To comply with GDPR we are required to gain your consent to collect and store your personal Data. YMCA robin Hood Group is the data controller. We require your Data to ensure that you comply with the Terms and Conditions of use of the centre. We will store your data correctly and will not disclose to any third party. At any time you can request a copy of your data free of charge. GDPR, makes provisions for you to have your data erased and removed. This is known as the 'right to erasure/ right to be forgotten'. When the data is held for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims we have the right to refuse to erase the data. For this reason, our insurers insist that we continue to hold your data for 3 years from the date of your most recent visit.
In the case of Under 18 year olds, this is extended to 3 years beyond their 18th birthday. If you make a written request for erasure of your data, this request will be logged and the data will be erased after the period above.