Superior Guns and Ammo Liability Release Form To be completed by all persons entering Superior Guns and Ammo Indoor Shooting Range In consideration of the undersigned being permitted to engage in any activity, recreational or otherwise, on any property, including without limitation any building, structure, parking areas, sidewalks and land, leased, occupied, used or accessed by Superior Guns and Ammo, or any of its successors and assigns, including without limitation the property located at 619 Ogden Ave Superior, WI 54880, and the undersigned’s heirs, family members, guests, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assigns (collectively the “Undersigned”) hereby understands, acknowledges and agrees to the following: 1. The Undersigned is fully aware of the risks and hazards inherent, whether known or unknown, in entering upon and taking part in any activity on the Premises and voluntarily enters and takes part in any activity on the Premises with the knowledge and appreciation of the dangers involved; further, the Undersigned expressly assumes the risk of entering on the Premises and taking part in any activity, recreational or otherwise, on the Premises, including without limitation: archery; handgun, machine gun, rifle and shotgun shooting; firing live ammunition; observing individuals discharging firearms or other types of weapons; eating food or drinking beverages, including any type of alcoholic beverage; parking; and any other use of or activity on the Premises. 2. The Undersigned hereby releases, waives, and forever discharges and covenants not to sue or make a claim against Superior Guns and Ammo, including each of their respective affiliates, successors and assigns, officers, managers, volunteers, members, directors, employees, agents, attorneys or representatives, (collectively, the “release, waiver, indemnification , hold harmless, and assumption of the risk assessment Releasees”) for any and all claims, demands, damages, expenses, causes of action, attachments of property or liability of any kind whatsoever that arise, directly or indirectly from property damage, personal or emotional injury, including partial or total disability, dismemberment or paralysis, or death directly or indirectly resulting from the Undersigned entering or being on the Premises, even if such claims demands, damages, expenses, causes of action, attachments of property or liability result partially or wholly, or directly or indirectly, from any act or omission to act, whether negligent or otherwise, including negligent or omitted first-aid operations or procedures, by Superior Guns and Ammo Releasees. 3. The Undersigned certifies that he/she is not prohibited under any Federal or State law from possessing a firearm. 4. The Undersigned acknowledges that the risks and hazards that he/she is assuming may increase or change during the Agreement Term. 5. The Undersigned hereby consents to and authorizes the administration of all emergency medical treatment, or lack thereof, which might be provided or available at the Premises. 6. The Undersigned acknowledges and agrees that he/she have read and understands and at all times will abide by all rules and regulations, any rules or procedures applicable to any particular activity, the procedures, safety rules and any and all instructions whether communicated in writing or verbally with respect to the Premises which are incorporated herein by reference, including those rules and regulations attached hereto and incorporated herein, (the “Rules”). 7. The Undersigned agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Superior Guns and Ammo Releasees from any and all fault, liabilities, costs (including costs of any settlement or judgment, costs of court and attorney’s fees), expenses, claims demands and lawsuits directly or indirectly arising out of, related to or connected with the actions or omissions of the Undersigned occurring on the Premises. Undersigned herby expressly assumes the risk of taking part in the range activities with firearms and taking part in the activities on the premise, which include, but are not limited to the use of the firearms, the discharge of firearms and the firing of live ammunition. 8. The Undersigned acknowledges and agrees that this Waiver, Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced under the laws of the State of Wisconsin. The Undersigned hereby expressly understands, acknowledges and agrees that this Waiver, Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the State of Wisconsin. 9. The Undersigned acknowledges and agrees that if any provision of this Waiver, Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement is held to be invalid, void or otherwise unenforceable, the parties hereto intend that such provision or portion shall remain applicable to the fullest extent permitted by law, and the remaining provisions or portion shall continue and remain in full force and effect. THE UNDERSIGNED ENTERS INTO THIS WAIVER, RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT WILLINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY, AND UNDERSTANDS THAT BY THIS SIGNATURE THE UNDERSIGNED ASSUMES RISKS AND WAIVES SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS, AGREEING NOT TO SUE ANY Superior Guns and Ammo RELEASEE AND TO RELEASE AND HOLD EACH Superior Guns and Ammo RELEASEE HARMLESS FROM LIABILITY. ADDITIONALLY, FOR ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18 YEARS, THIS WAIVER, RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT MUST BE SIGNED BY A PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN WHO IS PRESENT TO ACCOMPANY THE MINOR WHILE SHOOTING ANY TYPE OF WEAPON. Please initial here if Superior Guns and Ammo may keep your Waiver Release of Liability and Indemnification Agreement on file for one year from the date below. I have read and agree to adhere to the rules of the range. Superior Guns and Ammo – Range Safety Rules All participant must check in at Range Office prior to arival and after shooting . 1. No one is allowed on the range under the influence of alcohol or any other controlled substance or marijuana. Any person suspected of or having the appearance of any chemical influence will be removed from the range. 2. No loaded firearms are to enter or exit the building. No firearms are permitted in the store area without being in a locked container. However, we do encourage On or Off Duty Law Enforcement and Concealed Weapons Permit holders to carry. Please only remove your firearm from holster/ concealment while inside a range booth. Do not expose or unholster a gun anywhere outside of the range. 3. All firearms are subject to approval by any Superior Guns and Ammo employees. 4. Commands issued by the range staff must be obeyed. (Cease fire, all clear, etc) The range staff has authority at all times and may remove you from the range at any time for any reason. 5. No ammunition may be brought into the range from outside of the building (all ammunition intended to be used in the range must be purchased at the gun range office.) Calibers allowed: 6. Superior Guns and Ammo Indoor Range and its staff shall not be held liable for any damage incurred from use of ammunition. Customer will resolve any issues with the manufacturer of the product. 7. Two shooters are allowed per lane. No spectators allowed in the shooting bay. All persons entering the range will be charged accordingly and required to have signed the release, waiver, indemnification, hold harmless, and assumption of the risk agreement. If two people are sharing a lane only one may shoot at a time. No cross lane shooting allowed. 8. Do not hand a loaded firearm to another person. 9. If a misfire or other malfunction occurs, keep the firearm pointed downrange, place the firearm on the bench pointed downrange, and obtain assistance. DO NOT leave the firing lane with a loaded or jammed firearm. Raise your arm and look toward the Range Safety Officer 10. Eye and ear protection must be worn AT ALL TIMES on the range. All persons on range must wear shoes that cover the entire foot, and shirts must be able to prevent hot brass from falling in shirt. 11. Shooting at anything other than your own target is strictly prohibited. 12. KNOW YOUR TARGET AND BEYOND. DO NOT SHOOT HIGH AND STRIKE OUR CELING / SAFETY BAFFLES. The muzzle of all firearms must be kept pointed down range at all times. Shooting of anything other than your designated target will result in a stiff fine for replacing our equipment. Damage to the range will be the liability of the customer/ range member. 13. Wearing or drawing from a holster is not permitted without permission from the Range Safety Officer. 14. Do not leave a loaded firearm unattended. 15. If leaving the range temporarily, leave all firearms on the firing line bench unloaded with the action open and the muzzle pointing down range. 16. All firearms must arrive and leave the shooting station bench in a case, basket, etc. 17. No fast or rapid firing allowed. Any hazardous behavior WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE DISIMISSAL FROM PREMISIES. 18. Comply with all instruction from the range staff. Report any unsafe conduct to range staff immediately. 19. No brass that has fallen onto the floor of the range shall be removed by customers and or range members. 20. Any violations of range safety rules may result in IMMEDIATE REPREMAND and possible DISMISSAL from the range. 21. THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS OF ANY KIND FOR PARTIES EXPELLED FROM THE RANGE FOR SAFETY VILATIONS. 22. No third party is allowed at Superior Guns and Ammo without written approval by ownership. This means no “certified” training person can bring their student into our range and conduct training with students. Nothing in this rule prevents individuals from helping a friend or family member learn how to properly operate a firearm. 23. No food, drink, chewing gum, or chewing tobacco allowed in the range. 24. No pregnant and/ or breastfeeding women are allowed on the range. An adult must accompany children under the age of 18. (Minimum age allowed to use the range with parents is 10. An adult shooting with a minor must have a release, waiver, indemnification, hold harmless, and assumption or the risk agreement signed by the child’s parent/ legal guardian prior to entering the range. Any adult 21 or over that rents a gun and has a minor under 21 in their party, the adult is fully and solely responsible for the firearm until its return to the range staff after the range session. Dated this day of March 12, 2025 |