Guest has been given permission to visit 10055 Dragonfly Run, Mims, FL 32754, a property owned by JBWR Properties LLC, with services operated and provided by Hunters Envy. During Guest visit, he or she may choose to participate in activities including hunting, fishing, boating, eBike riding, potential use of any vehicle on the premises, use of firearms, sporting equipment or recreational equipment, etc., which include an inherent element of risk, including the risk of physical injury or death. Guest acknowledges the potential dangers inherent in participating in such activities or being present when and where these activities occur and agrees to assume this risk. In consideration of being allowed to participate in such activities, Guest, on behalf of him or herself, his or her heirs, assigns or assignees, and any minor for whom he or she is the responsible party, waives and releases all members of JBWR Properties LLC & Hunters Envy for any claims, loss, or damage on account of injuries sustained by Guest (or to any minor for whom Guest is the responsible party). This Waiver and Release is valid for any activity and for any cause, even if caused by the negligence of JBWR Properties LLC & Hunters Envy, its members, agents, employees, or any of its other invited guests. JBWR Properties LLC & Hunters Envy is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen property. Guest is responsible for any personal property brought to the premises. Guest/s acknowledges that service provided by JBWR Properties LLC & Hunters Envy at a location different than the address listed in this waiver will not change the terms and conditions of this Waiver and Release, therefore by signing this agreement, you as an individual or guardian of a minor agree to the Waiver and Release of JBWR Properties LLC & Hunters Envy related to activities described herein. Guest agrees that this Waiver and Release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Florida and that if any portion of this agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that the balance of the agreement will continue in full force and effect. Guest is aware of the potential legal consequences of signing this Waiver and Release. If Guest is accompanied by a minor, Guest represents that he or she has the legal authority to consent to the minor’s attendance and participation in any activities taking place at the premises. If Guest is a minor and responsible adult is not on the premises, the Waiver and Release shall apply. This Waiver and Release shall be in full effect until it is revoked by the Guest or the adult responsible for the minor. I, in consideration of being allowed to participate as a passenger aboard an airboat watercraft in Watersport events and activities, for myself or any minor children for whom I am parent, legal guardian, or otherwise responsible, and for my/our heirs, personal representatives or assigns, I hereby: A. Acknowledgement of Risks. Acknowledge that some, but not all, of the risks of participating in airboat Watersport activities include: 1. Changing water flow, tides, currents, wave action and ships' wakes, 2. Collisions with any of the following: other participants, the watercraft, other watercraft, and manmade or natural objects, 3. Wind, inclement weather, lightening, variances and extremes of wind, weather, and temperature, 4. Either temporary or permanent changes in my sense of hearing, 5. My sense of balance, physical coordination, ability to operate equipment, swim and/or follow directions, 6. Collision, capsizing, sinking, or other hazard which results in wetness, injury, exposure to the elements, hypothermia, and/or drowning, 7. The presence of insects and marine life forms, 8. Equipment failure or operator error, 9. Heat or sun related injuries or illnesses, including sunburn, sunstroke, or dehydration, 10. Fatigue, chill and/or dizziness, which may diminish my/our reaction time and increase the risk of an accident. B. Express Assumptions of Risk and Responsibility. Agree to assume responsibility for all the risk of the activity, whether identified or not. My/our participation in the activity is purely voluntary. I assume full responsibility for myself and my minor children for whom I am responsible, for any bodily injury, accident, illness, paralysis, death, loss of personal property and expenses thereof as a result of any accident, whether resulting from negligence or otherwise, that may occur while I/we participate in the activity. C. Release: JBWR Properties & Hunters Envy, its principals, directors, officers, agents, employees and volunteers, their insurers and each and every land owner, municipal, and/or governmental agency upon whose property an activity is conducted and their insurers, from any and all liability of any nature for any and all injury or damage (including death) to me or my minor children and other persons, whether due to their negligence, in whole or in part, or otherwise, regardless of the cause. D. Indemnity & Hold Harmless. Will indemnify and hold harmless JBWR Properties LLC & Hunters Envy, its principals, directors, officers, agents, employees and volunteers, their insurers and each and every landowner, municipal and/or governmental agency upon whose property an activity is conducted and their insurers, for any and all liability of any nature for any and all injury or damage (including death) to me or my minor children and other persons, whether due to their negligence in whole or in part, or otherwise regardless of the cause. Client Agrees to Follow All Commands Given by Staff Members Client Agrees to Follow All State and Federal Laws and Regulations at the Ranch Client Agrees to Pay Their Invoice in FULL Within 2 Days of Completing Their Hunt/Experience Client Agrees to Communicate with Hunters Envy Employees Regarding Their Harvest. A $500 fee will be Assessed to Clients that Abandon Their Harvest with or without Reason Client Agrees to a $50 Transportation Fee from Hunters Envy to the Processor if Their Hunt is Successful, and the Client is Unable to Take the Harvest with them Client States That They Have NOT Been Convicted of a Felony That Would Prevent Them From Possessing a Firearm
March 11, 2025