WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY – READ BEFORE SIGNING Absolute Release of Liability In consideration of being permitted to participate in activities of the Capital District Men’s Senior Baseball League Incorporated ( CDMSBL) in any manner, including but not limited to playing, practicing, coaching, spectating, or any purpose whatsoever, and fully understanding that participation in the game of baseball includes the risk of serious injury, paralysis or death I do fully release and hold harmless the CDMSBL , the Men’s Senior Baseball League Inc ( MSBL), Men’s Adult Baseball League Inc (MABL), all government bodies, and landowners that may sanction or permit my participation in CDMSBL activities, and all employees , agents, servants, officers, public officials ,volunteers, game officials, and sponsors from all claims of damage whatsoever of any kind now or in the future. I knowingly and freely assume all risk, known and unknown even if arising from the negligence of the releasee or others. By signing this form I have read the Absolute Release of Liability and fully understand and agree to its terms. I have also read and fully understand the CDMSBL Code of Conduct (within Article 3 of the League rules) and by my signature on this form agree to follow its parameters presented here: I will show respect and courtesy to all players, officials, and spectators before, during and after a game. I will maintain control of my emotions. Excess demonstrations, excessive arguing, abusive language, inappropriate gestures, making taunting or humiliating remarks, and physical assault upon any player, official, or spectator at any time are unacceptable. I will respect the game officials. If I dispute their decision, I will do so in a calm respectful manner that follows league protocol. I will respect at all times, the property of others. It is a privilege for CDMSBL and me to use the baseball facilities, not a right. I will abide by the rules and regulations as set forth by the owner of a facility. I will follow all CDMSBL rules and regulations. I understand that if I violate any item in the Code of Conduct I may be suspended or expelled from the CDMSBL. I have also read and understand the Rules of the CDMSBL as they would pertain to me as a participant and by my signature below I agree to follow those rules. I also understand and agree to by my signature below that my financial commitment to my General Manager and any question of that amount, its due date, associated fines, reimbursement, or its assignment to another team or any other related matter are between me and the General Manager and do not involve the CDMSBL, MSBL , MABL, or its sponsors, officers or Board of Directors I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT , FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, AND SIGN IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT. Date: March 12, 2025 |