Here is the membership agreement that each member signs when they join the range. It is a contract between you and the range governing our relationship. It protects both of us, sets up member responsibilities, and membership conditions. We ask that each paragraph be initialed as read and that it be signed and witnessed on the bottom. By initialing each paragraph and signing this agreement, you are expressly acknowledging that you have read and understand the contents of this agreement; that you have had an opportunity to ask questions about its contents; that you have the right to consult with your legal counsel about its effects, including the liability waiver and hold harmless agreement; that you are attesting to the truthfulness of any statements you are required to acknowledge as a condition of membership; and that you agree to be legally bound by all terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. In this agreement, the term "Member" will apply to both Members and Customers of the Talon Range, LLC, and Talon Training Group, LLC. Membership Agreement ( YOU MUST CHECK NEXT TO EACH ITEM TO INDICATE YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE) This Membership Agreement is made and entered into the date this is signed by and between Talon Range, LLC, Talon Training Group, LLC, and the signer. 1. ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND HOLD HARMLESS * I Agree It has been explained to me and I understand the fact that the use of, discharge of, or being in the vicinity of firearms is inherently dangerous, and may result in me being injured, seriously injured, or killed and having this knowledge in mind, I fully accept the risk of coming onto and remaining on Talon Range, LLC property. I agree to release and hold harmless from all actions, torts, lawsuits, etc, Talon Range, LLC, Talon Training Group, LLC, its officers, owners, agents, employees, range officers, and the any host organization. I accept and understand the above terms as a member, visitor, guest, spectator, competitor, student, or any other capacity that I may be present on Talon Range, LLC property. 2. MEMBERS, CUSTOMERS RESPONSIBILITIES * I Agree A. Members and Customers are fully responsible for the actions of their guests. B. Members are fully responsible for their personal property and their guest's personal property and vehicles. In no case will Talon Range, LLC be responsible for the safety of or the damage to any member's or guest's property. C. Members are fully responsible for any children or pets. All pets must be on a leash and under control at all times. No pets are allowed on firing ranges. In no case will the children of any member or guest be allowed on the property without the adult member's or adult guest's immediate supervision at all times. They will not be allowed to climb, dig in, or otherwise damage the ground surface, landscape or berms. 3. RIGHT TO SEARCH * I Agree The Talon Range, LLC reserves the right to search any vehicle, bag, container, or person that comes on the range property to attempt to recover any lost or stolen property. Talon Range, LLC reserves all rights under state law in regard to private property. 4. RIGHT OF REVOCATION * I Agree Any member, guest or person that fails to obey any safety rule, policy, sportsmanship rule , contest rule, training rule, or any other term of entrance is subject to suspension or revocation of their membership or range usage rights. There will be no refund of any monies, membership dues, fees, or deposits if any person is required to leave the property or any membership is suspended or revoked for failing to obey any rule. 5.RANGE CLOSURE * I Agree Talon Range, LLC reserves the right to close the range to members for any reason deemed necessary. Talon Range, LLC will make all reasonable effort to minimize range closings and to notify members prior to closing the range. 6.MEMBER INFORMATION * I Agree Talon Range, LLC is committed to being an equal opportunity recreation and training facility. We do not conduct background investigations of you or other members or users of our facilities, and we do not independently verify the mental condition or criminal history of you or other members and users of our facilities. However, if the management of Talon Range, LLC learns of such information, we do reserve the right to refuse the use of our facility to anyone based on criminal history or to anyone with a history of mental illness that we believe may or will pose a safety threat to others. We pledge to remain open minded about any mental illness history and to evaluate each case individually. In no case will we knowingly subject any person to an unsafe or unstable shooting environment. Persons who are forbidden by law from possession of a firearm are not authorized to be on the property. By initialing this paragraph and signing this agreement, you are expressly representing that you are not prohibited by law or any court order from possessing a firearm and that you are mentally fit to engage in the use of firearms. 7. DAMAGE TO RANGE PROPERTY * I Agree Except normal wear and tear, any damage to any property is the member's responsibility to repair or replace at Talon Range, LLC’s discretion. It is also the member's responsibility to report any damage or destruction of any property. Members are fully responsible for the actions of their guests. 8. UNSAFE EQUIPMENT * I Agree The Talon Range, LLC reserves the right to forbid the use, discharge, or possession of any firearm, ammunition, archery bow, air gun, or any other property brought on the Talon Range, LLC property. Any property deemed unsafe will be removed immediately from the Talon Range, LLC property. These may be secured in a vehicle until the member leaves. 9. OBEY RULES AND COMMANDS * I Agree Members and their guests will at all times follow the commands of the Talon Range, LLC officials. Members and their guests will at all times obey all posted signs, notices, and directives, including all traffic signs posted on the roadways entering and exiting the range. I Agree Members will obey all posted and published safety rules. I Agree At no time will firearms, regardless of whether or not they are loaded, be pointed at or in the direction of any person. I Agree Members will keep their fingers off the triggers and outside the trigger guard until the firearm is pointed safely down range. I Agree All guns will be treated as if they are loaded at all times. I Agree Firearms will only be fired into the approved and designated berms, or, in the case of shotguns, towards the designated skeet or trap shooting area. I Agree At NO time will a firearm be pointed in the direction of the Interstate or any subsidiary roadway. I Agree 10. USE OF VERBAL COMMANDS * I Agree All members and guests are required to use verbal range commands. These commands are: "RANGE IS GOING HOT" - When loading and before firing firearm "RANGE IS CLEAR" - When your firearm is empty of ammo and made safe (cylinder open or slide locked back, and magazine removed) "GOING DOWNRANGE" - When all firearms are empty and safe, announce prior to walking downrange to check targets. No firearms handling while someone is downrange. " CEASE FIRE" - If at any time you see any unsafe act or action. Stop shooting immediately, make firearms safe. 11. RANGE ACTIVITIES * I Agree Any member who participates in any activity that is conducted on the Talon Range, LLC property by Talon Training, LLC or any other group is required to obey all range, match, club, contest, and safety rules. 12 LOAN OR RENTAL OF RANGE PROPERTY * I Agree Any range property loaned or rented to any member, or their guest is the member's responsibility. The return, repair, or replacement of this property is the member's responsibility. Only approved ammunition will be fired through rental firearms. 13. MEMBERSHIP DUES * I Agree If applicable, membership dues are due and payable in full on the annual anniversary of the member's initial membership. A 30 (thirty) day grace period will be allowed for the payment of annual dues. Payments will renew the membership effective upon the expiration date regardless of the date paid. After the grace period, any prior discounts or member status will be revoked, and the member will need to re-enroll as a new member. A late fee may be imposed. Yearly membership dues are subject to change upon renewal. Members paying monthly will be billed as agreed and will be responsible for updating any credit card or account information as these expire or change. Other rules may apply. 14. AMMUNITION ALLOWED * I Agree Reloaded ammunition is allowed. Talon Range, LLC is not and will not be responsible for any damage to property or injuries to persons from the use of reloaded or handloaded ammunition. Tracer, armor piercing, light armor piercing (Green Tip), incendiary, or explosive ammunition is prohibited unless approved in advance by a managing member of Talon Range, LLC. Only factory new or approved reloads will be allowed to be fired in firearms belonging to Talon Range, LLC. Rentals are included. 15. LOADED FIREARMS * I Agree Firearms are to be loaded only on a range firing line. No loaded firearms are to be left unattended for any reason. No loaded firearms are allowed inside the clubhouse, restrooms, or in any parking area unless they are secured in a holster and worn on the body in an approved manner. 16. SKEET, TRAP AND SPORTING CLAYS * I Agree All firearms shall remain unloaded with action open and safety on until entry of the shooting station. 17. TRANSPORTING HANDGUNS * I Agree If movement from one range (bay) to another is required, all handguns must remain cased, flagged in an approved manner, or holstered until arrival at the next range (bay). 18. TRANSPORTING LONG GUNS * I Agree All long guns must be cased and unloaded prior to entering the firing line. All long guns must be unloaded and cased prior to leaving the firing line. 19. EYE AND EAR PROTECTION IS REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES BY SHOOTERS AND SPECTATORS!!! * I Agree I confirm that I have viewed both of the video's on Range Rules and the Waiver Video I Agree I FULLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE to the above terms and conditions and hereby submit this application for membership to the Talon Range, LLC firing range. I FULLY UNDERSTAND that this membership is subject to suspension or revocation for violation of the above agreement. No refunds will be issued. I FULLY UNDERSTAND that the use of firearms is inherently dangerous, and I AM AWARE that being in the vicinity of firearms can result in the loss of life. I WILL FOLLOW ALL SAFETY RULES to assure a safe shooting environment for everyone. March 6, 2025