UK Parachuting Terms and Conditions & Privacy Statement

Thank you for booking your skydive experience with UK Parachuting. Our professional and

dedicated skydiving staff will guide you through the thrill and exhilaration of freefall and

Hopefully make this an experience to remember.

Please read this document carefully make sure you agree to the terms & conditions.

before booking your skydive

General-Bookings are made on the understanding that any skydive will only take place in

accordance with the safety guidelines imposed by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and

the British Skydiving (National Governing Body NGB).

Your contract is with UK Parachute Services Limited trading as UK Parachuting, We accept

the booking subject to you agreeing to the conditions set out in the terms & conditions. Please read the booking conditions carefully which explain your respective rights and obligations.

UK Parachuting are the booking agent for Beccles & Sibson Skydivers Limited (B & S Ltd).

B & S Ltd have two British Skydiving (BS) Parachute Training Organisations (PTO’s) at Beccles and Sibson Airfield. The PTO’s carry out all parachuting activities and are governed by our NGB, British Skydiving

When you make a booking, you are confirming you have the authority and accept the terms & conditions. By agreeing to these terms & conditions you consent to the use of your information by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

A booking and binding contract is made with us when:

●     You complete the booking online or by phone and pay a deposit or full balance.

●     We issue you with a ‘Booking confirmation’ with ‘Detailed instructions’ including:

o  British Skydiving Medical Self Declaration

o  British Skydiving Membership

o  Beccles/Sibson Skydivers Club Membership

o  The time and date of your skydive booking

These booking conditions form the entire agreement between us.

The “Booking confirmation” and “Detailed Instructions” email:







Participation Requirements

The Following waiver must be completed prior to your skydive.

Please click on the link appropriate to your skydive

●     Beccles Tandem Registration

●     Sibson Tandem Registration

●     Beccles AFF Registration

●     Sibson AFF Registration



●     If you have doubts about your fitness to do a tandem jump, please discuss this with your doctor. They should read this form before giving the advice


●     Over the Age of 16 and under the age of 18 on the day -A parental/guardian consent is required for all forms. These forms must be completed prior to your training and jump, these forms must be signed by your Parent/Guardian


●     only the person carrying out the parachute jump, or course is to complete the online waiver.


Only a Director of UK Parachuting or a manager of B & S Ltd has the authority to vary or omit any of these terms and or promise any discount or refund.

Any offer shown via our website, or a 3rd party voucher supersedes details published in any Charity brochure.

UK Parachuting / B & S Ltd will make every effort to comply with the preferred dates for booking. In circumstances where we reasonably decide that you cannot participate in the skydiving challenge for medical or safety related reasons, we reserve the right to decline an individual on these grounds including failure to arrive on time for your prior confirmed skydive.

Please note that any admin or deposit fees are non-refundable in all cases. UK Parachuting / B & S ltd will make every effort to comply with the preferred dates for booking. If the dates are unavailable, UK Parachuting / B & S Ltd will contact you prior by text or email to your attendance to arrange an alternative. An individual making a group booking on behalf of other participants acknowledges and accepts these terms & conditions on behalf of the participants. You will receive a separate booking confirmation email from UK Parachuting.


Privacy Statement –In order to process your booking and to ensure your skydiving

challenge runs efficiently and safely; we need to use the information provided to us for

business processing purposes and in conjunction with the British Skydiving and

GDPR requirements. If you have chosen to participate in a charity fundraising event, we may

share your details with that charity to prevent fundraising fraud and financial crime. We will

not share, rent or sell your Data therefore any direct marketing will be for the purposes of

non-profit and charity purposes or UK Parachuting direct communication only. The

information may be provided to security or credit checking agencies, public authorities if

required to do so by law. We will not, however, pass any sensitive information on to any

person including details of any disabilities. In making this booking, you consent to this

information being used and passed on to the relevant organisations for the purposes


Here at UK Parachuting B & S Ltd we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the products and services you have requested from us.


Safeguarding – British Skydiving and its Affiliated Parachuting Training Organisations (PTOs) acknowledge the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of those taking part in our sport and is committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice and requirements.


Cancellations Rebooking & Additional Fees Payable-


Changing a date – Any changes to your chosen dates should be notified to us within 14 days

an administration charge of £30 per person is payable and any changes to the refund policy is at the discretion of UK Parachuting Directors only.

Third Party Vouchers (Buy a Gift, Virgin etc) -Once redeemed and booked by UK Parachuting vouchers cannot be unredeemed or refunded but can be transferred to another person.

Failure to Arrive– If you fail to arrive on the time and date stated for your course, you will

not be entitled to a refund of any fees or deposits paid. Fees or Deposits paid are not

transferrable. You will remain liable for any final balance of payment if you fail to arrive. A

new deposit maybe required should you choose to re-arrange.


Disclosure & Documentation– On the day of the course, if you do not conform to the age,

weight and health requirements of the CAA and the British Skydiving, or you do not have the correct paperwork required for skydiving you will not be permitted to take part in any skydive.

Documentation – A smart waiver online form is included in your confirmation email and this needs to be completed before arrival. Failure to complete this waiver before arrival may result in a delay to your skydive as we work on a “first come first serve” policy. If you have not completed the waiver before arrival, we have the facility to complete this waiver on the day. Only the person carrying out the parachute jump, or course is allowed to complete the online waiver”.

You may not be able to skydive unless you have the appropriate signatory requirements. You will not be entitled to a refund of any fees or deposits paid.


Weather Conditions- If inclement weather or technical problems with the aircraft or

instructors prevent skydiving on the day booked, you will be able to rebook a mutually

convenient date free of charge. Refunds will not be made under these circumstances.


Duration on the day– Due to irregularities in weather, aircraft limitations and numbers of

participants on the day of the course, you may need to be at the drop zone for the entire day, irrespective of your arrival time.

Group Bookings- You accept responsibility for these terms on behalf of all participating

members of the group including payment of deposit. If a group booking has been made and

some of the group fails to turn up, the non-group prices will be charged.


Redeeming Vouchers-Any vouchers purchased are non-refundable and are not valid beyond the expiry date. To transfer the voucher to another person there is an administration charge of £30. To extend a booking or a voucher for 3 months there is an administration charge of £49 per person.

All standard UK Parachuting terms and conditions apply to bookings made to redeem vouchers or via other agencies. Once a date has been booked to redeem a voucher, if the participant does not turn up the voucher will be deemed used.



For “Our solo - learn to skydive AFF courses”– It may be necessary for the jump to take place at a later date following the ground training you will be able to rebook a mutually convenient date free of charge. Refunds will not be made under these circumstances.


Non-Refundable Deposit or Full Balance - In all cases you agree to pay upfront either a £50 (tandem) £150 (AFF) Non-Refundable deposit per person or payment in full for the experience. The payment method and details are taken securely at the time of booking. Any remaining balance of your skydive is due/owed prior to or on the day you arrive at the parachute centre for your skydive. Payment is either by cash or card and is non-refundable.


Charity Skydiving & Fundraising – You can find a list of our affiliate charities can be found on our website

Our affiliate charities qualify for a discounted skydiving rate which can increase the

donations received by the charity you may support a charity of your own choice by

contacting them direct and confirming they will accept your skydiving challenge including

donations received and which suitable campaign method should be used for fundraising.


You can choose to fundraise in different ways:


Self-funding method– You are responsible for the cost of the skydive in its entirety

including the non-refundable £50 deposit and the final balance on the day of arrival you

should then ensure your chosen charity receives all of the funds you raise via a suitable

agreed method of donation.


Fundraising whilst skydiving for free or at minimal cost-You are responsible for paying

the £50 Non-refundable deposit personally on the date of booking. Simply, raise the

minimum sponsorship amount recommended by your chosen charity and aim to exceed this

target. Partial sponsorship raised goes towards the cost of your skydive whilst any additional

and exceeded sponsorship monies should be given to your chosen charity also via a suitable

agreed method of donation for example online giving sites. Depending on the charity you

choose you may be able to cover the entire cost of the skydive in full; regardless a minimum

£50 Non-refundable deposit contribution is always payable at outset by each individual

participant. You should contact the event organiser or charity direct for additional

information regarding skydiving for ‘Free’ or at minimal cost if it is not shown on the events

pages on our website or the charity information pack.


Important* –Confirmation and evidence of the minimum sponsorship amounts raised are

required on the day of arrival from a smart device or paper print equivalent from your online ‘giving’ site or any other suitable approved charity method. UK Parachuting / B & S Ltd are in no way responsible or liable for the collection of charity sponsorship or the receipt of donations. When fundraising you must make it clear how much you are raising and how much of the sponsorship will contribute towards your costs. You must not start to collect sponsorship until you have received written confirmation of your booking from us.


Disabilities – Our Challenges are open to participants of all backgrounds, and we will do our

best to cater for any special requirements you may have. If you have any medical problem or disability which may affect your involvement in the challenge, you must provide us with full details at booking by email or telephone (such information will be dealt with in a confidential manner).

Before we confirm your booking, we will advise as to the suitability of the skydiving event. In circumstances where we reasonably decide that you should not participate

in the skydiving challenge for medical or safety related reasons we reserve the right to

decline the booking.


Height & Weight Restrictions – Our weight limit for parachuting is 100 kg for Male and 99kg for Females. There is no height limit for Skydiving; however, your weight should be in

proportion to your height.

●     Please note you may be weighed prior to your tandem jump and if over the weight limit you will not be able to jump (100kg Men 99kg women)

Health - You are required to lift your legs up in front of you to avoid injury to yourself and your instructor on landing. You must have the strength, flexibility,


and limb control to achieve this. We have BMI restrictions in place to ensure this is achievable. The maximum permitted BMI is 39.9. If you have any chronic health issues you must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate before jumping. If you have limited mobility or limb control, we may well be able to take you skydiving! Get in contact to organise an assessment with our Chief Instructor.




Video Photography and Media–You may request the skydive to be filmed for an additional

cost. You agree that any stills or video recordings taken prior to, during, or after the event,

which may include your personal image, may be used in media context connected with the

event, we will retain all rights, title and interest in such digital imagery video or still made by us including but not limited to any royalties, proceeds, or other benefits derived from such material.You should expect to wait up to 48 – 72hrs to receive your video and photos of your skydive. Footage will be emailed to you via a WeTransfer link or Shred


Accuracy of information – We always endeavour to ensure any information on prices both

on our website and in our brochures is up to date and accurate; however, the information and prices shown sometimes do change from time to time. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the website however regrettably errors do occasionally occur, and we reserve the right to correct prices and other details in these circumstances. You must therefore ensure you check the price and all other details at the time of booking and on receipt of your booking confirmation and detailed instructions.


Fraud and Financial Crime- Charities and supporters can be victims of fraud or financial

crime. Therefore, UK Parachuting B & S Ltd takes reasonable steps to prevent fraudulent activity. Any concerns that an appeal or activity may be fraudulent should be reported to the charity direct or the police. The participant is responsible for ensuring all sponsorship monies are collected and donations are received by the allocated charity, all sponsorship money should be sent directly to the Charity or through a reputable online ‘giving’ site which has been approved by your chosen charity. Any refunds made to sponsors due to event cancellation should be dealt with efficiently and transparently by contacting the charity involved and arranging a suitable method of reimbursement if required to do so.


Safety –This is a question that many people ask themselves before deciding whether to enrol on a beginners’ parachute course.

If enrolling in an AFF course be aware that skydiving is a relatively safe sport if the training, equipment, and procedures all conform to Nationally high standards. You will be assessed during your ground school and by way of a written exam at the end of your ground school. If you fail to pass the written exam and/or fail to show the necessary level of competency while carrying out your drills, you will not be allowed to carry out your skydive. Your skydive may be postponed to allow time for extra training. This may incur further costs dependant on the amount of extra training required.

British Skydiving (NGB) has built up an extensive database, which can help to answer some of these questions. There is no such thing as a totally safe parachute jump. The risk may be fairly low for some types of jump but there is always some risk. As with any action sport, sport parachuting can never be entirely risk-free. All those who choose to participate in the sport therefore voluntarily accept an element of risk. Here, our purpose is to provide data to quantify the risk and help you to make an informed choice.


Insurance –Included in the price of your skydive is temporary membership to the British Skydiving, which covers you for third party Liability only up to £5,000,000. This does not, cover you for personal injury and you are therefore strongly advised to arrange personal cover for yourself.

You can visit the British Skydiving website for more information here

Please contact us prior to booking should you have any questions relating to our terms and

conditions or Privacy Statement

Email: Tel: 01502 476131


Beccles & Sibson Tandem Skydivers & Video Registration Form​

British Skydiving - Tandem Skydivers Medical Information and Self Declaration: Form 115b

British Skydiving - Application for Student Provisional Membership (Tandem)

Only the person carrying out the parachute jump or course is to complete the online waiver

Review UKP & Beccles & Sibson Skydivers Privacy Policy

Beccles & Sibson Skydivers Tandem & Video Registration

I further understand that I will be trained to make a skydive/parachute jump(s) from an aircraft and have been trained by instructors employed by Beccles & Sibson Skydivers Club Limited and that the training for, and making such a jump could result in injury or death. I further understand that I will be making such a jump (or jumps) and declare that I will reveal any reason or circumstances that may increase the risk of injury or death whilst skydiving/parachuting and which would thereby result in me being forbidden to do so by Beccles & Sibson Skydivers Club Limited. Such reasons would include lack of medical fitness; intoxication; lack of training; lack of adequate clothing and equipment and lack of documentation (including any medical certificate/declaration of fitness to skydive/parachute and British Skydiving membership). I understand due to the dangerous nature of the sport of skydiving and parachuting my jump may be postponed for safety reasons. UK Parachute Services Limited (UKPS) act as the supplier of all Tandem and Accelerated Freefall (AFF) bookings for Beccles and Sibson Skydivers Limited. All UK Parachute Services Limited booking terms and conditions apply. You agree that any stills or video recordings taken prior to, during or after the event, which may include your personal image, may be used in media context connected with the event. If you wish to opt out from stills and video recording then please email UKPS will retain all rights, title and interest in such digital imagery video or stills made by us including but not limited to any royalties, proceeds, or other benefits derived from such material. UKPS will make every effort to ensure your HD Photos and HD Video are of the highest quality. In some cases, cameras and equipment fail, in such circumstances refunds or alternatives may be offered at the discretion of UKPS. Refunds are not given for poor weather or technical problems with the aircraft, or any other situations outside of our control. 

Important Note on Weight

Weight Limit: Maximum 100kg's fully clothed. Weight must be in proportion to height. We have BMI restrictions in place to ensure this is achievable. The maximum permitted BMI is 39.9.

I also acknowledge that for the Tandem Skydive

£50.00 from my total payment is allocated for temporary membership Beccles & Sibson Skydivers Club Limited. 

£19.86 from my total payment is allocated for temporary membership/Third Party Insurance of British Skydiving 

£40.00 from my total payment is allocated for Tandem/AFF instructor fees

I also acknowledge that for the Video jump

£50 from my video payment is paid to Beccles & Sibson Skydivers Club Limited for a flight ticket 

£40 from my total payment is allocated for Video jumpers fees

Student Tandem Skydiver Medical Information & Declaration

Skydiving (Sport Parachuting) is a risk sport where there is always a small but definite risk of death, injury or worsening of a pre-existing medical condition. This form is designed to help you identify whether you may be at greater than normal risk and may need to take qualified medical advice before jumping. If you are in any doubt, please take qualified medical advice (normally your GP or a specialist treating you).Your skydiving instructor is not able to give medical advice. If you have one of these conditions, it does not necessarily mean that you cannot jump but you should first seek qualified medical advice and certification, using British Skydiving form 115B (please email if you require this form). You should also check with the Parachute Training Organisation (PTO) for details of any height-weight restrictions they may have.


I am in robust physical health and am able to exercise and move my limbs without restriction. I understand that being unfit, having frailty of aging or having a weight greater than that shown for my height in the table opposite will render me more prone to injury.

I am not receiving any regular repeat medication, whether tablets, liquids, injections, patches or inhalers (contraceptive medication can be ignored for the purposes of this section). I do not have a recurrent need to use painkillers. I have never received prolonged courses of steroids or high dose steroid treatment in the past.

I do not have joint, back, sciatic or neck problems and have not been prone to these in the past. I have never had fractured or broken bones. I have NEVER dislocated or partially dislocated a shoulder. I have not had torn tendons, ligaments or cartilages. I do not have weakness or paralysis of any limb. I have not had partial or complete loss of any limbs. I do not have rheumatism, arthritis or arthrosis.

I do not have any form of heart disease. I have never had a heart attack, myocardial infarction, coronary disease, angina, ischaemic heart disease, heart valve problems, heart failure, irregular pulse, palpitations, chest pain on exercising, peripheral vascular disease, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HOCM), cardiac pacemaker, aneurysm. I do not have a family history of sudden death at an early age. I do not have raised blood pressure or hypertension. If over 40 years of age, I understand that blood pressure problems are often “silent” and painless at first and that I should have had a blood pressure check with a qualified professional within the last five years.

I do not have any form of lung disease and can exercise vigorously without wheeze or unusual breathlessness. I have not been diagnosed with asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), fibrotic lung disease, pulmonary embolism (clot on the lung), pneumothorax (collapsed lung), Cystic Fibrosis, obstructive sleep apnoea. I do not use inhalers, nebulisers or ventilators. I have not had a chest infection or pneumonia within the last 3 months.

I do not have any form of colostomy, ileostomy, urostomy, catheter, PEG, reservoir or other drainage, collection, infusion, shunt or pump device. I do not have any surgical implants or artificial joints. I have not had any surgical procedures within the last 3 months. I have not received an organ transplant. I do not suffer from anaemia, Thalassaemia, Sickle Cell disease or bleeding disorders such as stomach or bowel haemorrhage, haemophilia, ITP or Von Willebrand’s disease.

I have never had a serious head injury or fractured skull. I do not have epilepsy or fits and have not suffered from recurrent giddiness, dizziness, faints, blackouts or loss of consciousness. I do not have Cerebral Palsy, myositis, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons Disease or any other progressive disease of the brain or nervous system. I have never had a stroke, subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH), transient ischaemic attack (TIA) or Vertebro-basilar Insufficiency (VBI). I do not suffer from disabling headaches.

I do not have diabetes. I do not have any form of endocrine or hormonal disease or deficiency such as thyroid or adrenal problems.

I have never been diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis (reduced bone strength).

I do not have a history of drug or alcohol dependence.

I do not have anxiety, panic attacks, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder and have neither needed to see a doctor nor needed any treatment for any of these in the last 2 years. I have never been diagnosed as having psychosis, schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, bipolar disease or any other serious mental illness. I do not have a history of self-harming behaviour or suicide attempts.

I do not have significant learning difficulties, behavioural problems, ADHD, mental impairment, Down’s Syndrome (Trisomy 21) or any other form of trisomy. I do not have any problems with my memory. I have not been diagnosed as suffering from dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease or significant cognitive impairment.

I do not have sinus or ear disease. I do not suffer from ear or sinus pain in aircraft. I understand that colds or sore throats may make me temporarily unfit to skydive because they increase the risk of ear or sinus pain or damage.

I have not been diagnosed as having cancer in any form.

I have not donated blood in the last 6 months, or if I have donated within the last 6 months, I have had a subsequent blood test showing my blood count is still normal.

I am not on sick leave and am not currently certified as unfit for work. I do not receive any form of sickness benefit, disability benefit or attendance allowance. I have not received a terminal diagnosis. I am not waiting for the results of any tests or investigations. I am not under medical review for any problems

To the best of my knowledge, I am not pregnant.

I have no problems with seeing or hearing, or if I have such problems, I will ensure that my instructors are fully aware of them.

I do not have any form of infectious disease such as hepatitis, HIV or tuberculosis, which may be transmitted by body fluids. I understand that, due to the direction and speed of airflow, my tandem instructor may be exposed to my saliva, blood or vomit in the course of even a normal skydive.

If my health status changes so that this declaration is no longer valid, I will stop skydiving until I have received qualified medical advice.

I understand that the purpose of this declaration is to enhance my safety and that of my instructor. I know that if I have doubts, or do not understand any part of the form, I should postpone any jump until I have obtained qualified advice.

I have had enough time to read (or be read) this form. I have understood it or taken appropriate advice to enable me to understand it.

I accept all risk and understand that any medical condition I have may be made worse by skydiving or may increase my risk of injury or death. I understand that I should take medical advice before skydiving if I have any doubts about any medical condition.

This form is valid for 3 years from the date of signature, provided there is no change in medical condition or injury.

Today's Date: October 23, 2024

Application for Student Provisional Membership (Category 3 / Tandem / AFF Level 1)


An individual, training for their first skydive, is deemed to have been accepted as a Student Provisional member of British Skydiving when an Affiliated PTO has approved and signed this correctly completed application form, from the student, and is in receipt of their payment. The new Student Provisional member will receive confirmation of their membership directly from British Skydiving in due course, provided they have included their e-mail address. 

Membership Agreement

I, the applicant for membership, whose full details appear overleaf, hereby apply for membership of British Skydiving the trading name of the British Parachute Association Limited (BPAL) and I agree as follows:

In this agreement the expression "the Association" shall include where the context so admits British Skydiving, any affiliated Parachute Training Organisation (PTO) or other organisation (whether incorporated or not), any instructor, rigger or packer (whether or not employed at any PTO), any other individual or corporate member of British Skydiving and any PTO and any servant or agent of British Skydiving or any PTO. References to the masculine gender shall include the feminine and the singular shall include the plural.

In consideration of you accepting me as a member of British Skydiving, I agree that for so long as I shall be and remain a member of British Skydiving and at all times when I am taking part in any skydiving (sport parachuting) or related activity at a British Skydiving affiliated PTO I shall be bound by (a) the BPAL Articles of Association (b) all the Association's rules and regulations particularly safety regulations (c) all lawful instructions given to me by instructors and those put in charge of me on behalf of the Association.

I authorise British Skydiving to apply part of my membership fee towards the purchase of Third-Party Liability Insurance through the Association's scheme effective from time to time. Such insurance shall cover my personal and public liability for death or injury to persons and damage to property caused during the course of any skydiving activity undertaken by me. The value and limit of such insurance shall be such minimum figure as British Skydiving may from time to time determine. I understand that British Skydiving membership insurance is not valid in the USA or at any PTO in the United Kingdom which is not affiliated to British Skydiving.

I fully understand and freely acknowledge that skydiving is inherently dangerous regardless of the standard of training, supervision and equipment employed. If I have any doubts or concerns about my ability to comply with my training, I will raise these with my instructor prior to undertaking any skydiving jumps.

I agree to notify British Skydiving within three working days of any accident or incident involving a Third Party and resulting from any approved skydiving jump made by me.

I voluntarily accept all the risks inherent in the sport and I agree to carry out all skydiving jumps and all activities connected with skydiving strictly in accordance with any instructions or tuition which I may at any time receive from any person authorised by any PTO which is affiliated to British Skydiving to give me such instructions or tuition.

Data Protection. British Skydiving will collect, retain and process all the personal data provided in this application and all its communications in compliance with the Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulation and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A copy of our Data Protection Policy is available on our website at for full data subjects’ rights and our responsibilities.

I acknowledge the minimum age for skydiving is 16 years and that, if less than 18 years of age, written consent to take part in skydiving activities must be obtained from my parent or legal guardian.#

Applying to become a FULL British Skydiving member may be done at any time at the Parachute Training Organisation (PTO), by returning a Full Membership Application (Form 103) to British Skydiving HQ or online at (Your full membership will be sent to you directly from British Skydiving HQ)

This Beccles & Sibson Skydivers document is based on BS Form 102 Dec 2019

British Skydiving is the trading name of British Parachute Association Ltd. Registered Office: 5 Wharf Way, Glen Parva, Leicester LE2 9TF. A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England & Wales no: 875429. VAT Reg no 239 4696 20

Today's Date: October 23, 2024

First Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*

First Participant's Date of Birth*
First Participant's Information

Weight (KG'S) Please note Maximum Weight is 100KG & BMI 39.9 *

Height (CM) *
The Minimum age for skydiving is 16 Years old. I declare that i am *
18 Years of age or older
Over 16 and under 18 years of age
First Participant's Signature*
Second Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Second Participant's Date of Birth*
Second Participant's Information

Weight (KG'S) Please note Maximum Weight is 100KG & BMI 39.9 *

Height (CM) *
The Minimum age for skydiving is 16 Years old. I declare that i am *
18 Years of age or older
Over 16 and under 18 years of age
Third Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Third Participant's Date of Birth*
Third Participant's Information

Weight (KG'S) Please note Maximum Weight is 100KG & BMI 39.9 *

Height (CM) *
The Minimum age for skydiving is 16 Years old. I declare that i am *
18 Years of age or older
Over 16 and under 18 years of age
Fourth Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fourth Participant's Date of Birth*
Fourth Participant's Information

Weight (KG'S) Please note Maximum Weight is 100KG & BMI 39.9 *

Height (CM) *
The Minimum age for skydiving is 16 Years old. I declare that i am *
18 Years of age or older
Over 16 and under 18 years of age
Fifth Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fifth Participant's Date of Birth*
Fifth Participant's Information

Weight (KG'S) Please note Maximum Weight is 100KG & BMI 39.9 *

Height (CM) *
The Minimum age for skydiving is 16 Years old. I declare that i am *
18 Years of age or older
Over 16 and under 18 years of age
Sixth Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Sixth Participant's Date of Birth*
Sixth Participant's Information

Weight (KG'S) Please note Maximum Weight is 100KG & BMI 39.9 *

Height (CM) *
The Minimum age for skydiving is 16 Years old. I declare that i am *
18 Years of age or older
Over 16 and under 18 years of age
Seventh Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Seventh Participant's Date of Birth*
Seventh Participant's Information

Weight (KG'S) Please note Maximum Weight is 100KG & BMI 39.9 *

Height (CM) *
The Minimum age for skydiving is 16 Years old. I declare that i am *
18 Years of age or older
Over 16 and under 18 years of age
Eighth Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Eighth Participant's Date of Birth*
Eighth Participant's Information

Weight (KG'S) Please note Maximum Weight is 100KG & BMI 39.9 *

Height (CM) *
The Minimum age for skydiving is 16 Years old. I declare that i am *
18 Years of age or older
Over 16 and under 18 years of age
Ninth Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Ninth Participant's Date of Birth*
Ninth Participant's Information

Weight (KG'S) Please note Maximum Weight is 100KG & BMI 39.9 *

Height (CM) *
The Minimum age for skydiving is 16 Years old. I declare that i am *
18 Years of age or older
Over 16 and under 18 years of age
Tenth Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Tenth Participant's Date of Birth*
Tenth Participant's Information

Weight (KG'S) Please note Maximum Weight is 100KG & BMI 39.9 *

Height (CM) *
The Minimum age for skydiving is 16 Years old. I declare that i am *
18 Years of age or older
Over 16 and under 18 years of age
Participant's Address
Address Line 1:*
Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o
Address Line 2:
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
Check to receive information, news, and discounts by e-mail.
Emergency Contact

First Name*

Last Name*

Emergency Contact's Phone Number*
Parent(s) or court-appointed legal guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the parent or court-appointed legal guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Last Name*

Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Information

Weight (KG'S) Please note Maximum Weight is 100KG & BMI 39.9 *

Height (CM) *
The Minimum age for skydiving is 16 Years old. I declare that i am *
18 Years of age or older
Over 16 and under 18 years of age
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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