
Certified Diver Check-in

Required for certified recreational divers diving with Starfish Diving Center Vrsar or for participation in diving courses.

This is a release of your right to sue Morska Zvijezda Centar za Ronjenje d.o.o. and its employees, contractors, agents and assigns for personal injuries of wrongful death that may occur during the forthcoming dive activity as a result of the inherent risks associated with scuba diving/snorkeling/freediving or as a result of negligence, passive or active. You are agreeing to all following lines 1-23.


1. I acknowledge that I am a certified scuba diver trained in safe diving practices (see lines I-J above). I will provide acceptable proof of certification by presenting a physical card, digital card (App on my phone) or an image of my physical card at check-in. Additional online checks may be conducted with the relevant training organization. I understand that a signed logbook does not provide proof of dive certification. Without evidence of certification at check-in, I acknowledge that I will not be able to join the diving activity and will be charged all costs of the booked activities.


2. I understand that there are conservation laws and will not take any marine life, chase, or harass or touch or damage the environment. I know and obey local dive laws and regulations, including fishing laws.


3. I am aware of the risks Inherent in this sport and accept these risks. I also understand that in this diving trip, I will be at remote sites and that there will not be immediate medical care or hyperbaric care available to me, and I expressly assume the risk of diving in such a remote spot.


4. I understand that even though I follow all the appropriate safe diving practices, there is still some risk of me sustaining decompression sickness (DCS), embolisms or other hyperbaric injuries, and I expressly assume the risk of said injuries. I am not flying in an airplane or going to a mountain or drive over an elevated mountain road passage for the next 24 hours following a dive.


5. I maintain good mental and physical health and fitness for diving. I acknowledge that I am mentally and physically fit to scuba dive/snorkel/freedive, and I will not hold the above listed individuals/agencies responsible if I am injured as a result of heart, lung, ear or circulatory problems or other illnesses that occur during the activities. If I do not feel well, I will not dive and I understand the cancellation policy will apply.


6. I avoid being under the influence of alcohol or drugs or any drugs contradictory when diving. If I am taking medication, I affirm that I have seen a physician knowledgeable of diving and hyperbaric medicine and have approval to dive while under the influence of the medication.


7. I am proficient in diving skills, striving to increase them through continuous education and reviewing them in controlled conditions after a period of diving inactivity and refer to my course materials to stay current. For wreck diving activities, a minimum of 40 dives logged and Advanced Open Water Certification (or equivalent within the RSTC Council / ISO Standards) is required. In case I have not been diving for 90 days or longer before the planned diving activity, I agree that a familiarization dive in the house reef or on an easy shore dive site is obligatory and will be charged according to the price list.


8. I affirm that I breathe properly for diving. I never breath-hold or skip breathe when breathing compressed air and avoid excessive hyperventilation when breath-holding. I am aware of the dangers of breath holding while scuba diving, and I will not hold Morska Zvijezda Centar za Ronjenje d.o.o. and/or related entities such as employees, instructors, certified assistants, boat operators, booking agents or diver training agencies responsible if I am injured doing so. I avoid overexertion when in and underwater and dive within my limitations.


9. I am aware that I will be diving with a buddy and will adhere to the buddy system throughout every dive. Plan dives - including communications, procedures for search and reuniting in case of separation and emergency procedures - with my buddy.


10. I am proficient in dive planning (dive computer or dive table use). The use of a dive computer or bottom timer with depth gauge is required with no exceptions. All dives must be no-decompression dives and allow a safety margin. I assure myself that my dive computer is in working condition and correctly set up for the type of dive and breathing gases. Have a means to monitor depth and time underwater. Limit maximum depth to my level of training and experience. Ascend at a rate of no more than 12 meters per minute. Be a SAFE diver - Slowly Ascend From Every dive. Make a mandatory safety stop as an extra precaution, usually at 5 meters for three minutes or longer.


11. I will be familiar with dive sites. If not, obtain a briefing from a knowledgeable, competent person or engage a professional dive guide. It will be our responsibility to plan our dive, allowing for our diving limitations and the prevailing water conditions ACCORDING TO LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. I will not hold the above listed individuals and agencies responsible for my failure to safely plan my dive. The instructor may be required to act as an instructor if non-certified divers are present in which case is the instructor's sole responsibility. I acknowledge, that only I am myself responsible to monitor my air supply and stay within my limitations of training, health, and certification. Any dive leaders, guides, instructors participating are not responsible for my air supply and personal / general diving limitations.

I will engage only in diving activities consistent with my training and experience. I will not engage in overhead, cavern, cave, or technical diving unless specifically trained, certified and agreed to do so.


12. I expressly assume the risk and accept all responsibility to plan my dive and dive my plan. I will return to the boat or beach with no less than 30 bar. I will be aware of currents.


13. I will listen carefully to dive briefings and directions and respect the advice of those supervising my diving activities. During activities, on the dive base or diving ship I will follow any agreements, directions and instructions given by employees or designated persons of Morska Zvijezda Centar za Ronjenje d.o.o.


14. I will maintain proper buoyancy. I will adjust weighting at the surface for neutral buoyancy with no air in my buoyancy control device. Maintain neutral buoyancy while underwater. Be buoyant for surface swimming and resting. Have weights clear for easy removal and establish buoyancy when in distress while diving. Carry at least one surface signaling device (such as signal tube, whistle, mirror).


15. I will be aware, that some diving spots are within boat and yachting areas, and it is mandatory, to carry a signaling buoy according to local law. In case of emergency, I make sure to ascend close to the diving ship or shore to avoid any hazards of marine traffic!


16. I will use complete, well-maintained, reliable equipment which I am familiar with, and inspect it for correct fit and function prior each dive. I will have a buoyancy control device, low-pressure buoyancy control inflation system, submersible pressure gauge and alternate air source and dive planning/monitoring device (dive computer, RDP/dive tables) when scuba diving. I will deny uncertified divers the use of my equipment. I will notify any staff of Morska Zvijezda Centar za Ronjenje d.o.o. Vrsar ("Starfish Diving Center Vrsar") if any of my equipment is not working properly. I will not hold the above listed responsible for my failure to inspect my equipment prior to diving or departure. I understand if I am using my own diving gear, and something malfunctions with my dive gear at the dive site, I will not be refunded for the dives not completed.


17. I understand and agree that any equipment provided to me by the above listed individuals/agencies is to be returned upon my completion of diving. Any equipment that is provided to me and becomes lost or damaged throughout the course of this activity will be paid for by me at full retail replacement cost - this also applies if I do any technical changes or maintenance on rental equipment. Urinating in rental diving suit is prohibited and will result in buying the diving suit at retail price.


18. I will not hold the above listed individuals/agencies responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever to any of my equipment or personal belongings which I choose to bring. I understand that the equipment rooms are open throughout opening hours and cannot be surveilled or controlled. This includes any damage or loss incurred in or out of the water, caused by negligence or gross negligence, active or passive. If something is found it will be held at the diving center for a period of seven days and then given to charity if no one has spoken for it.


19. I understand that if the dive guide or instructor is providing photographic services, he/she is considered solely a photographer and not a guide. I also understand that the purpose of the instructor, captain and crew is not to perform rescues.


20. I understand and agree that dive sites will be selected based on prevailing weather and sea conditions in accordance with the captain or instructor's best judgement and that alternate locations may be selected when deemed necessary. In the event that the activity is canceled by the instructor / captain, customer(s) will be refunded 100%.


21. I affirm that I am not under pressure to sign and initial this agreement and statement of understanding, and that after doing so and paying for my diving activity, I have purchased the activity, whether I have paid cash, credit card or bank transfer I will guarantee the vendor all payments due for services.


22. Customer(s) wishing to cancel or reschedule activity must provide 72 hours notice to Morska Zvijezda Centar za Ronjenje d.o.o. Vrsar ("Starfish Diving Center Vrsar"). Between 72 hours and 24 hours, 50% refund will be given. Within 24 hours NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN FOR CANCELLATIONS BY CUSTOMER FOR ANY REASON, like when alternative dive site(s) are selected for any reason such as weather or group organization or personal reasons like ear trouble, seasickness, sickness before, during or after diving!


23. I understand the importance and purposes of the above established practices. I recognize they are for my own safety and well-being, failure to adhere to them can place me and others in jeopardy when diving.


Liability Release and Assumption of Risk Agreement

I, by this instrument do exempt and release (not limited to the following) my instructor(s), the facility through which I received my instruction, Morska Zvijezda Centar za Ronjenje d.o.o., SSI and ALL RELATED ENTITIES AS DEFINED OR UNDEFINED, from all liability or responsibility whatsoever for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death however caused, including, but not limited to negligence, whether passive or active and shall include released parties. I have fully informed myself of the contents of this liability release and express assumption of risk by reading it before I signed it on behalf of my heirs and myself. I further acknowledge I will be financially responsible with respect to payment for services rendered by entities. I personally guarantee payment by cash, credit card or bank transfer regardless of locations, weather, ear trouble, seasickness, sickness, or any other factor, which might arise before, during or after diving. By signing this release, I have purchased activity or service and understand no refunds will be considered whatsoever. I understand this contract supersedes any and all previous agreements I have made with Morska Zvijezda Centar za Ronjenje d.o.o. or third parties like my credit card company or insurance company.

I understand and agree that SSI ("Scuba Schools International") Members (“Members”), including Morska Zvijezda Centar za Ronjenje d.o.o. and/or any individual Instructors and Divemasters associated with the program in which I am participating, are licensed to use various SSI and other vendor Trademarks and to conduct training, but are not agents, employees or franchisees of SSI Scuba Schools International or other respect vendors, brands. I further understand that Morska Zvijezda Centar za Ronjenje d.o.o. business’ activities are independent and are neither owned nor operated by SSI or other Brands. While SSI establishes the standards for diver training programs, it is not responsible for, nor does it have the right to control the operation of Morska Zvijezda Centar za Ronjenje d.o.o. activities and the day-to-day conduct of SSI programs. I further agree on behalf of myself, my heirs, and my estate that in the event of an injury or death during any activities, neither I nor my estate shall seek to hold SSI liable for any actions.

I herby affirm that I am aware that freediving, skindiving, and scuba diving have inherent risks which may result in serious injury or death. I understand that diving with compressed air involves certain inherent risks, including, but not limited to decompression sickness (DCS), embolisms or other hyperbaric / air expansion injuries.

I also understand that freediving, skindiving and scuba diving are physically strenuous activities and that I will be exerting myself during this trip or program, and that if I am injured as a result of heart attack, panic, hyperventilation, drowning or any other cause, that I expressly assume the risk of said injuries and that I will not hold the released parties responsible for the same.

I further state that I am of lawful age and legally competent to understand and sign this liability release, or that I have acquired the written consent of my parent or guardian. I understand the terms herein are contractual and not a mere recital, and that I have singed this Agreement of my own free act and with the knowledge that I hereby agree to waive my legal rights. I further agree that if any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision shall be severed from this agreement. The remainder of this agreement will then be construed as though the unenforceable provision had never been contained herein.

I understand and agree that I am not only giving up my right to sue the Released Parties but also any rights my heirs, assigns or beneficiaries may have to sue the Released Parties resulting from my death. I further represent I have the authority to do so and that my heirs, assigns, or beneficiaries will be estopped from claiming otherwise because of my representations to the Released Parties.

In case any court or legal action is involved, it is agreed that only the federal court in Zagreb, Croatia, will be the place of legal action and all croatian local laws apply.




I Agree
that I understand all of the above contents and fully agree to them.

March 13, 2025 

Please select who will be participating...
Diver's medical questionnaire

Recreational scuba diving and freediving requires good physical and mental health. There are a few medical conditions which can be hazardous while diving, listed below. Those who have, or are predisposed to, any of these conditions, should be evaluated by a physician. This Diver Medical Participant Questionnaire provides a basis to determine if you should seek out that evaluation. If you have any concerns about your diving fitness not represented on this form, consult with your physician before diving. If you are feeling ill, avoid diving. If you think you may have a contagious disease, protect yourself and others by not participating in dive training and/ or dive activities. References to "diving" on this form encompass both recreational scuba diving and freediving. This form is principally designed as an initial medical screen for new divers, but is also appropriate for divers taking continuing education. For your safety, and that of others who may dive with you, answer all questions honestly.

Complete this questionnaire as a prerequisite to a recreational scuba diving activity, diving or freediving course.

Note to women: If you are pregnant, or attempting to become pregnant, do not dive.

1. I have had problems with my lungs, breathing, heart and/or blood affecting my normal physical or mental performance*
1.a Chest surgery, heart surgery, heart valve surgery, an implantable medical device (eg, stent, pacemaker, neurostimulator), pneumothorax, and/or chronic lung disease.*
1.b Asthma, wheezing, severe allergies, hay fever or congested airways within the last 12 months that limits my physical activity/exercise.*
1.c A problem or illness involving my heart such as: angina, chest pain on exertion, heart failure, immersion pulmonary edema, heart attack or stroke, OR am taking medication for any heart condition.*
1.d Recurrent bronchitis and currently coughing within the past 12 months, OR have been diagnosed with emphysema.*
1.e Symptoms affecting my lungs, breathing, heart and/or blood in the last 30 days that impair my physical or mental performance.*
2. I am over 45 years of age AND have one of the following conditions: - I currently smoke or inhale nicotine by other means. - I have a high cholesterol level. - I have high blood pressure. - I have had a close blood relative die suddenly or of cardiac disease or stroke before the age of 50, OR have a family history of heart disease before age 50 (including abnormal heart rhythms, coronary artery disease or cardiomyopathy).*
3. I struggle to perform moderate exercise (for example, walk 1.6 kilometer/one mile in 14 minutes or swim 200 meters/yards without resting), OR I have been unable to participate in a normal physical activity due to fitness or health reasons within the past 12 months.*
4. I have had problems with my eyes, ears, or nasal passages/sinuses AND had one of the following conditions: - Sinus surgery within the last 6 months. - Ear disease or ear surgery, hearing loss, or problems with balance. - Recurrent sinusitis within the past 12 months. - Eye surgery within the past 3 months.*
5. I have had surgery within the last 12 months, OR I have ongoing problems related to past surgery.*
6. I have lost consciousness, had migraine headaches, seizures, stroke, significant head injury, or suffer from persistent neurologic injury or disease AND have one of the following conditions: - Head injury with loss of consciousness within the past 5 years. - Persistent neurologic injury or disease. - Recurring migraine headaches within the past 12 months, or take medications to prevent them. - Blackouts or fainting (full/partial loss of consciousness) within the last 5 years. - Epilepsy, seizures, or convulsions, OR take medications to prevent them.*
7. I am currently undergoing treatment (or have required treatment within the last five years) for psychological problems, personality disorder, panic attacks, or an addiction to drugs or alcohol; or, I have been diagnosed with a learning or developmental disability AND have one of the following conditions: - Behavioral health, mental or psychological problems requiring medical/psychiatric treatment. - Major depression, suicidal ideation, panic attacks, uncontrolled bipolar disorder requiring medication/psychiatric treatment. - Been diagnosed with a mental health condition or a learning/developmental disorder that requires ongoing care or special accommodation. - An addiction to drugs or alcohol requiring treatment within the last 5 years.*
8. I have had back problems, hernia, ulcers, or diabetes AND have one of the following conditions: - Recurrent back problems in the last 6 months that limit my everyday activity. - Back or spinal surgery within the last 12 months. - Diabetes, either drug or diet controlled, OR gestational diabetes within the last 12 months. - An uncorrected hernia that limits my physical abilities. - Active or untreated ulcers, problem wounds, or ulcer surgery within the last 6 months.*
9. I have had stomach or intestine problems, including recent diarrhea AND have one of the following conditions: - Ostomy surgery and do not have medical clearance to swim or engage in physical activity. - Dehydration requiring medical intervention within the last 7 days. - Active or untreated stomach or intestinal ulcers or ulcer surgery within the last 6 months. - Frequent heartburn, regurgitation, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). - Active or uncontrolled ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. - Bariatric surgery within the last 12 months.*
10. I am taking prescription medications (with the exception of birth control or anti-malarial drugs other than mefloquine (Lariam).*

If you answered YES to ANY of the medical questions, download the medical form from our website: https://tinyurl.com/Starfish-Diver-Medical Then please read and agree to the statement by signing and dating it AND take all three pages of the form (Participant Questionnaire and the Physician’s Evaluation Form) to your physician for a medical evaluation. Participation in a diving activity or course requires your diving physician’s approval - without it, diving is not possible!

IF you have a valid, physicians medical stating that you are fit for diving OR a condition is approved for diving, please upload it here.
Valid file types: JPG, GIF, PNG, and PDF

IF you have uploaded a medical statement from a physician, please state the expiry date.

By signing below, I hereby declare that I have answered all medical questions honestly and correctly. Not doing so is a serious health risk and can cause damage including possible death to myself and others.

First Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*

First Participant's Date of Birth*
First Participant's diving experience and status
Do you intend to do a course with us? If you select yes, a customer profile will be created with SSI or an existing one will be affiliated with our training center.*
What is your highest level of certification?*
None / unsure
Scuba Diver
Junior OWD
OWD / 1 *
AOWD / 2*
Rescue Diver
Master Scuba Diver
Divemaster / Dive Guide
Assistant Instructor
Instructor active
Instructor inactive
Do you hold a specialty certification for DEEP DIVING?*
Do you hold a specialty certification for WRECK DIVING?*
Do you hold a specialty certification for NITROX?*

How many dives have you logged in total? *

When was your last logged dive? Select a date three years ago if you don't have any or if you are unsure. You agree, if your last logged dive is longer than three months ago or you have little experience, a familiarization dive is mandatory before a wreck diving activity and has to be paid for according to our current price list on our website. *
Do you need a tank from us? If yes, please select the size:*
IF you selected a rental tank from us, please specify if you need a single or double valve (for redundant regulators):*
No, single valve
Yes, 2 Valves
First Participant's Signature*
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
Check to sign up for our newsletter! :-) No spam, only receive information about our newest activities! You can unsubscribe at any time.
Emergency Contact

First Name*

Last Name*

Emergency Contact's Phone Number*

Insurance Carrier*

Insurance Policy Number*
Your stay in Croatia - please give us some details
Country of Residence*
Are you staying at a Maistra Group accommodation? Like Camp Porto Sole, Koversada or Hotel Pineta, Belvedere, Petalon, Funtana, Riva or Valkanela?*

Please state which one of the above; OR in case you are staying somewhere else, tell us the Name of the residence and address. *

Which date do you plan to arrive? *

Which date do you plan to depart? *

Are you part of a diving group? If so, please state the name of the group / dive leader.
Parent(s) or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the Parent or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Last Name*


Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's diving experience and status
Do you intend to do a course with us? If you select yes, a customer profile will be created with SSI or an existing one will be affiliated with our training center.*
What is your highest level of certification?*
None / unsure
Scuba Diver
Junior OWD
OWD / 1 *
AOWD / 2*
Rescue Diver
Master Scuba Diver
Divemaster / Dive Guide
Assistant Instructor
Instructor active
Instructor inactive
Do you hold a specialty certification for DEEP DIVING?*
Do you hold a specialty certification for WRECK DIVING?*
Do you hold a specialty certification for NITROX?*

How many dives have you logged in total? *

When was your last logged dive? Select a date three years ago if you don't have any or if you are unsure. You agree, if your last logged dive is longer than three months ago or you have little experience, a familiarization dive is mandatory before a wreck diving activity and has to be paid for according to our current price list on our website. *
Do you need a tank from us? If yes, please select the size:*
IF you selected a rental tank from us, please specify if you need a single or double valve (for redundant regulators):*
No, single valve
Yes, 2 Valves
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you will receive an E-Mail with a download link where you can receive a copy of that contract in PDF format. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current E-Mail address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary. Further you agree to our privacy policy, outlined on our website https://starfish.hr/privacy-policy/

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