ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK, RELEASE INDEMNITY AGREEMENT AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY PATRONS who desire to use this facility. Whether shooting their personal firearms or shooting a rental firearm from Caliber Management LLC. It is a MADATE that this form MUST be completely executed. All information received will be kept strictly confidential. And will NOT be distributed, sold, or made available to others for any purpose, and is for the sole use of CALIBER MANAGEMENT, LLC. Patrons must be at least 18 years of age to rent a firearm and must show a valid FOID card or state issued I.D. Anyone suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be permitted on Caliber Management LLC firing range. CALIBER MANAGEMENT, LLC reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at any time and for any reason. WHEREAS, in consideration of the “patron” being allowed to enter, participate, observe and/or use in any way, including instruction and coaching in firearms handling, shooting sports and competitions within CALIBER MANAGEMENT, LLC range and its facilities. And for other good and valuable consideration of which the receipt and efficiency is hereby acknowledged, I, the Patron, acknowledge and agree to the following statement of facts: Patron hereby certifies that they are of the proper legal age. Has and demonstrates maturity, has adequate gun knowledge. Or has been demonstrated fundamentals of the safe handling of firearms and ammunition. The Patron furthermore waives for themselves and their executors, administrators, assignees, or heirs, any and all rights and claims for injuries, illnesses, damages, or losses to participant, and another actions or demands whatsoever. In which patron, individually or jointly and severely, may have or which may arise against CALIBER MANAGEMENT, LLC, its owners, staff, and volunteers. Patron hereby expressly assumes the risk of entering the premises and of taking parts in all activities which include but are not limited to, the discharge of firearms and the firing of live ammunition. The Patron furthermore acknowledges and agrees that they have read, understand and will at all times abide by all rules, regulations, directions and procedures imposed by and Sponsor, and the staff of CALIBER MANAGEMENT, LLC. This instrument binds the patron and their executors, administrators, assigns, and heirs forever. Patron shall observe and uphold the mandate rule of Caliber Management LLC. No steel cased ammo shall be used, dispensed or exchanged. Breach of this mandate/rule patron shall agree his/her/their of their immediate removal of Caliber Management LLC range without any refund or credit for services rendered at that point of time. NO EXCEPTIONS PHOTOGRAPHS ARE NOT ALLOWED WITHOUT PERMISSION OF A SENIOR CALIBER STAFF MEMBER! Today's Date: March 13, 2025 |