
2025 Summer Camp Registration

Packet & Waiver


I, the undersigned (as per my signature below) by registering, myself or my child, or my ward in the named program on this registration form, understand the nature and risk associated with participation in this activity. I hereby grant my child, or my ward permission to participate. I am aware that the activity, equipment and facilities may pose significant risk of injury. I am also aware that each participant is responsible for their own safety. I hereby grant for myself, my heirs executors, or administrators; waive and release any and all claims of damage we ever had, or now have, against the Town of Waterville Valley, it's successors and assigns, employees, agents and representatives for any and all kinds of injury, including nut not limited to personal and/or property damage suffered by my child, or myself, while participating in the activity.

I understand that, in case of injury or illness, the Town of Waterville Valley Recreation Department will attempt to contact the person(s) identified as "Emergency Contact". In the event of a medical emergency, I consent to the participant's treatment by medical doctor and I agree to pay all costs associated with said treatment, including transportation to a medical facility.

I, the undersigned (as per my signature below), by registering myself or my child in any Waterville Valley Recreation Department programs, agree to all publications of any photos taken of myself or my child at any program, event or facility of the Town of Waterville Valley Recreation Department.


* Counselors are permitted to assist WINGS & SOAR campers with cream sunscreen application only with signed parental consent.

* Counselors are permitted to assist HAWK & PEAK campers with spray sunscreen application only with signed parental consent.

By signing below I agree to allow WVRD staff to assist my child with sunscreen application. I understand that I must supply sunscreen each day. I understand that if this space is left blank my child will not receive assistance with sunscreen application.

Town of Waterville Valley Recreation Department

Summer Day Camp 2025

Policies & Procedures Agreement  

2025 Camps & Schedule

• Traditional Day Camp will run for 7 weeks: June 23 - August 8

  • Monday - Friday; 9am - 3:30pm 
  • Ages 5 - 12

• Counselor-In-Training (CIT) Program will run for 7 weeks: June 23 -  August 8

  • Monday - Friday; 8:45am - 3:45pm
  • Ages 13 - 15

• Field Trip Camp will run 4 days: August 11 - August 14

  • Monday - Thursday; 9am - 4pm
  • Ages 7 - 10

• Groups will be: 

  • WINGS (Ages 5 & 6)
  • SOAR (Ages 7 & 8) 
  • HAWK (Ages 9 & 10) 
  • PEAK (Ages 11 & 12) 
  • CIT (Ages 13 - 15) 

Registration & Payment

  • WVRD camp programs are designed for children ages 5 - 12.
  • Children must be of appropriate age for the group you are requesting registration for. We are unable to move campers to alternate camp groups.  
  • Registration is on a first-come first-served basis. 
  • Waitlisted campers will be eligible for registration in the order they were placed on the list. When your camper’s name comes up you will be notified by WVRD by phone.
  • We only accept weekly registrations. 
  • Registration is online only at wvrd.recdesk.com. 
  • Registration is complete when payment is made in full.  
  • Online registration packets must be completed and submitted (7) days prior to the start of the camp. 
  • Registration packet includes: 2025 Policies & Procedures Agreement, 2025 Camper Registration Form & Waiver, Youth Behavior & Discipline Agreement & About My Camper Form.
  • There is a $5 late fee for every 10 minutes you are late. Payment must be made before your camper is able to return to camp.  

Daily Drop-Off and Pick-Up

• Camp drop-off is 9am - 9:15am daily, unless other arrangements have been approved by camp director.

• Campers should be dropped off within the coned area no earlier than 9am. WVRD staff will not begin check-in until 9am.  

• WVRD staff and CITs will be available within the coned area to check your camper in near the designated sign for their camp group. 

• Our process for contactless drop-off will take place outside, in front of WVRD:

  • Parents/guardians will check-in using a web-based application called, Famly, from their mobile device. WVRD staff is available to assist with this process.
  • A parent, guardian or designated caretaker must be present during dropoff and can be assigned using Famly.
  • Parents/guardians may assign permission for their child to walk or bike home after the camp day using Famly.
  • Campers who bike to camp must leave their bike on the bike rack at WVRD and will not be permitted to use it during the camp day. Campers with permission to bike home must walk from Packard’s Field to retrieve their bike after the camp day.
  • If you will not be picking up your child, a pick up person must be designated in advance.

• Camp calendars will be emailed to registered program participants prior to the start of your camp week. 

  • Calendars will show transitional gaps between scheduled stations in and around WVRD and Waterville Valley. These gaps allow for camp groups and staff to prepare for the next activity and/or travel from place to place.

• Contactless end-of-day pickup will be conducted using the Famly App at Packard Field between 3:15 - 3:30pm

  • Parents should walk to the appropriate camp group on Packard’s Field to check their child out.
  • Each camp group will have a designated space. 
  • One counselor from each group will be available to assist with check out and communicate with parents. 
  • A parent, guardian or approved designated caretaker must be present to pick up campers unless other noted in Famly during morning check in or otherwise communicated with WVRD administrative staff.
  • Campers who self check out to walk or bike home will not be permitted to leave camp until 3:30pm and not until they have checked out with the camp counselor. 

Staff Structure & Routine

  • All WVRD staff attend a mandatory week long orientation training.  
  • WVRD Camp Staff work in teams and are assigned to a camp group for the duration of the summer. 
  • WVRD Front Desk and Administrative Staff will be on duty for the duration of the camp day. You may contact them at 603-236-4695.
  • Counselors-In-Training are assigned to camp groups weekly. 

What to Pack for the Camp Day

• Camper belongings should be packed in a clearly labeled backpack that can be securely closed. 

  • Lunches should be packed in a clearly labeled lunchbox that can be securely closed.
  • Pack enough food to sustain your camper for the entire day. WVRD does not provide additional snacks throughout the camp day.
  • Utensils will not be supplied.
  • Campers are not permitted to share food.
  • Camp groups will occasionally be off-site for lunch and may be unable to throw trash into a trash bin during lunch. Check lunchboxes at the end each day.
  • A change of clothes for each camper, regardless of age.
  • Reusable water bottle. Campers can refill water bottles at the fountain. 
  • NEW!!!  Water shoes, sandals (or Crocs)WITH strap for swimming. All campers must come with shoes to wear when swimming or wading. 
  • Sunscreen and Insect Repellant
  • HAWK & PEAK campers should pack spray sunscreen only. WVRD Camp Staff are not permitted to assist with sunscreen application unless spray sunscreen is provided by the camper. 
  • WINGS & SOAR campers will receive help with sunscreen application if parent/guardian has signed off at the top of this form.
  • Sneakers
  • Beach Towel
  • Bathing Suit
  • To maximize fun campers will not change from swimsuits at the end of the day.
  • (Out of respect for the safety of everyone in our programs and using our building, campers who repeatedly show up to camp without the required packed items will forfeit their program registration.)

Daily Health & Safety Procedures

  • Campers are not permitted to camp if they are experiencing any signs of illness including, but not limited to: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, unknown eye or skin irritations
  • Campers MUST be fever free, asymptomatic and on any required antibiotics for 24 hours prior to coming to camp.

Camper Expectations and Behavior

  • Children who are sensitive to change, not able to follow directions, seek and/ or require individual support to maintain positive behavior and social interactions, have difficulty making safe choices or regularly demonstrate behavior that is not easily redirected may not be best served in our camp program this summer.
  • Children who prefer not to spend a large amount of time outdoors and/or being physically active may not be best served in our camp program.
  • WVRD Staff will not be able to spend a lot of time on individual behavior redirection. Campers who are repeatedly asked to change a behavior and are unable to do so will be sent home.
  • Campers who are physically and/or verbally aggressive with peers or staff will be sent home and may be asked to forfeit their remaining camp days.
  • Please refer to WVRD’s Behavior and Discipline Agreement for further details.

Important WVRD Policies


  • There are no cell phones, smart watches or electronic devices permitted at WVRD Camps! 
  • Please leave them at home! Our goal is to be adventurous and “offline”. 
  • Campers who are seen using cell phones or electronics at camp will be asked to leave them with Front Desk staff until the end of the camp day. A parent or guardian will be notified.
  • Campers are not permitted to contact parents through smart watches and we ask that parents refrain from contacting their child on their watch during the camp day. 
  • Campers are permitted to call a parent or guardian from WVRD, if necessary. Parents should communicate with WVRD through FAMLY or by phone at 603-236-4695.

• Camper and Staff Allergies:

  • WVRD will try to accommodate special dietary needs and allergies, if possible, as needed.
  • Parents are encouraged to provide alternatives to anything on the camp calendar. 

Refund Policy

Summer Camp Refund Policy (wvrd.recdesk.com under the “About” tab.):

  • Withdrawals made one week or less prior to the start date of a camp session will not be issued a refund.
  • Withdrawals made 8 - 21 days prior to the start date of a camp session will be given a 25% refund. Registration and payment may be transferred to an alternative session at no additional cost if space allows.
  • Withdrawals made 3 or more weeks (21+ days) before the start date of a camp session will be given a 50% refund. Registration and payment may be transferred to an alternative session at no additional cost if space allows.
  • If Waterville Valley Recreation Department cancels a camp session, participants who have pre-registered will receive a 100% refund.
  • Day-of withdrawals and/or failure to attend a camp session will not be refunded unless a specific medical emergency has been documented.

Indicate that you have read and understand the Summer Day Camp 2025 Policies & Procedures Agreement by initialing each section below. 

2025 Camps & Schedule 

Registration & Payment 

Daily Drop-Off & Pick-up 

Staff Structure & Routine 

What to Pack for the Camp Day (including water shoes!)

Daily Health and Safety Procedures 

Camper Expectations & Behavior 

Important WVRD Policies 

Refund Policy 

I, have read the above statements, understand and accept the requirements for participation in WVRD’s Summer Camp programs. 

Waterville Valley Recreation Department

Youth Program Behavior & Discipline Agreement

Waterville Valley Recreation Department aims to provide youth programming that is inclusive and equitable to all participants. WVRD staff is trained to have a firm, fair and consistent approach to behavior management. Parents/guardians are responsible to review the Behavior & Discipline Agreement with their child(ren) to establish clear understanding of expectations and the consequences. This agreement ensures that campers, parents/guardians and staff have an established foundation of understanding before the start of our youth programs.

Stages of Behavior

Stage 1 Unsafe play; rule breaking; not following instructions 

Stage 2 Hands-on; inappropriate language; disrespect; bullying/harassment 

Stage 3 Threat to safety of self or others; physically inappropriate behavior; violence towards a camper or staff member

Please note: This is not an exclusive list. Additional behaviors may result in documentation and action steps. All behavior incidents will be documented.

Action Steps

Step 1: Verbal Warning(s) and/or Time Out 

Step 2: Removal from activity Discussion with WVRD Leadership Staff

Step 3: Call to parents from WVRD Leadership Staff 

Step 4: Parent meeting with WVRD Leadership Staff 

Step 5: Program suspension 

Step 6: Expulsion

Waterville Valley Recreation Department reserves the right to skip steps or send a child home should the situation be appropriate. No refund is given for disciplinary dismissal.

I Agree

Please select who will be participating in camps
First Camper's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
First Camper's Date of Birth*
First Camper's Information

Emergency Medical Information

In the space below, please list any and all medical conditions and/or limitations that we should be aware of in order to accommodate the above participant's needs & ensure his/her safety. This includes, but is not limited to: allergies, behavioral issues, recent illnesses/hospitalizations, physical impairments & medications. It is best to include anything you would want an emergency medical worker to know if we have an emergency while your child(ren) are in our care. If there are none, please write "NONE" below. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages.

Allergies/Limitations (Required): *

The Waterville Valley Recreation Department encourages everyone to participate in our programs. If your child has an individualized need due to a disability and may require a reasonable accommodation, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, to successfully participate, please contact the Waterville Valley Recreation Department to discuss your child's needs.

Two weeks notice is needed to ensure appropriate accommodations can be provided.

I give permission for WVRD staff to help my child apply sunscreen. I understand that I must supply my child with sunscreen each day that they attend camp. I understand that WVRD staff are permitted to apply cream sunscreen to WINGS & SOAR and spray sunscreen only to HAWK & PEAK. I understand that WVRD camps are active outdoors each day and that sun exposure is inevitable. 

I give permission for photos or video to be taken of my child during summer camp for the purpose of flyers, website, Facebook, etc (Required): (Select only one option)*
I give permission for photos or video to be taken of my child during summer camp and posted by programs and/or businesses located in Waterville Valley including, but not limited to, Waterville Valley Resort, The Rey Center, Waterville Valley Tennis Center and Waterville Valley Golf Club (Required): (Select only one option)*
I give permission for my child to walk or bike home alone at the end of the camp day. I understand that my child will not be permitted to leave until 330pm, that they MUST check out with their counselor and that I must communicate end-of-day plans with WVRD staff each day. If my child bikes to camp I understand that they must walk to WVRD to retrieve their bike after checking out with WVRD staff at Packard's Field (Required): (Select only one option)*

Town of Waterville Valley Recreation Department

About My Camper Form

This form is used for informational purposes and is intended to help our staff better support your child as an individual in our day camp programs. 

Check any applicable statements about your camper and explain if necessary: 

My camper has sensory challenges
My camper has physical challenges
Needs assistance eating/drinking
Needs assistance changing clothes
Is uncomfortable in certain weather conditions
My camper has an allergy or food restrictions
My camper identifies as an alternate gender
May wander or isolate from the group
Needs assistance communicating needs

Please explain:

Describe your camper’s strengths and/or likes:

Describe any concerns you or your camper has about camp:

Describe strategies that may help encourage positive behavior redirection for your camper:

Describe strategies that may help your camper when they are upset or frustrated:

Does your child struggle with transitions? If so, how can we help make transitions easier?
First Camper's Signature*
Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian 1 First & Last Name *

Parent/Guardian 1 Primary Phone Number *

Parent/Guardian 2 First & Last Name *

Parent/Guardian 2 Primary Phone Number *
Camper's Address
Address Line 1:*
Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o
Address Line 2:
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
Check to receive information, news, and discounts by e-mail.
Emergency Contact Information

In the event of an emergency/illness, we will first contact parent/guardian listed above. In a situation in which we cannot reach the parent/guardian, we will call the following contacts, in order, as listed below. A parent, guardian or emergency contact must be available to pick-up your child within 30 minutes.

Name: *

Relation: *

Primary Phone: *

Secondary Phone:



Primary Phone:

Secondary Phone:
Parent(s) or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the Parent or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Last Name*


Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Information

Emergency Medical Information

In the space below, please list any and all medical conditions and/or limitations that we should be aware of in order to accommodate the above participant's needs & ensure his/her safety. This includes, but is not limited to: allergies, behavioral issues, recent illnesses/hospitalizations, physical impairments & medications. It is best to include anything you would want an emergency medical worker to know if we have an emergency while your child(ren) are in our care. If there are none, please write "NONE" below. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages.

Allergies/Limitations (Required): *

The Waterville Valley Recreation Department encourages everyone to participate in our programs. If your child has an individualized need due to a disability and may require a reasonable accommodation, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, to successfully participate, please contact the Waterville Valley Recreation Department to discuss your child's needs.

Two weeks notice is needed to ensure appropriate accommodations can be provided.

I give permission for WVRD staff to help my child apply sunscreen. I understand that I must supply my child with sunscreen each day that they attend camp. I understand that WVRD staff are permitted to apply cream sunscreen to WINGS & SOAR and spray sunscreen only to HAWK & PEAK. I understand that WVRD camps are active outdoors each day and that sun exposure is inevitable. 

I give permission for photos or video to be taken of my child during summer camp for the purpose of flyers, website, Facebook, etc (Required): (Select only one option)*
I give permission for photos or video to be taken of my child during summer camp and posted by programs and/or businesses located in Waterville Valley including, but not limited to, Waterville Valley Resort, The Rey Center, Waterville Valley Tennis Center and Waterville Valley Golf Club (Required): (Select only one option)*
I give permission for my child to walk or bike home alone at the end of the camp day. I understand that my child will not be permitted to leave until 330pm, that they MUST check out with their counselor and that I must communicate end-of-day plans with WVRD staff each day. If my child bikes to camp I understand that they must walk to WVRD to retrieve their bike after checking out with WVRD staff at Packard's Field (Required): (Select only one option)*

Town of Waterville Valley Recreation Department

About My Camper Form

This form is used for informational purposes and is intended to help our staff better support your child as an individual in our day camp programs. 

Check any applicable statements about your camper and explain if necessary: 

My camper has sensory challenges
My camper has physical challenges
Needs assistance eating/drinking
Needs assistance changing clothes
Is uncomfortable in certain weather conditions
My camper has an allergy or food restrictions
My camper identifies as an alternate gender
May wander or isolate from the group
Needs assistance communicating needs

Please explain:

Describe your camper’s strengths and/or likes:

Describe any concerns you or your camper has about camp:

Describe strategies that may help encourage positive behavior redirection for your camper:

Describe strategies that may help your camper when they are upset or frustrated:

Does your child struggle with transitions? If so, how can we help make transitions easier?
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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