I, the undersigned, for myself and on behalf of my representatives, assigns, heirs, executors, and administrators, in consideration for ARROW CONCEPTS TRAINING CENTER LLC (DBA ARROW CONCEPTS) (hereinafter “ARROW CONCEPTS”) allowing me to use its facilities, including the firing range, training facility, weight room and to participate in, or observe, any other activities/programs, including, but not limited to, firearms instruction and training, test firing, firearms rentals (if any), and demonstrations (together the “Activities”), having perceived, appreciated, and assumed the risk inherent in firearms operation, lead exposure, and the Activities including, but not limited to, the possibility of personal or property injury, permanent disability, and/or death due to accidental discharge; equipment malfunction and/or failure; ricochet; misunderstanding of instructions; omission or error on the part of instructors, range/safety officers, and/or other participants in the Activities; and/or actions of other participants in the Activities I do hereby agree as follows: 1) I hereby FULLY RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND DISCHARGE: ARROW CONCEPTS and all other persons and organizations associated with ARROW CONCEPTS including, but not limited to, its owners, directors, officers, associates, employees, representatives, trainees, trainers, instructors, range/safety officers, gunsmiths, affiliates, agents, and members (together the “Released Parties”) with regard to any and all claims, liabilities, and expenses (including attorney’s fees) related in any way to my participation in the Activities. 2) I certify that I have read and understand the RANGE RULES AND REGULATIONS of ARROW CONCEPTS (hereinafter “Rules”) and agree to abide by said Rules and all instructions given by range/safety officers. I understand and agree that my failure to abide by any rule or instruction may result in my immediate removal from the range and expulsion from the Activities and the ARROW CONCEPTS facility. I will, at all times, exercise safe firearm handling practices and will not operate any firearms or equipment with which I am not completely familiar. 3) I certify that: a) I have answered all the questions on this form truthfully, completely and accurately; b) I have been advised that I have the right for my own legal counsel to review this Release and Indemnity Agreement; c) I have no medical, mental or physical conditions that could compromise my safety and/or the safety of others in any of the Activities; d) I am not currently under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs (of any kind or classification), and I am not impaired in any way that would affect my ability to safely participate in the Activities; e) I have adequate insurance to cover any injury or damage I may cause or suffer, or else I agree to bear the costs of such injury or damage personally; f) I can lawfully possess and/or control firearms under federal, state, and local laws and regulations; g) I am not a “Prohibited Person” under federal law. 4) I consent to be financially responsible for and to reimburse ARROW CONCEPTS for any action on my part (including, but not limited to, the discharge of a firearm) that causes damage to the range or equipment. I agree that I shall be liable for all costs, including attorney’s fees, associated with the enforcement of this RELEASE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT. 5) This RELEASE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT shall be governed by the laws of the State of Ohio. The venue for any cause of action related to this Agreement shall be a court of competent jurisdiction in Licking County, Ohio. 6) Young Adults: If the participant is a young adult who is age eighteen (18) years old or older but has not yet reached the age of twenty-one (21) years old, the participant acknowledges that the participant will not be permitted to rent firearms from ARROW CONCEPTS and, absent the consent of the participant’s parent or legal guardian as set forth below, will only be permitted to possess and/or control rifles and shotguns, at any ARROW CONCEPTS facility, that the National Firearms Act does not regulate. I have fully and carefully read this RELEASE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, as well as any and all Rules, and understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release from liability and indemnification agreement and a contract between the Released Parties and me and that this Agreement imposes limitations on my legal rights. I sign this RELEASE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT of my own free will and with the intent to be legally bound by the terms set forth herein. Date: February 10, 2025 |