This legally binding RELEASE, WAIVER AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK FOR VOLUNTEER PARTICIPATION (Volunteer Waiver) is made by me to the Friends of the Dillon Ranger District (FDRD), its Partner Organizations (Partners) and each of their employees, agents, directors, officers, volunteers and insurers, together with each of their respective successors and assigns (Released Parties), in consideration for my intended participation in a volunteer project(s) or event(s) organized by FDRD and/or its Partners (Events). I certify that I am at least 18 years of age (or, if I am younger than 18 years of age, my parent or guardian must also sign this Release of Liability) and in good health. I have no allergy, illness or other disorder that could prevent me from participating in the Events. I realize that my participation in an Event may involve using heavy tools and that I will be working with other participants who may not be accustomed to this kind of labor. I FULLY REALIZE THE DANGERS OF PARTICIPATING IN EVENTS OF THIS TYPE AND VOLUNTARILY ASSUME ALL THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH SUCH PARTICIPATION. I understand the risks of participation in the Events may include, by way of example and not limitation, the following: rock fall, rock and snow slides, lightning, sudden changes in weather, altitude sickness, dehydration, COVID-19, drowning, hypothermia, automobile and vehicular accidents, operation of heavy equipment, injuries resulting from heavy labor or trail tools by me and others, insect stings, snakebite, falling trees and aggressive wildlife; and I will not hold FDRD, any of the Released Parties responsible for these or other hazards. Because the Event may occur in a backcountry setting, I understand that emergency medical care and cellular service may not be readily available. I will follow all directions from FDRD personnel and comply with all directions applicable rules for volunteers working with the Events. In return for my receiving permission from FDRD and its Partners to participate in the Events, and for other good and valuable consideration, I fully release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Released Parties from any and all liability, injury, debts, claims, demands, and causes of action of any kind whatsoever, specifically any claim for negligence or negligent acts or omissions, arising out of damage, loss, or injury to me (including death), to my property, or to any other person or property for which I may be liable, from whatever cause, as a result of my participation in the Event. I intend this Volunteer Waiver to be broadly construed for the benefit of the Released Parties and to be binding upon my family, heirs, personal representatives, assigns and insurers. I grant FDRD and other sponsoring organizations permission to use my image in photographic or video recordings of the project, and I waive any right to compensation for such use. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS FORM AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. I AM AWARE THIS FORM IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY, AN AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY, A WAIVER OF CLAIMS, AN AGREEMENT NOT TO SUE, AND A CONTRACT BETWEEN MYSELF AND THE FRIENDS OF THE DILLON RANGER DISTRICT AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE RELEASED PARTIES, I SIGN IT OF MY OWN FREE WILL. March 13, 2025