STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY Off road motorsport activities are inherently dangerous. You should take part in any riding activities based on your own assessment of your abilities. You are responsible for the quality and condition of your vehicle and protective apparel. Neither Deer Creek MX Ranch L.L.C., the landowners, nor their agents provide insurance coverage. If you have any doubts about your personal abilities, if you have not adequately prepared yourself and your equipment, if you question the safety of the property, or if you believe your personal insurance coverage is inadequate, you should refrain from any off road motorsport activities. Understanding this, I voluntarily sign the following release and waiver of liability:
RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY In consideration of being granted an opportunity to enter the premises at Deer Creek MX Ranch, L.L.C. in Sheridan, AR, and intending to be legally bound hereby agree: I, for myself, my heirs, personal representatives, and assigns, HEREBY RELEASE, DISCHARGE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY Deer Creek MX Ranch, L.L.C., the promoters, the property owners, and the officers, directors, officials, representatives, advertisers, sponsors, agents, workers, volunteers, and employees of all of them, OF AND FROM ALL LIABILITY, LOSS, CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND POSSIBLE CAUSES OF ACTION that may otherwise accrue FROM ANY LOSS, DAMAGE OR INJURY (INCLUDING DEATH) TO MY PERSON OR PROPERTY, that in any way results from my activities while on the premises at Deer Creek MX Ranch, L.L.C., from any cause whatsoever including without limitation the failure of anyone to enforce rules and regulations, failure to make inspections, or the negligence of other persons. I KNOW THE RISK AND DANGER TO MYSELF AND PROPERTY while upon said premises or while operating my motorcycle or ATV and I DO SO VOLUNTARILY AND IN RELIANCE, not upon property, equipment, facilities and existing conditions furnished by others, but UPON MY OWN JUDGMENT AND ABILITY, and I hereby ASSUME ALL RISK FOR LOSS, DAMAGE OR INJURY (INCLUDING DEATH) TO MYSELF AND MY PROPERTY from any cause whatsoever and whether or not attributable to the negligence of others. I FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT MOTORCYCLE RIDING IS DANGEROUS AND THAT THERE IS NO MEDICAL INSURANCE PROVIDED. I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, AND HAVE SIGNED FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT, ASSURANCE OR GUARANTEE BEING MADE TO ME AND INTEND MY SIGNATURE TO BE A COMPLETE AND UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY TO THE GREATEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW.