THIS FORM MUST BE READ, SIGNED AND IDENTIFICATION PROVIDED BEFORE ANY PUBLIC SHOOTER WILL BE ALLOWED THE USE OF THE RANGES AND FACILITIES OF THE RENTON FISH & GAME CLUB, INC. THIS IS A CONTRACT. READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING. 1. I understand and acknowledge that the activity I am about to engage in as a participant at the Renton Fish & Game Club, Inc., bears certain known risks and unanticipated risks which could result in physical and/or psychological injury to me or another participant or my death or death of another participant. 2. Being aware that such risks exist, I agree to assume and hereby do assume all responsibility and risks of any injury and/or death to myself or third persons which may arise out of my participation in this activity. I VOLUNTARILY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS. 3. In CONSIDERATION for being permitted entry to and use of the premises and facilities of the Renton Fish & Game Club, Inc., I hereby agree and release as follows: I hereby voluntarily release, discharge and agree to hold harmless the Renton Fish & Game Club, Inc. and its directors, officers, members, employees, and agents hereinafter referred to as the Club, from any and all liability, claims, demands, or actions which are in any way related to or arise out of my participation in this activity. This release and discharge of liability specifically includes liability based on any negligent acts and/or omissions of the Renton Fish & Game Club, Inc., its directors, officers, members, or employees. This release and discharge of liability specifically includes liability based on any act or omission, whether non-negligent, negligent, or intentional, of any person not a director, officer, member or employee of the Renton Fish & Game Club, Inc. I further agree to indemnify the Renton Fish & Game Club, Inc., and its directors, officers, members, or employees from all attorney's fees and legal cost which are incurred as a result of any legal action which arises out of my participation in this activity. 4. By signing this document, I understand that if I or anyone else is hurt and/or killed, as a result of participation in this activity, I will have no right to recover any damages in a lawsuit or other legal proceeding against the Renton Fish & Game Club. Inc., its directors. officers members or employees even if they have negligently caused the injury and/or death. In addition I will be required to pay all attorney's fees and costs incurred by the Renton Fish & Game Club, Inc., its directors, officers, members. Or employees if a lawsuit is brought against them as a result of my participation in this activity. I have read the above four numbered paragraphs and agree to be legally bound by their terms. I have read and understand the posted Safety Rules and Range Procedures and agree to abide by them and instructions received from the Renton Fish & Game Club, Inc., and its employees. I state that I am legally qualified to be in possession of firearms under all federal, state and local laws, and that I am not a convicted felon nor do I have any felony or misdemeanor warrants at this time. Signature of Participant: March 11, 2025 Shooter's Safety Awareness Checklist Please read and initial the following safety rules to indicate your understanding and compliance. Do not initial any safety rule until any question you have concerning that rule has been answered to your satisfaction. UNIVERSAL RULES OF SAFE GUN HANDLING: 1. Treat all guns as though they were always loaded. 2. Never point the muzzle at anything you are not willing to shoot. 3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target. 4. Be sure of your target and the backstop behind it. GENERAL RANGE RULES: EYE & EAR PROTECTION: Must be worn by ALL persons (shooters & spectators) while on any of the ranges. See the Range Master if you need some. FIREARMS: All firearms must be unloaded when entering RFGC property (except for concealed carry). Concealed firearms are to remain concealed & holstered at all times on RFGC property. The Rangemaster must be notified if a member or guest wishes to fire their concealed gun. Open early is prohibited on RFGC property. CHILDREN: Children must be supervised by their parents at all times. The range staff is not responsible for their supervision. DRUGS & ALCOHOL: Persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be denied the use of the range. PREGNANT WOMEN: Are not allowed to use the ranges owing to the high risk to the unborn child from concussion and lead emissions. LEAD HAZARDS: To minimize possible exposure to lead particulates: No smoking, drinking from open containers, eating, chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes, or applying cosmetics while on the range. (Use our restroom & wash hands and face in cold water after shooting.) MEMBER SAFETY OFFICERS: RFGC uses member safety officers for your safety. They have the same authority as the rangemaster and can be identified by their yellow badge. BE SAFETY CONSCIOUS: At all times, be conscious of what you and others around you are doing, and report any unsafe situations to the rangemaster immediately. NO RECORDING OF OTHER SHOOTERS: Please respect other shooters privacy and do not record them or others without their consent. KEEP OFF ALL DIRT BANKS AND BERMS. SHOTGUN RANGE RULES: FIREARMS: All firearms when uncased must have their actions open and be pointed in a safe direction AT ALL TIMES. SHOOTING: Controlled, aimed fire ONLY. No hip shooting with any firearm at any time. Shotguns must have a shoulder stock. Firearms MUST remain unloaded until it's the shooters turn to call for a target. No detachable magazine shotguns allowed for shooting trap or skeet games. AMMUNTION: Trap shooters will load only ONE shell in their gun at a time. Continental and Skeet shooters may load no more than TWO shells. Maximum shot size allowed is 7.5. WHILE ON THE SHOOTING LINE: When changing stations, all firearms must be empty of shells, and shooters must walk behind other shooters. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. In the event of a misfire ALWAYS check your barrel for obstructions. CLEAN UP: Shooters are to pick up their empty hulls ONLY after the round is finished. RIFLE AND PISTOL RANGE RULES: FIREARMS: All unbagged, uncased or unholstered guns must be kept forward of the red line. Unease and case, with muzzle pointed down range, on your shooting bench. SHOOTING: Controlled, aimed fire ONLY. No hip shooting with any firearm at any time. Shoot only at the paper targets attached to target frames and mounted on the designated target line. No armor piercing, green tip, steel core, or tracer ammunition is allowed. TARGETS: Only Paper targets are allowed. Explosive targets and lifelike human targets are expressly forbidden. Special targets may only be used after getting permission from the Rangemaster. Only shoot your OWN target. RIFLE RANGE: Shooters may fully load magazines but may only expend one round per second. Violations of this policy will limit the shooter to one round per magazine. No rimfire (.22 or .17) rifles on the rifle range w/o the Rangemaster's permission. PISTOL RANGE: No quick-draw shooting is permitted. No speed shooting. No pistols in holsters. No rifle caliber firearms allowed, if in doubt of what your caliber is classified as, ask the Rangemaster. Date Signed: March 11, 2025