HEREIN REFERRED TO AS RELEASOR, MP47 TRAINING AND CONSULTING, LLC, ITS OFFICERS, MEMBERS, DIRECTORS, OWNERS, AGENTS, INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS AND EMPLOYEES, AND EACH OF THEIR HEIRS, EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, HEREIN REFERRED TO AS RELEASEES. I, the undersigned, Releasor, being of lawful age, in consideration of being permitted to participate in a firearms training and safety classes, do for myself, my spouse, legal representatives, heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, hereby promise not to sue and hereby release, waive and forever discharge Releasees from any and all liability for any and all loss or damage, and from any and every claim, demand, action or right of action, of whatever kind of nature, either in law or equity, arising from or by reason of my death, or any bodily injury or personal injury or property damage suffered by me relating to any incident which may occur during my participation or the participation of others in connection with any firearm use or discharge, firearms training or activity, including, without limitation, personal defense training, firearm defense training, concealed carry training and all other training and similar services that may be rendered by any Releasee. This Release is given in consideration of me being permitted to participate in firearm training and similar activities being conducted by any Releasee and I understand and acknowledge that but for my execution of this Release, I would not be permitted to so participate or be permitted upon the premises upon which such activity is being conducted. The undersigned further agrees that should any claim, demand or lawsuit arise or be asserted by me or on my behalf in any way whatsoever related thereto, whether arising under the laws of the United States, the State of Ohio or of any State, or under any theory of law or equity, I shall indemnify, hold harmless and shall defend Releasees, for an unlimited duration of time, from any and all costs, expenses or liability including, but not limited to, the cost of any settlement or judgment made or rendered against Releasees and other indemnified parties, whether individually, jointly, or otherwise, together with all costs of court and other costs or expenses incurred in connection with any such claim, demand or lawsuit, including reasonable attorney's fees. I HEREBY ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE RISK OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH OR PROPERTY DAMAGE DUE TO NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER ACTS OF RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE WHILE AT WHILE SPECTATING OR PARTICIPATING IN ANY SUCH ACTIVITY. I HEREBY ASSUME FULL RESPONSBIBILITY FOR ANY AMMUNITION PURCHASED FROM MP47 TRAINING AND CONSULTING, LLC AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT THEY WILL NOT BE HELD LIABLE IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER FOR ANY DAMAGES TO PERSONALLY OWNED EQUIPMENT SUCH AS FIREARMS, RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE PURCHASED AMMUNITION. I am at least 21 years of age if purchasing handgun caliber ammunition. I am at least 18 years of age if purchasing rifle/shotgun ammunition. I am not a federally prohibited person from owning this ammunition because of a criminal background, drug use, protective orders, fugitive from justice, illegal alien or any other reason under 18 USC 922. MP47 Training and Consulting, LLC is acting as a third-party distributor in the sale of this ammunition. Customer must contact the manufacturer of the ammunition should you have any issues or defects with the ammunition. Customer releases, waives and forever discharges MP47 for any and all loss or damage, and from any and every claim, demand, action or right of action arising from or by reason of death or bodily injury suffered by customer relating to the purchase of ammunition from MP47. I AGREE THAT THIS RELEASE CONSTITUTES THE ENTIRE AGREEEMENT BETWEEN ME AND MP47 TRAINING AND CONSULTING, LLC AS REGARDS THESE MATTERS, THAT THE TERMS OF THIS RELEASE ARE CONTRACTUAL AND NOT A MERE RECITAL, AND THE SAME SHALL CONTINUE IN FORCE AS LONG AS I AM A PARTICIPANT IN ANY OF THE DESCRIBED ACTIVITIES OR OBSERVING ANY SUCH ACTIVITY OR WHILE BEING PRESENT DURING ANY SUCH ACTIVITY. I agree that this Release Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by law, and that if any portion hereof is held invalid, the balance hereof will, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS RELEASE AND UNDERSTAND ALL OF ITS TERMS. I EXECUTE THE SAME VOLUNTARILY, AND WITH FULL KNOWLEDGE OF ITS SIGNIFICANCE. Executed this day of March 28, 2025