I give my permission for my above named child to attend and participate in activities, programs, and trips sponsored by Hayes Barton UMC from June 2024 through September 2025 (unless otherwise noted in a separate permission form). Prior to my participation or the participation of my child, I acknowledge that there are certain risks associated with these activities, including, by way of example, physical injury due to activity-related accidents, physical injury due to transportation-related accidents, illness or even death. In addition, I acknowledge that there may be other risks inherent in these activities of which I may not be presently aware. Release of Liability By signing this parental consent and liability form, I expressly warrant that this child named above or I, if I am a participant, am capable of withstanding both the physical and mental demands of these activities. I also expressly assume all risks to the child or me participating in the activities, whether such risks are known or unknown to me at this time. I further release the church and its ministers, leaders, employees, volunteers and agents from any claim that my child may have or that I may have against them as a result of injury or illness incurred during the course of participation in these activities. This release of liability is also intended to cover all claims that members of the youth’s or my family or estate, heirs, representatives or assigns may have against the church or its ministers, leaders, employees, volunteers or agents from any and all claims arising from my participation or as a result of injury or illness of my child that occur while participating in the above described activities, programs, and trips from September 2023 through September 2024. Permission to Use Photos, send E-mails or Text Messages I give permission for the church, whether that being ministers, staff, leadership and/or volunteers to use photos of my child in church publications such as newsletters, church website, or other related areas (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram). I also give permission for the church to contact me or my child via e-mails and/or text messages as a means of communication other than just telephone calls. I furthermore understand that the church will not use these means in an inappropriate way. First Aid and Emergency Medical Treatment I recognize that there may be occasions where the child named above, or I, if I am a participant, may be in need of first aid or emergency medical treatment as a result of an accident, illness, or other health condition or injury. I authorize an adult, in whose care the child has been entrusted, to consent to any X-ray, examination, anesthetic, medical, surgical or dental diagnosis or treatment, and hospital care, to be rendered by the medical staff of a licensed hospital, whether such diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of said physician or at said hospital. In so doing, I agree to pay all fees and costs arising from this action to obtain medical treatment. Youth Along with the leaders and other youth, I agree to conduct myself in a Christian manner. I promise to respect God, respect myself, respect other people, and respect property. I understand that my agreement holds me responsible to these things and the consequences thereof. I agree to participate in these activities of the church; my participation in church activities depends on my support of this agreement. By signing this covenant, I understand that I am subject to be sent home and am responsible for any legal consequences if I partake in any of the following activities: possession of illegal drugs, non-prescribed medication, alcohol or tobacco products, possession of weapons, disrespect of authority, or any other activity that adult leaders or pastors deem as inappropriate. I covenant to strive to make each activity/trip/retreat the best that it can be! Date: January 28, 2025