildlife regulations (http://cpw.state.co.us/). 9. PROOF OF MEMBERSHIP: All members must have a valid photo ID that matches your membership information that can be presented upon request. 10. PROPERTY ACCESS: The property is secured with locked gates at all member entrance points. Members will receive a code to their entrance gate which will change periodically. Each member must lock the gate behind them. It is your responsibility to immediately lock the gate behind you. You are 100% responsible for anyone who comes into the property after you unlock the gate or who you provide the code to. The exception is when FRICO wants the gate open to run equipment in and out. The gate will be properly marked if this happens. 11. VEHICLES ALLOWED: All vehicles must display a valid access permit/guest pass or they will be towed at the owner’s expense. In order to maintain a premier community and prevent contamination from oil leaks, no vehicle built before the year 2000 is allowed on the property without prior approval. Additionally, all newer vehicles must be free of fluid leaks that could contaminate the property. 12. BOATS ALLOWED: Only non-motorized boats are allowed. Electric trolling motors are permitted, however, no gas powered motors. Blind boats are not allowed. Layout boats are not allowed. Hunting from boats is not allowed. Non-motorized boats must be used exclusively for accessing hunt units and/or the retrieval of downed or crippled birds. 13. UNACCEPTABLE VEHICLES: This list includes but is not limited to Motorcycles, Motor Scooters, Dune Buggies, Go Karts or amphibious vehicles. None of these may be operated on the property at any time by Members or their Guest’s. ATVs & UTVs may be allowed with Member Services Approval. They must display a special Heritage sticker on the vehicle and only may be operated by people with a valid driver’s license. These vehicles must be driven on designated motorized paths. NO OFF ROADING ALLOWED. This list and policy is subject to modification at any time by Member Services, Leaseholder or the Property Owner. 14. OPERATION OF VEHICLES ON PROPERTY: a. VALID LICENSE AND INSURANCE: You must have a valid license and insurance to operate any vehicle on the property. b. MARKED TRAIL AND ROAD ACCESS ONLY: Vehicle MUST be operated on designated roads, trails, motorized paths and parking areas at ALL times. At no time can any vehicle be operated off the designated roads or motorized trails. This includes golf carts and UTV’s. This is a sensitive issue for the landowner. The soil is sandy and the grasses take years to get established. There is absolutely NO off-roading on the property. This will result in immediate termination of the HSC Membership. c. NO DRIVING ON MUDDY ROADS: Driving on muddy roads are not authorized. This can result in the vehicle tearing ruts into the road and the vehicle getting stuck. If a member’s vehicle gets stuck, heritage staff are not authorized to pull the member out without approval from the owner. The member will be responsible for getting a tow truck and the associated costs. If Heritage chooses to pull the vehicle out with a tow truck or other equipment, the member will be responsible for all costs and indemnifies Heritage for any damage caused to the member's vehicle. The members will be responsible for all damage caused to the roads and property, and will be responsible for all labor, equipment and material to recover the stuck vehicle and repair the property. d. GIVE WAY: FRICO, Oilfield Service Companies, and Dredging Crews have right away at ALL times. No type of vehicle obstruction of roadways is allowed. e. NO DRIVING ON DAM: Driving on the Dam is explicitly prohibited. This will result in immediate termination of the HSC Membership and may result in criminal trespassing charges by FRICO. f. SPEED LIMIT: Please use Caution and Safety while driving your vehicles around the Lake Property. The speed limit on all roads around the lakes is no more than 10 MPH, without exception. Lower limits may be posted and must be obeyed at all times. Heritage members are to limit their speed to 20 MPH on the dirt county roads adjacent to the property to limit dust and respect the neighbors. Repeated violations will result in the vehicle and person(s) being BANNED from the property and termination of HSC Membership. g. PARKING: Parking is permitted in designated areas only. All vehicles must display a proper vehicle or guest parking pass. Any vehicle found without a proper pass will be towed at the member’s expense. All vehicles must have a valid registration and insurance to enter HSC property. Again, all members are 100% responsible for their guest at all times. It is the Members responsibility to know where the designated parking areas are on the property. NO VEHICLES CAN BE PARKED OUTSIDE THE HSC GATE OR ALONG THE PROPERTY LINE AT ANY POINT. 15. OVERNIGHT CAMPING: HSC is not permitted for overnight camping outside its Water Sports Membership. No overnight camping is allowed on the property with this membership. 16. HUNTING POLICIES a. SELF-GUIDED HUNTING: You are responsible for all our club rules and procedures. b. VIOLATIONS: Violation of HSC rules and regulations may result in immediate termination of membership without refund. Our rules and regulations are designed to maintain safety in the dangerous sport of hunting and to ensure a quality experience for all. It is your responsibility to know and follow all of the rules. Failure to follow the rules will result in fines or immediate termination without refund. c. AUTHORIZED HUNTING LOCATIONS: Hunt unit location will be allocated during the Zoom meeting drawing held for each upcoming hunt week. Once a hunt unit is allocated, hunt parties may hunt anywhere within the hunt unit boundary. Parties may choose to hunt from the HSC permanent blinds located within some hunt units, but are not required to do so. All hunters within an individual hunt unit must hunt together. d. DRAWING: Each Thursday prior, there will be a random draw to select hunt units. The draw will begin at 8 pm. Each standing member will enter their name into the draw once they arrive. The first member to be drawn will select their preferred hunt unit and that unit will be removed from the board. Then the next member will be drawn, and so on. Any member who arrives after the draw starts must wait until the draw to finish to select their unit. Any member that arrives after the draw closes must meet with a HSC staff member to get a unit assignment. Leftover hunt units for the upcoming hunt week will be posted on the Friday following the drawing. e. DECOY ONLY HUNTING: NO jump shooting or pass shooting is allowed on the property. f. SKYBUSTING: Skybusting refers to shooting birds outside of the lethal range of your equipment. Skybusting is considered unethical and a form of pass shooting which is strictly prohibited at Heritage Sporting Club. g. DOGS: Member’s dogs are allowed on the property as long as they are well behaved. Members are responsible for their dogs. All dogs must be leashed or under positive control at all times. All dogs need to be kenneled when not hunting. Dogs are not allowed to run loose in areas where hunting is taking place. No dogs are allowed in the clubhouse. h. DOWNED BIRDS: Any bird that you shoot will count against your limit. You many not retrieve a downed bird off the designated hunting property. You may not contact adjacent landowners or trespass on private property. You must contact HSC staff to contact the landowner on your behalf. i. SHOOTING TIMES: Always refer to Colorado Parks & Wildlife (CPW) and US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) regulations on legal shooting times. DO NOT shoot early. Hunters must be in their hunt unit 10 minutes prior to legal shoot time. If you arrive late and are unable to set up before legal shooting light, please respect the other members that were on time and do not negatively impact another member’s hunt. j. GUN SAFETY: Shotguns are the only firearms allowed on the property by members or guests. All firearms must be unloaded with the breach open until you are physically in your blind. All firearms must remain unloaded until 5 minutes before legal shoot time. Firearms must be unloaded with the breach open if you have harvested your limit.Your firearm will remain unloaded with the breach open at all times you are on Heritage property after your hunt.
k. GUIDES: HSC will have professional guides available for a fee of $250/hunt. Heritage guides are professionals that have extensive experience. Their job is to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable experience. They will prepare for your hunt before you arrive by scouting the property and reviewing the forecasted weather for the day of your hunt. They will set out a decoy spread, and ensure the blind is properly brushed up for your hunt. They will answer any questions and take you out to your blind. As professional callers, they will call in the birds and let you know the optimum time to shoot. Guided hunts end at noon unless specially arranged. Heritage guides start setting up their spread hours before sunrise and have hours of work after your hunt. Feel free to hunt at your same blind after your guide leaves. Tips are welcome. (Please reserve in advance so we can ensure availability.) l. TRASH: Pick up shell casings and trash after EVERY hunt. Report any trash immediately to member services. m. TARGET SHOOTING: Target shooting is only allowed with steel shot at the designated shooting area under the supervision of Heritage staff. n. HUNT RESPECTFULLY: Be considerate of other members’ hunting situations when entering or leaving the property. o. IT’S HUNTING: HSC has an amazing piece of property and is doing everything in its power to optimize the hunting experience. We do not control migratory bird patterns. As a HSC member, you are enjoying an optimized environment for a great hunt, but your hunt is not guaranteed. You will be hunting wild birds that are unpredictable by nature. p. HUNTING EQUIPMENT: Members are responsible for bringing their own waders, boots, protective eyewear, hat, firearm and ammunition when hunting the property. q. ACCESS/PARKING: Always stay on established trails and roads. Parking is only allowed in designated parking locations located a minimum of 100 ft away from any oil and gas well, tank or facility. Do not drive on wet grounds. Vehicles need to stay on established roads and park in designated areas on the property. Never block a road. r. BIRD CLEANING: Cleaning and processing of migratory birds is permitted on Heritage Sporting Club property. However, all federal rules and regulations for tagging and transportation of migratory bird species must be followed. s. POSSESSION OF BIRDS: Each individual hunter must maintain possession of the individual birds they harvested at all times. We suggest keeping your harvest on your own game strap. Do not put all your birds in a pile to transport. t. REPORTING HARVEST: All members are required to report their harvest after the hunt. Drop boxes will be located at every hunting gate which you can drop off your harvest report. u. PROHIBITED DRUGS & ALCOHOL: No drugs (including marijuana which is still federally illegal) are allowed on the property. No alcoholic beverages are allowed while in the blinds. Alcohol is allowed at the base camp clubhouse ONLY after hunters are finished for the day. Any member found drinking and then entering the field to hunt, or discharging firearms after consuming alcohol will have their membership revoked. No campfires. Open fires are only allowed in the designated fire pit at the clubhouse. v. GUIDED NON-MEMBER HUNTS: HSC will offer guided, day hunts to non-members based on current waterfowl numbers and water conditions. The guide will enter the drawing to select the hunting unit and will follow the same rules as any other member. Please welcome these hunters as they may be part of club in the future. HSC will limit guided hunts to no more than two units per hunt day, and will ensure guided hunt dates do not interfere with member’s ability to hunt. w. BANNED GUESTS: HSC has the right to prohibit anyone from entering the property. If HSC bans someone, that person will not be allowed on the property as your guest. If you are not sure if your guest is banned, please contact member services via email to clarify and get permission. Members assume ALL liability for their guests. Members are responsible for ensuring that their guest have filled out and submitted a liability release form in advance of the schedule hunt day. This is required by our lease and non-compliance will result in immediate membership termination. x. SPECIAL HUNT DAYS: i. YOUTH HUNTING DAYS: This year’s dates are Oct 2&3rd. Members are welcome and encouraged to mentor their youth on these days. Hunting in youth seasons is restricted to youths aged 17 and younger with a mentor. Mentors cannot hunt during youth waterfowl seasons. SPECIAL EVENTS: HSC plans to host a Women in the Woods Upland/Waterfowl Hunting seminar October 15-17, 2021 in partnership with Backcountry Hunters and Anglers. On October 17th, seminar attendees will be taken on an introductory waterfowl hunt, therefore hunt reservations for that day cannot be made. Please speak with HSC staff if you would like to be involved in this exciting event. y. HUNTING DAY RESERVATIONS: Please make reservations at least 24 hours in advance of the Thursday night draw. You reserve your hunt via the online Members Portal. Ensure everyone in your party has signed a liability release before arriving on property. z. HUNT CANCELLATIONS: We understand that cancellation of a hunt reservation is sometimes necessary, but we request that you cancel at least 24 hours in advance of your scheduled hunt day. 17. GENERAL PROPERTY RULES: a. PRIVATE PROPERTY: HSC property is private. Hunters are expected to respect the land owner and their property. Destruction of property will result in automatic membership termination without refund. b. TARGET SPECIES: Waterfowl hunting is the only allowed hunting with this membership. There is absolutely no hunting of big game, small game, predators, or turkeys on the property. c. PROPERTY ACCESS: Access is only allowed on scheduled hunt days or if reserved in advance through the office. d.Dredging: FRICO is currently working on a multi year dredging project which means dredging crews as well as FRICO and Heritage staff will be coming and going throughout the day. Any interference or disruption of the dredging equipment or crew will result in immediate termination without refund. 18. ENVIRONMENTAL: This reservoir is the main source of irrigation water to support all the farmers in the area. As the Denver Metro grows, this reservoir may one day become the primary municipal drinking supply. It is vitally important that we be good stewards of this land to keep the land and water pristine and clean. We believe all our members will share this value with us. There will be no tolerance for members who do not. a. DUMPING: There is absolutely no dumping of trash or hazardous materials on site. b. DUMPING/SPILLS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: All trash must be put into the provided dumpsters. No dump of any trash is allowed. Intentional dumping of any hazardous material including fuel, oil, coolant and sewage on the property is strictly prohibited. It is imperative that you notify lake management as soon as possible so we can clean up the spill before it seeps into the soil. You will be held financially liable for all cleanup of intentional dumping or failure to report an accidental spill. c. SANITATION: No refuse shall be thrown into or left on the shoreline of the lake. 19. AQUATIC NUSIANCE SPECIES (ANS): ANS is a major threat to lakes in Colorado. Introduction of ANS into this reservoir could result in the end of our ability to operate on this lake. It is imperative that we do everything in our power to prevent the introduction of ANS. By signing this document, you acknowledge that you have received the BOATERS GUIDE TO ANS and fully understand the material. a. CLEAN, DRAIN, DRY, DISPOSE: After leaving any other body of water, make sure you completely clean, drain and dry your boat. ANS can be too small to see and can survive in an level of water. Dispose of any bait or plants. b. ANYTHING ENTERING THE WATER: ANS can be transported in the mud of your boots, in your bait box, in the water of your kayak, etc. Please do everything in your power to eliminate the change of being the one who introduces ANS into Milton Reservoir. Remember, CLEAN, DRAIN, DRY, DISPOSE. (It takes 30 days dry to ensure ANS organisms are killed.) 20. ALTERCATIONS: In the event of an altercation of any kind, those who are involved are subject to expulsion and loss of membership without recourse or refund. Any issues need to be referred to HSC management. 21. DISCLOSURES: These rules and regulations may change as dictated by the landowner, county, state and federal governments. a. UNTAMED LAND: It is understood that the Premises consists of mostly undeveloped and untamed land. The member understands that the property’s use involves inherently dangerous activities, and that there may be hazards (known and unknown, hidden and observable), including but not limited to, dangers such as holes, cracks or openings in the earth, fence wire, snakes, wells, swamps, brush and other growth, ponds, harmful plants, wild or poisonous animals, insects, bats, unauthorized or careless persons on the land, other hunters, or other risks that may be dangerous and cause injury and/or death and the member assumes all such risks as their own responsibility, without liability to or recourse against Heritage or Farmers Reservoir and Irrigation Company (FRICO). b. WATER QUALITY: It is understood that the source of water in Milton Reservoir is largely from the South Platte River which also feeds the surrounding lakes such as Barr Lake. The member understands the water has not been treated and the water quality is dependent on its source. Poor water quality upstream will result in poor water quality in Milton Reservoir which may include but is not limited to algae, bacteria, high or low pH, or other substances that may be harmful to human or animal health. Heritage in no way warrants the water quality in Milton Reservoir, nor can control it. For more information about the water quality at Milton Reservoir and ways to improve it, go to http://www.barr-milton.org. c. WATER LEVEL: Heritage Sporting Club has no control of the water level in Milton Reservoir and in no way warrants the water level. The primary use of the reservoir is for irrigation so the water level will change throughout the season. d. OUTSTANDING DUES: All fees must be paid in full prior to reserving a hunt or accessing property. The member’s privileges and access to property will be suspended until all fees have been paid in full. e. REFUNDS: No money will be refunded or prorated at any time if your membership is terminated for any reason, or if a deposit is given and a member does not renew their membership, NO EXCEPTIONS. f. ABANDONED PROPERTY: Any property left after the expiration of your membership is abandoned and considered property of Heritage Sporting Club. If cleanup of your property is deemed necessary by an agent or employee of Leaseholder or Landowner, you will be charged at the rate of $150.00 per hour for any clean up and any hauling fees that are applicable. g. SUBLEASING/ASSIGNMENT: There is no subleasing or assignment of your membership. The membership is strictly for the members listed in this agreement. h. NSF CHARGES & FEES: If a Member has a check returned due to Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) there will be a minimum fee of $100.00 charged to the Member. Good funds payment MUST be received by Member Services within 3 calendar days of Notice to the Member of said NSF on their dues payment. Failure to make payment to Member Services in this timeframe will result in immediate termination of the Membership. 22. FINES: There are no fines. Failure to follow the rules will result in Termination without Refund. This is a gentleman’s club. Warning are not given.
23. ASSUMPTION OF RISK, RELEASE OF LIABILITY, AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RULES RELATED TO USE OF MILTON RESERVOIR PROPERTY (“FULL RELEASE”) READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING. THIS FULL RELEASE IS AN ENFORCEABLE CONTRACT BETWEEN YOU AND HERITAGE SPORTING CLUB LLC. IT INCLUDES A RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND WAIVER OF CERTAIN LEGAL RIGHTS. In consideration of being allowed to access and use, in any way, Milton Reservoir and the surrounding premises (collectively, the “Lake Property”), you acknowledge and agree as follows: a. POTENTIAL RISKS. USE OF THE LAKE PROPERTY INVOLVES RISKS. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO COMPILE A COMPLETE LISTING OF THE RISKS. HOWEVER, THEY INCLUDE THE POSSIBILITY THAT YOU MAY SUFFER SERIOUS, EVEN FATAL, INJURY OR ILLNESS. THE USE OF ALCOHOL MAY INCREASE YOUR RISKS. Known risks include: i. Rocks, roots, vegetation, steep slopes, and unstable soils may create tripping and slip and fall hazards. High fast-moving water, deep water, uncertain bottoms, ice and mud. ii. Weather is unpredictable and changes quickly. Lightning strikes, blizzards, heavy rain, drowning, hypothermia, hail, high winds, landslides, and wildfires are possible. Water may from time to time contain harmful bacteria or parasites. The lake may freeze and ice thickness is unstable and changes rapidly. Risk of drowning, hypothermia, and death from falling through the ice. iii. Equipment at the Lake Property may break, fail, or malfunction. Hazardous material hidden in all areas of the property including underwater, docks, blinds, pits and club materials having faulty construction. There are no lifeguards at the Lake Property. There are no rescue vehicles or medical facilities at or near the Lake Property. There are no trained security personnel at the Lake Property. iv. The risk of injury from ammunition and being shot from other guns. The risk of handling firearms and or being near others that have firearms in their possession. The risk of hearing damage from noise or firearm discharge. v. Walking in rugged country, including encounters with wildlife, animals, insects, poisonous snakes and plants. Rattlesnakes are known to be on the property. vi. Physical stress. vii. Unclear property boundaries and it is the hunter’s responsibility not to trespass. b. YOU ASSUME ALL RISKS. YOU VOLUNTARILY, KNOWINGLY, AND FREELY ASSUME, AND TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL RISKS, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, RELATED TO YOUR ACCESS TO AND USE OF THE LAKE PROPERTY. SUCH RISKS INCLUDE THE POSSIBILITY THAT HERITAGE SPORTING CLUB MAY BE NEGLIGENT, RESULTING IN INJURY TO YOU OR YOUR PROPERTY. c. YOU RELEASE ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE LAKE OWNER AND OPERATOR. YOU, for yourself and your heirs, assigns, personal representatives, and next of kin, RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS the Lake Owner and Operator from any and all causes of action (including but not limited to negligence), claims, demands, losses, expenses (including attorneys’ fees and costs) and liability arising out of or related to any INJURY, DISABILITY, or DEATH that you may suffer, or loss of or damage to property (including theft by third parties), arising directly or indirectly from your access to or use of the Lake Property. d. IF YOU ARE A PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN OF ANY GUEST WHO IS YOUNGER THAN 18 (“CHILD”), YOU ASSUME ALL RISKS AND RELEASE ALL CLAIMS ON BEHALF OF YOUR CHILD AND YOUR CHILD’S HEIRS, ASSIGNS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, AND NEXT OF KIN IN THE SAME WAY AND TO THE SAME EXTENT AS YOU DID FOR YOURSELF IN SECTIONS 10a AND 10b. e. IF YOU CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE LAKE PROPERTY, YOU AGREE TO PAY FOR ITS REPAIR. If you (or, if you are a parent or legal guardian, your child) cause damage to the Lake Property (including equipment, natural features such as habitat, trees and water or fish), you agree that you will pay all costs and expenses associated with its repair or replacement (“Repair Costs”), including the costs of collection of the Repair Costs, which may include court costs and attorneys’ fees. You will pay for replacing damaged HSC decoys damaged at full MSRP retail prices. If you injure a HSC hunting dog, you will pay all medical expenses and lost revenue. You agree that replacement of a HSC hunting dog is $20,000 in the case of the dog’s death. f. THIS FULL RELEASE IS INTENDED TO PROTECT THE LAKE OWNER AND OPERATOR FROM LIABILITY FOR INJURIES TO YOU, YOUR CHILDREN, AND YOUR PROPERTY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY COLORADO LAW. g. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE. You are responsible for knowing and following all Heritage’s rules and regulations. Access and use will be limited by club rules and procedures and can be revoked for non-compliance. All members and guests will obey state and federal hunting laws while on club properties. All members will be in charge of transportation, firearms/ammunitions, and handling/processing of game. h. PHOTO & VIDEO RELEASE. I hereby grant permission to the rights of my image, likeness and sound of my voice as recorded on audio or video tape without payment or any other consideration to Heritage Sporting Club and any of its related companies. I understand that my image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed and waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of my image or recording. I also understand that this material may be used in social media and advertising within an unrestricted geographic area. By signing this release, I understand this permission signifies that photographic or video recordings of me may be electronically displayed via the Internet or in the public setting. There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic limitation on where these materials may be distributed. i. The undersigned has/have read this Full Release and understand its terms. This Full Release is executed freely and voluntarily, with full understanding that the undersigned is/are giving up substantial legal rights.
By signing this release and acknowledgement form I hereby have read all pages and understand all rules and regulations including dues are 100% non-refundable and the member assume ALL responsibility for themselves and their guest(s). I acknowledge that I have read the above agreement and understand that I am bound by all the terms of this agreement.