The renter and the instructor review the FWC required list together. The Renter will inital and sign first. The instructor will intial and sign the checklist when the renter has completed the checklist. Operator Responsibility: Operator is responsible for the safe and proper operation of the vessel; Avoid careless, reckless and negligent operation of vessels; Effects of alcohol, controlled substances and stressors Renter (1st) Instructor Initial (after the Renter has completed, to confirm the items were covered completely) Navigation Rules: Maintain a proper lookout; Keep a safe distance from other vessels and objects; Operate at a safe speed for the conditions; location and environment; Operate in a defensive manner; Requirements to give way to other vessels and vessel right of way - to get the most out of a sand bar trip be aware of the tides. try to arrive at the sandbar Renter Instructor Initial Aids to navigation; buoys and other waterways markers - "Bubba Sticks" are unique markers put up by locals indicating ideal places to make a crossing or turn" Channel markings are important and can be confusing until you are familiar - slow down if you are not absolutely sure where you are - get your bearings. Renter Instructor Initial Special Waterway Hazards: Operate at slow speed minimum wake when within 300 feet or emergency vessels with activated emergency lights or within 300 feet of construction vessels displaying an orange flag Renter Instructor Initial Awareness of changes to weather or water conditions and proper responses to those changes Renter Instructor Initial Requirements for operating a vessel while a person is waterskiing or participating in similar activities identified in s. 327.37, F.S., if applicable. (waterkiind or towing not permitted on with our boats) Watersking and other recreational towing is not allowed with our boats Renter Instructor Initial Propulsion, steering and stopping characteristics of vessels: Discuss in general and as to the specific vessel being leased or rented Our boats have power steering for ease of movement; please see operators manual and other guides for getting on plane; approaching a dock with and against the wind, and anchoring in shallow water, Do not exceed 30 mph with Bimini top up. Renter Instructor Initial Location and content of manufacturer warning labels - behind drivers seat; in documents folder in dry storage Renter Instructor Initial Location of and proper use of safety equipment Renter Instructor Initial Boarding, falling off, capsizing, taking on water, re-boarding and emergency procedures for dealing with these situations Stay Calm at all times - Throw ring and emergency phone numbers available near the operator's manual inside dry storage to the immediate left of the steering wheel. Renter Instructor Initial Problems seeing other vessels and being seen by them Renter Instructor Initial The dangers of wake or surf jumping and other reckless operations. (not allowed with our boats) Renter Instructor Initial Boating safety identification cards, age and engine requirements Renter Instructor Initial Boating Accidents: Causes and prevention of accidents; Legal requirements: remain on-scene, render assistance, report incident to authorities Emergency phone numbers available on card inside door of dry storage to the left of the steering wheel Renter Instructor Initial (if applicable to location) Ecosystem awareness based on local issues Fine for damaege to sea grass is $1,000 per linear foot. Renter Instructor Initial Specific operational characteristics of the vessel being leased or rented Renter Instructor Initial Local characteristics of the waterway where the leased or rented vessel is intended to be operated, to include: Navigational hazards; Boating restricted areas; Water depths Stay in 3 feet of water at a minumum. Use depthfinder, and boating app WAVVE if available. Renter Instructor Initial Personal Watercraft Specific personal watercraft (PWC) safety requirements: Required to wear PFD; Required use of kill switch lanyard; Location of sound producing device and fire extinguisher; Minimum age to legally operate; Lawful hours of operation DOES NOT APPLY Off-Site or extended period use Renter Instructor Initial Instruction on care and maintenance of the leased or rented vessel: Fueling and ventilation; Trailering and transporting; Float plans; how and when to complete a float plan; Specific local hazards, e.g.: bodies of water, weather, dams, cold water, commercial vessel traffic Insurance from is required before 9AM and after 5PM. Our boats can only operate from 30 min before sunrise to 30 min after sunset. See our website or QR code sheet in the documents bin inside the dry storage. Renter Instructor Initial Conducted an on-the-water demonstration and check ride to verify the prospective operator’s ability to safely operate the vessel to be leased or rented Date: March 11, 2025 I hereby acknowledge I have provided the required pre-rental and pre-ride instruction as specifically acknowledged above. Name of Livery Instructor and signature Print Instructor name [sign] Sign:[sign] I hereby acknowledge I have received the required pre-rental and pre-ride instruction as specifically acknowledged above, and I understand the rules and information provided in this orientation. Name of Renter and signature Print Renter name [sign] Sign:[sign] |