Yöstmark Backcountry Tours Release of Liability and Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Risk Please read and understand it before signing. In consideration of the services of, Richard L. Rinaldi, and Yöstmark Backcountry Tours, Employees, Yöstmark Mountain Equipment, Grand Targhee Ski Resort their associates, agents, and representatives (hereinafter referred to as Releases), the rate charged for those services and the right to engage in this event as a participant, I hereby acknowledge, agree and covenant with as follows: Acknowledgement of Risks: I understand and acknowledge that the activities I am about to deliberately engage in as a participant bare risk which could result in injury, death, physical or mental illness, and damage to property. This could occur to myself, to spectators, or other third parties. I understand and acknowledge these risks may result in personal claims against Releases or other persons or myself by spectators or other third parties. Among these risks are the following: (1)The nature of the activity itself and particular risks of the activity; (2) the acts or omissions of Releases, participants, and other persons or entities; (3) latent or apparent defects or conditions in equipment supplied by Releases, or other persons or entities; (4) use or operation, by myself or others, of equipment supplied by Releases, or other persons or entities; (5) weather conditions including, but not limited to: lightning, wind, avalanche, and ice or rock fall; (6) contact with plants or animals or other environmental hazards; (7) my own physical condition; (8) conditions of roads, trails, waterways, terrain, and routes taken and accidents connected with their use; (9) risks associated with emergency medical treatment rendered; (10) consumption of food or drink; (11) other unknown and unanticipated risks; (12) my own acts or omissions. I understand and acknowledge that the above list is not complete or exhaustive, and that other risks, known or unknown, identified or unidentified, anticipated or unanticipated may also result in injury, death, illness, disease, or damage to myself, to my property, or to spectators or other third parties. I expressly accept those risks not specifically listed above as well. I understand that this Release Agreement shall be governed by Wyoming law and the State of Wyoming shall be the sole and exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any legal proceedings relating to the subject matter of this Release Agreement and relating to any services provided by—or any acts or omissions of—Yöstmark Backcountry Tours. Acceptance of Risks: Being aware that this activity entails risk or injury to myself and a risk or injury to spectators or other third parties as a result of my actions, I agree and promise to accept and assume all responsibility for my injury, death, illness, disease, or damage to myself or to my property arising from my participation in this activity. I also agree to accept and assume all my responsibility and risk for injury, death, illness, disease, or damage to spectators, other third parties, and their property arising from my participation in this activity. My participation in this activity is purely voluntary; no one is forcing me to participate, and I elect to participate in spite of the risks. I understand and acknowledge that by signing this document I have assumed responsibility and legal liability for the claims or other legal demands, including defense costs, which may be asserted by spectators or other parties against me as a result of my participation in this event. I understand and acknowledge that no medical insurance will be provided to me during this event. My signature below indicates that I have read this entire document, understand it completely, and agree to be bound by its terms. Date: March 11, 2025 |