Bobcat's Paddle Shack RELEASE OF LIABILITY- PLEASE READ CAREFULLY In consideration of Bobcat's Paddle Shack furnishing rental equipment to enable me to participate in Bobcat's Paddle Shack activities I agree as follows:
THERE ARE RISKS I fully understand and acknowledge that outdoor recreational activities have: - Inherent risks, dangers, and hazards such exist in my use of Bobcat's Paddle Shack equipment and my participation in Bobcat's Paddle Shack activities.
- My participation in such activities and/or use of such equipment may result in injury or illness including, but not limited to bodily injury, head injury, disease, strains, fractures, exposure to natural elements, sunburn, dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, drowning insects, plants, partial and/or total paralysis, death, or other ailments that could cause serious disability.
- Risks and dangers may arise from foreseeable or unforeseeable causes including, but not limited to, guide decision making, misjudging terrain, weather, river/lake route location and water level, risk of falling out or drowning while standing up paddle boarding, and misuse of equipment.
- These risks and dangers may be caused by negligence of the participants, the negligence of the owners or other employees, the negligence of others, accidents, forces of nature, and other causes.
- I will agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation. If, however, I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such attention to Bobcat's Paddle Shack immediately.
- I hereby assume all risks and dangers and all responsibility for any losses and damages, whether cause in whole or in part by the negligence or other conduct of the owner of Bobcat's Paddle Shack , or by any other person.
BOBCAT'S PADDLE SHACK IS RELEASED FROM LIABILITY I have read this release of liability and assumptions of risks. I fully understand its terms and understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it. I am signing freely and voluntarily without any inducement. I also agree to wear my provided life jacket at all times while I am in the watercraft provided by Bobcat's Paddle Shack . In the event I have lost or do not return all rented property of Bobcat's Paddle Shack. I will be held responsible, and my credit card will be billed full price. This includes stand up paddle board, stand up paddle board paddle, and life jackets. FOR PARENTS/LEGAL GUARDIAN’S OF PARTICIPANT OF MINORITY AGE (Under the age of 18) This is to certify that I, as parent/legal guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, DO consent and agree to his/her release. I have read fully and fully understood its terms and acknowledge the risks. My child is in good health, physically able to participate, and will wear the life jacket provided. I am signing it freely and voluntarily without any inducement. THIS SIGNED LIABILITY WAIVER IS VALID FROM DATE SIGNED THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2025
Today's Date: March 13, 2025 |