THIS DOCUMENT AFFECTS YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE DECIDING WHETHER TO SIGN. Prior to participating in or attending activities including but not limited to Nordic skiing, roller skiing, target shooting, running, hiking, walking, biking, sledding, and swimming (the “Activities”) at the Ariens Nordic Center, Participant and Ariens agree on the allocation of certain risk described below. Ariens offers this Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity Agreement (“Release”). As offered, this Release waives certain legal rights. Importantly, this Release is drafted in favor of the Ariens Nordic Center, AriensCo Hospitality, LLC, and its Members, Directors, Officers, employees, contractors, volunteers, and agents (collectively, “Ariens”). This Release waives Ariens’ liability for any injuries the undersigned may sustain as a result of Ariens’ negligence or the negligence of others. Ariens does not require every Participant/Spectator to sign this Release in its current form – this is not a take-it-or-leave-it offer. Participant/Spectators may request and negotiate particular changes to this Release in order to allocate the risks. In addition, please note, the Ariens Nordic Center is a ski area, pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 895.526, and contains a sport shooting range, as defined in Wis. Stat. § 895.527(1). Pursuant to Wisconsin state statutes, Ariens Nordic Center (1) is not liable for an injury or death that occurs as a result of any conditions and risks of skiing and biking and (2) is immune from any civil action based solely on the negligent action of a user of the sport shooting range. Note that the presence of the Activities at the Ariens Nordic Center necessarily creates certain risks for all Participants/Spectators notwithstanding one’s participation in all or only certain Activities. This Release provides limitations on the liability of Ariens in addition to those granted under state statute.
(“Participant”) wishes to participate in and/or observe as a spectator the Activities, which includes cross-country skiing and/or target shooting. By way of this Release, Participant acknowledges that there are certain risks inherent to the Activities. Some of these risks are foreseen; other risks are unforeseen. These risks include but are not limited to: changing weather and snow conditions, variations in steepness or terrain, natural and man-made obstacles and structures, equipment failure, collisions with objects or structures, falling, drowning, being struck by skier/riders or equipment, exceeding Participant’s own abilities, exposure to the elements, firearm misfires or malfunctions, others’ negligent use of a firearm, ricocheting bullets, stray bullets, and negligent rescue. In other words, Participant knows that the Activities are potentially dangerous and that injuries of all types are a common and ordinary occurrence. Participant represents and warrants as follows, by placing their initials on each paragraph below: Participant understands the nature of the Activities, and that by participating in the Activities, Participant may be exposing themselves to risk of serious bodily injury, illness, or death, which may because by any of the following (1) negligence of Ariens; (2) Participant’s own actions or inactions; or (3) the actions or inactions of any other any other individuals at the Ariens Nordic Center. I Agree Participant fully accepts and assumes all risk and all responsibility for losses, costs, and damages Participant may incur as a result of Participant/Spectator’s participation in the Activities, caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by any of the following (1) the negligence of Ariens; (2) Participant’s own actions or inactions; or (3) the actions or inactions of any other individuals at the Ariens Nordic Center. I Agree Participant hereby releases and discharges Ariens from, and promises not to sue Ariens for all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages that Participant suffers that may result from Participant/Spectator’s participation in the Activities and related activities, caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by any of the following: (1) the negligence of Ariens; (2) Participant’s own actions or inactions; or (3) the actions or inactions of any other individuals at the Ariens Nordic Center. I Agree Participant hereby agrees to indemnify, save, and hold harmless Ariens from any loss, liability, damage, or cost which Ariens may incur if, despite this Release, Participant or anyone on Participant’s behalf, makes a claim against Ariens related to Participant’s activities related to the Activities. I Agree Participant has read this Release, understands its terms, understands that Participant has given up substantial rights by signing this Release, and has signed this Release freely and without any inducement or assurance of any nature. Ariens has not told Participant anything that is inconsistent with or contrary to the terms of this Release. Participant understands that in reliance upon Participant’s signature on this form, voluntarily given, Participant may be permitted to participate in the Activities. Participant intends this Release to be a complete and unconditional release of liability to the greatest extent allowed under Wisconsin law. If any portion of this Agreement is determined to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the balance shall remain in full force and effect. I Agree I grant permission to all the foregoing (AriensCo, Ariens Nordic Center, etc.) to use my name, voice and images of myself in any photographs, motion pictures, results, publications or any other print, videographic or electronic recording of any events or activities for legitimate purposes.I Agree GENERAL CODE OF CONDUCT FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS at ARIENS NORDIC CENTER This constitutes the Code of Conduct (Code) of Ariens Nordic Center. This Code of Conduct is intended to protect the safety and well-being of Ariens Nordic Center members, participants, and spectators and to ensure participants conduct themselves with integrity, maintain a high standard of ethical conduct and promote good sportsmanship values, spirit, and ideals. Application: This Code applies to all Ariens Nordic Center participants, participants being, yet not limited to, athletes, employees, coaches, independent contractors, officials, spectators, volunteers, and anyone participating in Ariens Nordic Center events and activities. All such Ariens Nordic Center participants should become familiar with the rules and standards of this Code. Agreement: I agree to uphold and abide by the Code. - I will demonstrate good sportsmanship by showing respect toward all participants including yet not limited to teammates, coaches, competitors, officials and audience at all events, competitions and general use of Ariens Nordic Center.
- I will adhere to the rules and policies of the U.S. Center for SafeSport and commit to promote sport free from bullying, hazing, sexual misconduct or any form of emotional or physical abuse. (See Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies)
- I will comply with the Olympic Movement Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation of competitions and commit to promote sport free from manipulation, corrupt conduct or using and disclosing inside information for any purpose.
- I will respect and comply with the laws of the state of Wisconsin including, but not limited to, laws governing the possession and use of drugs and alcohol, and providing of drugs to any person and of alcohol to minors.
- I will reject discrimination of any kind on whatever grounds, be it race, color, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, or other status.
- I will refrain from violence, behavior deemed dishonest, offensive, intentionally malicious, or illegal.
- I will respect the property of Ariens Nordic Center and of others and not vandalize, damage or steal any such property.
- I understand that, if I am under the age of 18, my parents or legal guardians will be notified of all disciplinary action, written reports of counseling or misconduct.
Code Violation: An Individual who violates this Code may be subject to disciplinary action up to but not limited to ejection from Ariens Nordic Center property. An Individual who violates this Code during a competition may be ejected from the competition or the Field of Play, the official may delay the competition until the Individual complies with the ejection, and the Individual may be subject to any additional discipline associated with the competition. A written report of the violation signed by the person that has violated the Code is mandatory. I Agree I HAVE READ THIS ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT ALL OF ITS TERMS. I UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE THE RIGHT TO REQUEST DIFFERENT TERMS, BUT BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT, I WAIVE THIS RIGHT AND AGREE TO THE TERMS CONTAINED HEREIN. Date: February 8, 2025