PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING! DATE: March 25, 2025 I understand that there are risks, dangers and hazards inherent in any recreational activity at the Lake Morey Resort and I hereby freely acknowledge and agree, and I understand, accept, and agree to assume any such risks and accept for myself or my minor child (the “Participant”) all financial and other responsibilities for any damages or injuries that may occur while the Participant uses the rental equipment owned by the Lake Morey Resort. I understand that the sport of resort recreation (the “Activity”) carries with it the potential for serious injury or potentially even death. The risks include, but are not limited to, changing weather conditions, variations in water patterns or terrain, natural and manmade obstacles and structures, equipment failure, inadequate safety equipment, boat traffic, vehicular traffic, collisions with objects or structures, being struck by boats, bikes, people or equipment, negligence on the part of others, and exceeding one’s own abilities. I represent and certify that Participant is qualified, in good health, in proper physical condition and has had the proper training to participate in the Activity and that Participant has not been advised to not participate by anyone including, but not limited to, any medical professional, and that there are no health or emotionally-related reasons or problems which preclude their participation in the Activity. I understand that Participant is required to wear a personal flotation device for boat activities which satisfies the requirements of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, and Participant assumes all responsibility and liability for the selection of such devices. I understand that Participant is required to wear a helmet for biking activities which satisfies the requirements of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, and Participant assumes all responsibility and liability for the selection of such a helmet. I acknowledge my full understanding of the above and other risks and I voluntarily agree to participate, and/or on behalf of my minor child, that they may participate, in the Activity. I understand that Participant should not participate unless I am confident that Participant can do so safely. Participation in the Activity constitutes my (our) knowing and voluntary assumption of all risks associated with the Activity. I HEREBY WAIVE AND RELEASE, FOR MYSELF, MY HEIRS, LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES AND ASSIGNS, ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, AND AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS AVERY INNS OF VERMONT, INC. D/B/A LAKE MOREY RESORT AND ITS AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES (“HOST”) FROM AND AGAINST ANY CLAIMS, PRESENT OR FUTURE, FOR ANY AND ALL LOSS, DAMAGE, EXPENSE, OR INJURY (INCLUDING DEATH) TO PARTICIPANT, PARTICIPANT’S PROPERTY, OR TO ANY OTHER PERSON OR PROPERTY, SUFFERED IN CONNECTION WITH OR IN THE COURSE OF THE ACTIVITY, DUE TO ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, GROSS NEGLIGENCE, AND/OR BREACH OF EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY ON THE PART OF HOST, WHETHER SOLELY OR OTHERWISE. THIS WAIVER AND RELEASE IS SPECIFICALLY INTENDED TO RELEASE AND HOLD HOST HARMLESS AGAINST CLAIMS BROUGHT BY ANY THIRD PARTIES AS A RESULT OF PARTICIPANT’S PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITY. I agree that this Release shall be governed by Vermont law and that any dispute relating to this Release shall be decided exclusively by the courts of the State of Vermont. In the event any provision of this Release shall be deemed invalid or unenforceable by any court, such provision shall be deemed severed from this Release and replaced by a valid and enforceable provision which approximates as closely as possible the stricken provision. I HAVE READ THIS DOCUMENT, CLEARLY UNDERSTAND THAT I MIGHT BE GIVING UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, HAVE SIGNED IT FREELY AND WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT OR ASSURANCE OF ANY NATURE, AND INTEND IT BE A COMPLETE AND UNCONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY TO THE GREATEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW. March 25, 2025