2025 Wichita Riding Academy, Inc. RELEASE FORM Please fill all information out completely before signing. WARNING Under Kansas law, there is no liability for an injury to or the death of a participant in domestic animal activities resulting from the inherent risks of domestic animal activities, pursuant to sections 1 through 4, Chapter 290, 1994 Session Laws of Kansas. You are assuming the risk of participating in this domestic animal activity.
Inherent risks of domestic animal activities include, but shall not be limited to: - the propensity of a domestic animal to behave in ways i.e., running, bucking, biting, kicking, shying, stumbling, rearing, falling or stepping on, that may result in an injury, harm or death to persons around them;
- the unpredictability of a domestic animal’s reaction to such things as sound, sudden movement and unfamiliar objects, persons or other animals;
- certain hazards such as surface and subsurface conditions;
- collisions with other domestic animals or objects; and
- the potential of a participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury to the participant of others, such as failing to maintain control over the domestic animal or not acting within such participant’s ability.
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND FILL OUT COMPLETELY BEFORE SIGNING I acknowledge that there is the possibility of injury when riding or working with horses. I hereby release WICHITA RIDING ACADEMY, INC., its executives, owners, employees and all their heirs from any and all liability for any injuries that I may receive while preparing to ride; mounting; riding; dismounting; or returning the horse; and any other activities not enumerated, but which may pertain to my “riding” a horse and/or visiting WRA, Inc. This release is total and without reservation on my part. I fully understand the danger of this activity and the possible harm which may result. I further understand that by signing this document that I am releasing my rights to seek recovery from the WICHITA RIDING ACADEMY, INC., its owners, executives, employees and their heirs. I also acknowledge that this total waiver shall operate to prevent my spouse, or my heirs from pursuing any such action arising out of this activity. By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have read this form and understand it. PHOTOGRAPHY CONSENT FORM / RELEASE I, ("participant"), hereby grant permission to Wichita Riding Academy, Inc. representatives, to take and use: photographs and/or digital images of me or my minor child for use in news releases and/or educational materials. These materials might include printed or electronic publications, Web sites or other electronic communications. I further agree that my name and identity may be revealed in descriptive text or commentary in connection with the image(s). I authorize the use of these images without compensation to me. All negatives, prints, digital reproductions shall be the property of Wichita Riding Academy, Inc. Barn Rules - NO Smoking —NO Drugs—NO Alcohol
- Use common sense.
- No pets.
- Do not feed or pet horses through the stall fronts.
- A release form must be signed to ride.
- Boarders are responsible for friends they bring to WRA. They must have a signed release form on file and comply with barn rules.
- ALL riders must wear a helmet at all times.
- Children under 7 must have adult supervision at all times.
- Practice safe behavior around horses at all times.
- No running, screaming or playing in or around the stall area.
- Do Not use Cell phones/electronic devices when working with or around horses.
- Please keep gates, stall and office doors closed. If you open it, CLOSE IT.
- No gum or candy in your mouth while riding.
- You must provide written permission to ride or handle another person’s horse or tack.
- Riders are required to ride in long pants and boots.
- Do not ride horses in halters or leads-except in round pens.
- Do not ride on grass areas when wet.
- Do not ride or tie horses in areas with loose horses
- Do not tie horses up in the barn aisle.
- Accidents or injuries must be reported to Instructors immediately.
- Pick up after yourself and label all your tack.
- WRA horses are not allowed off WRA property.
- Customers are asked to please comply with barn hours and rules.
- Each customer is responsible for family & guests, ensuring rules are followed for their safety along with them having a release form on file.
I have read and agree to abide by the WRA Barn Rules
Welcome to our barn and enjoy the horses! Today's Date: March 26, 2025