Darnall Gun Works & Ranges Facility (Outdoor Range, Indoor Range, Trap, Skeet and Sporting Clays Range) Darnall F.A.S.T. Training Group: NRA PPITH, Illinois Carry Conceal Class, NRA First Step Program, NRA Basic Pistol & Level II Tactical Classes.
RELEASE, INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT I wish to engage in shooting and/or receive firearms training and/or spectate at the facility operated by Darnall Gun Works & Ranges or the F.A.S.T. Training Group, at 6125 E 1175 North Road, Bloomington, Illinois (hereinafter referred to as the "Facility"). In order to engage in shooting and /or receive firearms training and/or spectate at the Facility, I agree as follows: 1. I am over the age of 18 and I am competent. I have read this entire RELEASE, INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as "My Release and Indemnification Agreement") and I hereby agree to its terms and conditions. 2. I have read the Facilities' RULES in their entirety. I understand all of the SPECIFIC RANGE TYPES and any specific or general restrictions or characteristics thereto, and I agree to follow the applicable RANGE RULES for each range type as well as the GENERAL RULES for the facility in their entirety. 3. I understand and agree that participating and/or spectating in firearms training and/or shooting at the Facility in any manner is hazardous. I understand and agree that at the Facility, I am at risk, whether foreseen or unforeseen, to include but not be limited to death, personal injury, hearing loss, loss of vision, broken bones, bruises, cuts and/or injury by shrapnel and other bodily injuries and /or loss of or damage to my property. I understand that at the Facility, I am at risk of death, personal injury and/or property damage from, but not limited to, being shot, equipment malfunction, falls, existing medical conditions and/or damaged equipment and/or clothing. I hereby accept all of these risks in order to participate and/or spectate in any activities at the Facility. 4. I hereby release, forever discharge and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Darnall Gun Works & Ranges, Darnalls F.A.S.T. Training Group, and its owners, officers, employees, independent contractors, agents, volunteers and invitees ( hereinafter individually and collectively referred to as the "Release Parties") from any and all claims, demands or causes of action that are in any way connected to my activities at the Facility or my presence in the Facility or my use of equipment in the Facility. 5. I hereby agree that, in the event a lawsuit is filed against one or more of the Released Parties that relates in any manner to my activities at the Facility or my presence at the Facility, the proper venue for said lawsuit shall by the Circuit Court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, State of Illinois, County of McLean, and that the prevailing party in said lawsuit shall, as part of any judgement, have and receive his, her or its court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. 6. My Release and Indemnification Agreement is binding upon my personal representatives, heirs, successor, and assigns. 7. Regardless of the number of times I use or visit, the Facility, My Release and Indemnification Agreement shall remain binding upon me and my personal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns until such time as I have expressly withdrawn My Release and Indemnification Agreement in writing and delivered same to Darnall Gun Works & Ranges. 8. I hereby grant Darnall’s Gun Works and Ranges / F.A.S.T. Training Group the right and permission to copyright and/or use, reuse, publish, make and/or republish photographic/video images, pictures or other media that include me for advertising and/or promotional purposes. Additionally, I release, discharge and agree to hold harmless Darnall’s Gun Works and Ranges from any liability resulting from use of the above mentioned photography/video/media or use of my name. I understand that I will have no control over the manner of use of materials produced and hereby waive any right to pre-approve or inspect materials prior to distribution. 9. In signing this Release and Indemnification Agreement, I assert that (a) I am presently in good physical and mental health, (b) I have no reason to believe that I am not in good physical and mental health, (c) know the risks involved in such activities, and that unanticipated risks may arise during such activities, (d) I have read the Release and Indemnification Agreement and Range Rules and fully understand the terms and conditions of this Release, (e) I have signed the Release and Indemnification Agreement on my own free act. IMPORTANT: In the interests of everyone’s safety, I also agree to expulsion from the Darnall Gun Works & Ranges Facility and Darnall F.A.S.T. Training Group and forfeiture of my fee if I should continually or willfully fail to observe safety procedures. The staff of DARNALL’S GUN WORKS AND RANGES will do everything within their power to make the use of these facilities, and the events you attend, to be safe and injury free. We have learned from experience that minor injuries are not uncommon. By your signature to this document prior the commencing any live-fire range event, you acknowledge having read, understood and agreed with the following statements: I am aware that shooting is a hazardous activity and I am voluntarily participating in these activities with knowledge of the risks involved. I hereby agree to accept any and all risks of injury or death. I agree to follow all directions of the range officers, match director, event personnel and range staff on any and all general and safety instructions. This includes wearing eye and ear protection on and in the proximity of the firing line. For training classes and special events, I understand that all firearms will be brought to the firing line empty, loaded only on command, and made safe/unloaded before leaving the firing line. Pistols will be transported muzzle down [or in a holster] with the slide locked open. For training classes and special events, I understand that any participant may refuse any exercise or task that they deem unsafe or beyond their ability or current training level, Any participant may stop their participation in any activity at any time by informing the range/event staff. I understand there is zero tolerance for negligent firearm discharge. Further, persons who fail to exhibit safe gun handling [including the use of appropriate safety mechanisms], keep their firearm pointed in a safe direction, commit repeated safety violations, disregard range commands or exhibit disruptive behavior may be removed from the facilities without recourse. I certify that I am over the age of 21 and legally entitled to possess and use a handgun. I have not consumed alcohol or taken any substance that would impair my ability to safely handle or discharge or a firearm. I understand that by signing this document, I am releasing Darnall's Gun Works and Ranges,and/or F.A.S.T Training Group and staff from any liability for personal injury, property damage and/or death arising from my participation in this course.