Rare Plant Monitoring Network and Adopt a Rare Plant Volunteer Data and Site Security Agreement The Rare Plant Monitoring Network and Adopt a Rare Plant depend on the Oregon Biodiversity Information Center (ORBIC) for rare plant data to do our conservation work. ORBIC maintains accurate, up-to-date information on the state’s most imperiled resources. Distribution of exact locations of Oregon’s rare plant species could compromise their protection. We ask that you read, understand, and sign this agreement to help hold this sensitive information in safekeeping and to fulfill our purpose of protecting Oregon’s rare plants. 1. Rare plant location information shall not be released, shared, or discussed with outside individuals or organizations, other than the appropriate public land management agencies. This includes posting photos of plants on social media with location tagging enabled. If using community science platforms such as iNaturalist to log your observations in the field, be sure to mark the box to obscure the location. 2. Your Field Data are to be submitted to Adopt a Rare Plant and/or the Rare Plant Monitoring Network of Southwest Oregon to be shared with ORBIC, and the appropriate public land management agencies. 3. Each volunteer is responsible for contacting their volunteer lead with the Rare Plant Monitoring Network (RPMN) or Adopt a Rare Plant at least one week in advance of their upcoming site visit with date, species, and location information. 4. RPMN requires volunteers to submit original completed Field Data on existing and new rare plant populations as soon as possible following a visit to a rare plant site, and no later than 1 month after the monitoring visit. 5. If volunteers become aware of an immediate threat to a rare plant population, as soon as possible, they will notify their RPMN volunteer lead. 6. Under no circumstance will volunteers collect or destroy any plant or part thereof, including but not limited to seeds, propagules, flowers, stems, leaves, or roots. Acceptance into the rare plant monitoring program is not authorization to collect; if volunteers question a plant’s identity, they are not authorized to collect any portion of the plant for ID purposes unless directly authorized by the Rare Plant Monitoring Network of Southwest Oregon. 7. Under no circumstance will volunteers use site information for any purpose other than the purpose assigned by the Rare Plant Monitoring Network of Southwest Oregon. Public resources may not be used for private gain. Any violation of this rule will result in the volunteer’s dismissal from the program. Your skilled and thoughtful participation in this volunteer program is greatly valued. Thank you for helping to monitor, manage, and protect Oregon's rare plants. A copy of this agreement will be emailed to you. Please retain it for your records.