IN CONSIDERATION FOR receiving certain services from Faith 1st Deliveries, LLC ("Company), I agree to the following waiver and Release: I acknowledge that packing, loading, transporting, and unloading property creates certain risks to my property can be broken, dropped, scraped, torn, lost, etc., including risks to carpets and hardwood flooring, as well as risk of loss of cash, checks, bonds, jewelry, deeds, coin and stamp collections, alcohol, prescription medications, damaged to fur or items lined with fur, particleboard furniture, fire arms and/or ammunition and plasma televisions. COMPANY STRONGLY RECOMMENDS THAT YOU MOVE AND/OR PACKAGE ITEMS OF SIGNIFICANT MONETARY OR PERSONAL WORTH. Further, I could be physically injured by use of property damaged in the move, or through physical impact with furniture, boxes, or vehicles. I further understand that disconnecting, transporting, or preparing home appliances for use after transportation is dangerous and could result in injury or damages. In particular, appliances may be disconnected or installed improperly and result in flooding, electrocution or fire. COMPANY STRONGLY RECOMMENDS THAT YOU HIRE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDER TO DISCONNECT AND INSTALL ALL APPLIANCES. I acknowledge that the disconnection and installation of home appliances is my personal responsibility and not Company's. I, for myself, my heirs, successors, executors and subrogates, hereby KNOWINGLY AND INTENTIONALLY WAIVE AND RELEASE, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS COMPANY, its directors, officers, agents, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, liabilities, suits, expenses )including reasonable attorneys fees) for damages to my property or person resulting from COMPANY"S NEGLiGENCE during the move or resulting from an improperly disconnected or improperly installed home appliance. Notwithstanding, the foregoing, I acknowledge Company is responsible for the price of repair of damaged items. For missing, items, company will fully replace item or reimburse customer the price of the item. Lastly, up to 60 days is available for Faith 1st Deliveries LLC to seek insurance needs to replace item and seek protection from insurance. I agree that I may not bring any claim for lost or damaged items more than 30 days after move or delivery. By bringing a claim, I agree to permit Company any reasonable means to investigate my claim. I further acknowledge that Company is not responsible for the contents of any box it did not pack. And, Company's resonsibitliy only extends to items while under its care and custody and terminates when it leaves the premises. I, THE UNDERSIGNED PARTIICIPANT, AFFIRM THAT I AM OF THE AGE OF 18 YEARS OR OLDER, AND THAT I AM FREELY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT. ICERTIY THAT IHAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, THT I FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENT AND THAT THIS RELEAsE CANNOT BE MODIFIED ORALLY. I AM AWARE THAT THIS IS A RELESE OF LIABILTYAND A CONTRACT AND THAT I AM SIGNING IT ON MY OWN FREE WILL.