BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT YOU WILL WAIVE CERTAIN LEGAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO SUE. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! I AM AWARE OF THE RISKS, DANGERS, AND HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ACTIVITIES AND I FREELY ACCEPT AND FULLY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, DANGERS AND HAZARDS AND THE POSSIBILITY OF PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND LOSS RESULTING THEREFROM. RELEASE OF LIABILITY, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT In consideration of TPASC Inc. accepting my application for admission and permitting my use of its gymnasiums, aquatics centre, studios, additional activity spaces, change rooms, climbing facilities, belay equipment, ropes, harnesses, climbing shoes, grigris, top-rope climbs, lead climbing routes, I hereby agree as follows: TO WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS that I have or may in the future have against TPASC Inc., and its shareholders, directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, independent contractors, subcontractors, sponsors, successors, representatives and assigns (all of whom are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Releasees"), and TO RELEASE THE RELEASEES from any and all liability for any loss, damage, expense or injury including death that I may suffer, or that my next of kin may suffer resulting from either my use of or my presence on the facilities or travel due to any cause whatsoever, including negligence, breach of contract, mistakes or errors in judgment, or from injuries resulting from mechanical breakdown or failure of equipment, or poor design or placement of any equipment, including but not being limited to ropes, carabiners, quick draws, bolt hangers, and all anchors, or breach of any statutory or other duty of care, including any duty of care under the Occupiers Liability Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter O.2 on the part of the Releasees, and also including the failure on the part of the Releasees to safeguard or protect me from the risks, dangers and hazards of the activities referred to above; TO HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY THE RELEASEES from any and all liability for any damage to property of or personal injury to any third party, resulting from my use of or presence on the facilities; This Agreement shall be effective and binding upon my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, assigns and representatives, in the event of my death or incapacity; This Agreement and any rights, duties and obligations as between the parties to this Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted solely in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and no other jurisdiction. Any litigation involving the parties to this Agreement shall be brought solely within the Province of Ontario and shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Province of Ontario. By entering into this Agreement I am not relying upon any oral or written representations or statements made by the Releasees with the respect to the safety of the activities other than what is set forth in this Agreement. This Agreement shall apply to all subsequent admissions or membership renewals. I will not consume any alcohol or any other substance which would impair my senses or judgment prior to or while using the facilities of Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre. I will not hold TPASC Inc. responsible for any lost or stolen personal belongings. PRIVACY & PHOTO RELEASE STATMENT – The personal information collected herein shall remain confidential and shall not, under any circumstances, be shared with or otherwise released to any third parties, including public organizations, corporations or individuals, except where required by law. This information is used for administrative, safety and security purposes of the TPASC facility and programs. All users hereby consent to the collection and use of the personal information disclosed in this form for the aforementioned purposes. Please note participants agree to receive promotional material from TPASC and may have their image photographed during activities, which may be used by Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. for future promotional purposes and/or social media. I HAVE HAD SUFFICIENT OPPORTUNITY TO READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS ENTIRE AGREEMENT INCLUDING THE PRECEEDING PAGES AND I AM AWARE THAT BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT I AM WAIVING CERTAIN LEGAL RIGHTS WHICH I OR MY HEIRS, NEXT OF KIN, EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, ASSIGNS, AND REPRESENTATIVES MAY HAVE AGAINST THE RELEASEES. Today's Date: March 14, 2025 |