

In exchange for Chicago Duffy, LLC DBA Chicago Boat Company providing access to and use of the Chicago Boat Company boats and any related services, amenities, or experiences (hereinafter referred to as the “Activity”), I, on behalf of myself, my heirs and personal and legal representatives, hereby execute and remit this Release of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnification Agreement (this “Agreement”) in favor of Chicago Boat Company.


1. I, Responsible party, understand that it is required and acknowledge that I am 21 years of age or older at the time of the rental and all additional passengers must be 13 years old or older.

2. By renting this vessel, I acknowledge that boating is potentially hazardous and may result in serious injury, death, or property damage. At all times: 1) I must remain aware of weather, visibility, tides, current, wind, and other factors which may affect my ability to navigate the vessel safely. 2) I must adhere to all applicable nautical rules and laws governing the operation of boats. 3) I must take reasonable measures to avoid risk of collision with other vessels, docks, buoys, swimmers, or other objects or things, whether fixed or floating. 4) I must give the right of way to vessels under sail. 5) I expressly accept all risks of harm and damage that may result in connection with the operation of the vessel. 6) I acknowledge that in addition to the normal hazards associated with boating, the Chicago River poses its own hazards; I must pay careful attention to boats coming in and out of side channels or slips, low bridges, shallow water, floating debris, mooring lines and large vessels that may be restricted in their ability to maneuver or see my vessel.

3. I shall not surrender the operation of the vessel to other passengers on board. I am fully responsible for assuring that my passengers; guests and myself will adhere to all safety rules. Beaching the vessel or mooring to property not affiliated with Chicago Duffy, LLC, swimming, or fishing from the vessel is strictly prohibited. Further, I must operate the vessel in the Chicago River only. I MAY NOT operate the vessel on Lake Michigan under any circumstances. If I have any questions about these navigation restrictions, I must ask the rental representative prior to using the vessel.

4. Operating the vessel under the influence of alcohol (0.08% and over), marijuana, and/or illegal drugs is STRICTLY prohibited.

5. I, Renter, shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Chicago Duffy, LLC DBA Chicago Boat Company, City of Chicago, Jefferson Beach Yacht Sales, Inc., and their respective officers, employees, co-workers, co-partners, subcontractors, landlords or lessors (collectively, the “Released Parties”), from and against any damage, loss, theft or destruction of any equipment or property, sickness, death, and against all accidents and losses, liability and property or personal damages, injuries, claims, demands, actions, causes, litigation or lawsuits, costs and expenses of every kind and nature whether or not covered by insurance, including legal fees and disbursements, arising out of and in connection with the use, condition or operation of the vessel and my presence at Chicago Duffy, LLC’s property, whether that property is fixed or floating. I, Responsible Party, assume complete and total responsibility and, understand that it is my responsibility to inform all persons onboard the vessel of all rules and safety requirements on this agreement and that it is my duty to enforce all rules to my passengers.

6. By riding aboard this vessel, I, acknowledge that the Activity is potentially hazardous and may result in minor or serious injury, death, sickness or property damage. Situations which may arise resulting in the above-mentioned casualties may include but are not limited to:

Changes in weather and water conditions and currents, lightning, hypothermia, or dangerous wildlife;

Conduct of third parties at the departure and arrival docking areas and in other vessels on the water;

Amplification of existing or new medical conditions resulting from physical activity;

Falling into the water, whether or not wearing a life jacket

Falling or slipping on the dock or a boat due to slippery conditions or turbulent waters or weather;

Injury or death related to consumption of food or alcohol;

Failure of equipment onboard the vessel

7. I acknowledge and assume all risks associated with entering the hot tub boat, including injury, drowning, death, and damage or destruction to my personal property. I further acknowledge that the consumption of alcohol may impair my abilities to make decisions, or perform other mental or physical functions, and increase the level of risk associated with entering the hot tub boat. If I choose to enter the hot tub boat for any reason, I represent that I am an experienced and capable swimmer. I understand, acknowledge, and agree that no lifeguard or other professional rescuers or medical professionals will be present or available, that I will at all times abide by and comply with the directions and commands of Chicago Boat Company staff, that I will respect and not harass or endanger other guests or wildlife, that I will properly wear a personal floatation device (life vest), that unknown or unpredictable environmental conditions may occur including but not limited to storms, changes in weather or conditions, or other unusual or unexpected events or conditions, and that I am fully responsible for my personal belongings and the risk of them getting damaged by water. 

8. I understand that the above risks cannot be eliminated without altering the unique experience provided by the Chicago Boat Company. I freely and soberly acknowledge and accept all risk of bodily injury, sickness, death, property damage and related expenses. Hospital facilities and qualified medical and emergency care may be limited or unavailable during the Activity. Chicago Boat Company assumes no responsibility for providing medical care or evacuation during or after the Activity. 

9. I understand and expressly assume all risk for any bodily injury, sickness, death, property damage, and related expenses resulting from my failure to use the provided life jackets and flotation devices. 

10. I understand that although the medical and recreational possession and use of cannabis (marijuana) may be permitted in Illinois by adults, federal law expressly prohibits the possession, transport, and use of cannabis on federally regulated waterways, including the Chicago River and Lake Michigan. I agree to refrain from possessing, transporting, smoking, eating, inhaling, injecting, consuming, or otherwise using cannabis products or any other federally listed drugs during the Activity or while at Chicago Boat Company facilities. I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties (defined in item 6) from and against any damage, loss, accidents, liability and property or personal damages, injuries, claims, demands, actions, causes, litigation or lawsuits, costs and expenses of every kind and nature whether or not covered by insurance, including legal fees and disbursements, arising out of and in connection with my breach of the agreements in this section. 

11. This Agreement shall be binding and is intended to be construed as broadly and inclusively as permitted by applicable law. If any portion of this agreement shall be held invalid in a court of law it shall be modified to the least degree necessary so that it remains valid. If any portion of the agreement is held invalid it shall be removed and the rest of the agreement shall be held in full force and effect. This agreement shall be governed by the State of Illinois. 

12. I agree to submit to arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Commercial Arbitration Rules any dispute arising out of or relating to the Agreement that cannot be settled by informal mediation. The place of arbitration shall be Chicago, Illinois. Judgment on the award shall be rendered by the arbitrators and may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. 

13. I, hereby represent that all weight submissions are truthful and accurate. I further acknowledge and agree that in the event of any damage, injury, or other incident resulting from a failure to disclose accurate weight information or from exceeding the specified 800 lbs capacity, I shall bear full liability and responsibility.

14. I acknowledge that individuals, including myself, with medical conditions, including but not limited to heart conditions, high blood pressure, respiratory issues, skin conditions, or those who are pregnant, are advised to consult a healthcare professional before participating in a hot tub boat rental.

15. I agree to abide by and understand and accept all items including fines outlined in the section of this document titled “POLICIES AND FINES.” 

By signing below, I understand that I am entering into a legally binding agreement with Chicago Duffy LLC and I willfully accept the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. No oral representations, statements, or other inducements to sign this Agreement have been made apart from what is contained in this document. I have fully informed myself of the contents of this Agreement by reading it before signing it.


Nudity Chicago Boat Company has a Zero Tolerance policy for nudity on our boats; If any nudity is suspected, the Chicago Police Department will be called, a report will be filed, and the Chicago Police Department will be provided with all renter and passenger information. Chicago Boat Company has the right to charge the responsible party up to $500 for this offense.

Underage Drinking Chicago Boat Company has a zero-tolerance policy; If underage drinking is suspected, the Chicago Police Department will be called. Chicago Boat Company has the right to charge the responsible party up to $500 for this offense.

In the case of Full Battery Drainage, Chicago Boat Company has the right to charge the responsible party up to $500 for this offense.

Late Return is subject to a late fee of double the standard rental rate rounded up to the next half hour.

Glass is not permitted onboard, if glass is brought onboard, a fee may be charged at the sole discretion of Chicago Boat Company and its representatives. If glass is brought on board and breaks, the full security deposit will be charged, in additional to the rental rate of every reservation impacted by the incident. 

Extra Cleanup Fee may be charged at the sole discretion of Chicago Boat Company and its representatives. This includes cases of, but not limited to bodily fluids, melted candy, and more. Cleanup fee will be calculated at Chicago Boat Company's standard cleaning rate of $45.00 per hour. Should a tub need to be emptied in order to completely sanitize there is a fee of $500 for this service as well as payment in full of any rentals that are lost as a result of the required action. 

Traversing beyond the set boundaries of State Street and LaSalle Street will result in a minimum of $500 fee.

Rescue Fee of $500 minimum is chargeable if the boat is disabled due to violation of safety rules or operator negligence.

Smoking Fee of $150 will be charged if there are ANY signs or odors of smoking.

Illegal Docking Fee of $250 will be charged if you dock or moor the vessel to any structure or vessel at any point during your possession of the vessel unless prior consent is obtained from a Chicago Boat Company staff member.

Reckless Operation Fee of $500 while operating vessel includes, but not limited to, endangering yourself or others around you, driving in front of or cutting off other vessels and boats, dangling body, or body parts outside of the vessel and designated seating area, driving under the influence, consuming alcohol while driving, driving above cruising speed specified, or making sharp or rapid turns of the vessel wheel causing damage to vessel. You must remain seated at all times.

Speeding Fee of $500 is chargeable if the boat is operated over the prescribed speed as directed in the safety video and the onboard vessel orientation. The boats are electric, and if operated at higher than normal cruise speeds, will quickly drain batteries rendering them useless for rentals throughout the day. Your complete cooperation in operating the vessel at a normal cruise speed is appreciated and required. 

Materials Cleanup Fee of $500 is chargeable if detected or found on vessel (includes blood, vomit or other bodily fluids).

Charges for losses or damages to the vessel will be calculated at Chicago Boat Company standard service and parts rates. We reserve the right to designate which subcontractor will be used to repair all damages in the event of an incident. A price list of parts may be requested from the office. Labor rate is $110 per hour, and haul-out is $10.00 per linear foot.

No refunds will be issued if the boat is returned before the rental time has expired.

First Responsible Party Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

First Responsible Party Date of Birth*
First Responsible Party Weight Disclosure

Please provide your weight in pounds (lbs) *
First Responsible Party Signature*
Second Responsible Party Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Second Responsible Party Date of Birth*
Second Responsible Party Weight Disclosure

Please provide your weight in pounds (lbs) *
Third Responsible Party Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Third Responsible Party Date of Birth*
Third Responsible Party Weight Disclosure

Please provide your weight in pounds (lbs) *
Fourth Responsible Party Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Fourth Responsible Party Date of Birth*
Fourth Responsible Party Weight Disclosure

Please provide your weight in pounds (lbs) *
Fifth Responsible Party Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Fifth Responsible Party Date of Birth*
Fifth Responsible Party Weight Disclosure

Please provide your weight in pounds (lbs) *
Sixth Responsible Party Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Sixth Responsible Party Date of Birth*
Sixth Responsible Party Weight Disclosure

Please provide your weight in pounds (lbs) *
Seventh Responsible Party Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Seventh Responsible Party Date of Birth*
Seventh Responsible Party Weight Disclosure

Please provide your weight in pounds (lbs) *
Eighth Responsible Party Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Eighth Responsible Party Date of Birth*
Eighth Responsible Party Weight Disclosure

Please provide your weight in pounds (lbs) *
Ninth Responsible Party Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Ninth Responsible Party Date of Birth*
Ninth Responsible Party Weight Disclosure

Please provide your weight in pounds (lbs) *
Tenth Responsible Party Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Tenth Responsible Party Date of Birth*
Tenth Responsible Party Weight Disclosure

Please provide your weight in pounds (lbs) *
Parent or Guardian's Driver's License / ID Card

Driver's License / ID Card Number*

Issuing State*
Please provide the first and last names of all participants in your group (do not include yourself)

Participant 1

Participant 2

Participant 3

Participant 4

Participant 5
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
Check to receive information, news, and discounts by e-mail.
Responsible Party Address
Address Line 1:*
Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o
Address Line 2:
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
Parent(s) or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the Parent or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Weight Disclosure

Please provide your weight in pounds (lbs) *
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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